Active Directory Migration FAQ

Attributes Supported

The following objects are part of the migration process, please review them carefully.

User Objects

The user objects contain the most data. However, some fields are writable. All of the schema objects relevant to this project are listed here:

Schema Object Description Sample Data Editable
accountExpires Account Expires System.ComObject Yes
badPasswordTime Last Bad Password System.ComObject  
badPwdCound Bad Password Count 0  
c Country US Yes
cn Canonical Name Bob Jones Yes
co Country United States Yes
codePage Code Page 0  
company Company Widgets, Inc. Yes
countryCode Country Code 1 Yes
department Department IT Yes
description Description   Yes
displayName Display Name Bob Jones Yes
distinguishedName Distinguished Name

CN=Bob Jones, CN=Users, DC=widgetsinc, DC=com

division Division Engineers Yes
dSCorePropagationData DS Core Prop Data 8/15/2021 8:15:00PM  
givenName First Name Bob Yes
homePhone Home Phone 801-123-4567 Yes
 instanceType Instance Type 4  
l Location Alaska Yes
lastLogoff Last Log off Time System.ComObject  
lastLogon Last Log on Time System.ComObject  
lockoutTime Lock Out Time System.ComObject  
logonCount Logon Count 10  
mail Email Yes
managedObjects Managed Objects CN=Test1, OU=Groups, DC=widgetsinc, DC=com  
manager Manager CN=TheBoss, OU=Users, DC=widgetsinc, DC=com Yes
memberOf Group Membership CN=Test1, OU=Groups, DC=widgetsinc, DC=com Yes
msTSProperty01 Terminal Services Property 123 Yes
msTSWorkDirectory Terminal Services Dir \\server\share Yes
name Name Bob Jones Yes
ntSecurityDescriptor NT Security Descriptor System.ComObject  
objectCategory Object Category CN=Person, CN=Schema, CN=Configuration, DC=widgetsinc, DC=com  
objectClass Object Class user / top / person  
objectGUID Object GUID System.Byte  
objectSid Object SID System.Byte  
physicalDeliveryOfficeName Address Alaska, AK Yes
postalCode Postal Code / ZIP 12345 Yes
primaryGroupID Primary Group ID 513 Yes
pwdLastSet Password Last Set System.ComObject  
sAMAccountName SAM Account Name bjones Yes
sAMAccountType SAM Account Type 805306368  
sn Lastname Jones Yes
st State UT Yes
street Street Short St Yes
streetAddress Address 1 Short St Yes
telephoneNumber Phone 123-456-7890 Yes
title Job Title Engineer Yes
unixUserPassword Unix User Password System.Byte Yes
url URL Yes
useAccountControl Use Account Control 66048  
userPassword Password System.Byte Yes
userPrincipalName UPN Yes
userWorkstations User Workstations ABC123 Yes
uSNChanged uSN Changed System.ComObject  
uSNCreated uSN Created Date System.ComObject  
whenChanged Date Changed 8/15/2023 8:15:00PM  
whenCreated Date Created 8/9/2023 8:15:00PM  
wwwHomePage WWWHomePage Yes
Group Objects

The Group Objects’ layout and fundamentals are similar to User Object but contain much less data. You can identify them by the same type of CN, DN, and ObjectGUIDs.

Keep in mind, when creating groups, the principal editable data is the only requirement since the rest of the information will self-populate in the Active Directory.


The most important function is Membership, the Member field keeps it in a single System.Byte[] array.

Find the schema items related to the project in the table below:

Schema Object Description Sample Data Editable
cn Canonical Name Testing Group Yes
description Descriptions This is the Group Description Yes
distinguishedName Distinguished Name

CN=Test1, OU=Groups, DC=widgetsinc, DC=com

dSCorePropagationData DS Core Prop Data 8/15/2021 8:15:00PM  
groupType Group Type -2147483646  
info Info This is the information field Yes
instanceType Instance Type 4  
mail Mail   
managedBy Managed By CN=BobJones, CN=User, DC=widgetsinc, DC=com Yes
member  Member List of Member in CN Format Yes
name Name Testing Group Yes
nTSecurityDescriptor NTSecurityDescripiton System.ComObject  
objectCategory Object Category CN=Group, CN=Schema, CN=Configuration, DC=widgetsinc, DC=com  
objectGUID Object GUID System.Byte  
objectSid Object SID System.Byte  
sAMAccountName SAM Account Name mrochester Yes
sAMAccountType SAM Account Type 805306368  
uSNChanged uSN Changed System.ComObject  
uSNCreated uSN Created Date System.ComObject  
whenChanged Date Changed 8/15/2023 8:15:00PM  
whenCreated Date Created 8/9/2023 8:15:00PM  
Organizational Units

You can create the OU through the AD Agent by providing the Name field and the Distinguished Name. The rest of the data will self-populate from the Active Directory.

