Lotus Notes Error: Action failed to execute in the defined acceptable time frame


Action failed to execute in the defined acceptable time frame.


This error indicates that the Lotus Extractor could not perform an operation before it expired. Usually, the system waits for 30 minutes before it times out. Several timeouts can cause a migration failure.


If your migrations keep failing, make sure that:

  1. The machine on which the Lotus Domino server is deployed has several gigabytes of available disk space.
  2. The machine on which the Lotus Domino server is deployed has enough available memory.
  3. The network connecting the Lotus Extractor and the Lotus Domino server is not saturated (enough available bandwidth).
  4. The network connecting the Lotus Extractor and the internet is not saturated (enough upload bandwidth).
  5. The number of simultaneous migrations running on one Lotus Extractor is not too high. The maximum number of simultaneous migrations supported by Lotus Extractor is 15. However, we recommend running 10 or fewer on a classic workstation.
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