Error Message
MigrationWiz Error - Cannot Authenticate (SharePoint/OneDrive)
This error occurs when MigrationWiz cannot access the SharePoint collection for a user (OneDrive) within Office 365. The user storage was not initialized, and MigrationWiz asked to be provisioned. This operation might take a few minutes, and it has not been completed on time. The migration process has been canceled but you can rerun it in a little while.
Possible causes and solutions:
- If you are using Small Business Licenses, MigrationWiz will be unable to perform the provisioning step, so the provisioning of the collection must be performed manually.
- MigrationWiz cannot provision a OneDrive for blocked users. If a user is blocked, there will be a provisioning or access error.
- If the error persists, check the name of the collection within Office 365, by following the steps provided by Microsoft.
- Make sure that the username in MigationWiz matches the collection name. The collection name will have characters such as ‘@’ and ‘.’ replaced by an underscore.
The collection may include the name of another domain such as user_name_domain_onmicrosoft_com or user_name_previousdomain_com. Update the username in MigrationWiz to match the account with the correct domain such as or
The collection may include a number at the end, such as user_name_domain_com1. This usually occurs when a user was deleted and then recreated later on. MigrationWiz can only access collections that access the username exactly. You will have to re-assign the collection that was assigned to the previous user, and make sure to remove all content prior to the migration.