Error: Notes error: Could not open the ID File
The Notes shortcut may be redirecting Notes to look in an alternate location for notes.ini instead of the standard location. The notes.ini and .id files need to be copied to the standard location, the Directory= entry in the newly-copied notes.ini file updated to reflect the directory the files were copied to, and the shortcut updated to exclude the redirect.
In a case where a Notes shortcut is set to launch "C:\program files (x86)\lotus\notes\notes.exe" "=I:\notes\notes.ini":
- Copy notes.ini and the .id file of the migration account from I:\notes to "C:\program files (x86)\lotus\notes".
- In the newly-copied notes.ini file, locate the entry starting with Directory= and update it to reflect the Notes data directory. For example, if the entry for Directory= in the original notes.ini was Directory="I:\notes", the entry in the new notes.ini would be updated to Directory="C:\program files (x86)\lotus\notes\data".
- Update the Notes shortcut Target property to exclude the alternate notes.ini location. In this case "C:\program files (x86)\lotus\notes\notes.exe" "=I:\notes\notes.ini" would be updated to "C:\program files (x86)\lotus\notes\notes.exe".
- Confirm that Notes can be opened using the migration account, and that a connection to the Domino server can be successfully established by opening the mailbox of the migration account.
After confirming the new Notes configuration, the Lotus Extractor should now launch without the error "Error: Notes error: Could not open the ID File".