Find the schema items related to the project in the table below:

Schema Object Description Sample Data Editable
distinguishedName Distinguished Name

OU=Employees, OU=Groups, DC=widgetsinc, DC=com

dSCorePropagationData DS Core Prop Data 8/15/2021 8:15:00PM  
instanceType Instance Type 4  
name Name Testing Group Yes
nTSecurityDescriptor NTSecurityDescripiton System.ComObject  
ou Top Level OU Users  
objectCategory Object Category CN=Organizational-Unit,  CN=Schema, CN=Configuration, DC=widgetsinc, DC=com  
objectGUID Object GUID System.Byte  
uSNChanged uSN Changed System.ComObject  
uSNCreated uSN Created Date System.ComObject  
whenChanged Date Changed 8/15/2023 8:15:00PM  
whenCreated Date Created 8/9/2023 8:15:00PM  


Please consider the following information about some of the attributes mentioned above.

ObjectGUID SIDHistory MsDs and Immutable ID

  • You can migrate the ObjectGUID attribute through AD migrations.
  • The ObjectGUID is unique to the Active Directory (AD) where it was created.
  • When an object is created in the Target AD, it receives a new ObjectGUID.
  • The ObjectGUID often populates from the Source AD the SIDHistory field in the Target AD. Currently, sIDHistory is not populated in the Target AD environment. This will be fixed in subsequent releases and updates to the product.

AD Agent

The local AD Agent connects the DC and performs the AD migration.

Currently, the agent itself is required to be installed on a Domain Controller in both the source and destination environments.


AD Agent performs all of the transactions over port 443, and these transactions are ‘outbound initiated’.

It is important to note that the MigrationWiz backend never contacts the agent at any point, it is always based on the AD Agent ‘asking’ the backend for the work it needs to perform.


Currently, MigrationWiz does not fully support Group Policies migrations, it only migrates objects themselves.


Keep in mind that MigrationWiz stores data in the MW database, replicating the storage mechanism of other MW products. You can use your own Azure SQL storage.

MigrationWiz AD Migrations allows performing IP Lockdown feature, as any other MW migration.


IP LockDown does not work with BitTitan Autodiscover using MigrationWiz. To add Users to the project, use Bulk Add via a CSV file or add them manually.

For more information on BitTitan's security, refer to BitTitan's Security and Compliance article.


When selecting the domain for the Target AD Agent, choose the Distinguished Name of the top-level AD you are writing to. The format should be like this

DC=planeium, DC=com

It can be read from the target AD by looking at the Attribute Editor in the AD properties section as the image below.


Password Sync


The table below details the needed packages to be installed for the Source and Target agent to function correctly. Although the agent will prompt for the Windows Desktop Runtime as part of the loading process if it is not installed, it is a preference to install these three before running the agent.

Schema Object Description
Visual C++ Redistributable 2015-2022
Windows Desktop Runtime .Net - v6.0.28

Microsoft .Net 6.0 Runtime - v6.0.28

Matching Failure – The account exists in Target AD already

In some cases, items cannot be created if they do not match the specified criteria and already exist.

If we take an example of this, we have a user, John Smith in the Migration Frog domain with the following details.

Alias james.ibarra
CN Ibarra
EmployeeID 123456

In the Target AD environment, the details are set to:

Alias james.ibarra
CN Ibarra
EmployeeID 987654

The matching criteria are set to EmployeeID. Now when this object runs through the process it will pick up an error like this.


This means that the system could not match the EmployeeID, thinking that now the EmployeeID for James is unique. Therefore, it will attempt to create a new AD object for James in the target with the details it has, transposed to suit the target.

This will fail because there is already a James Ibarra using the UPN, the Alias, and the CN in the target.

Until this conflict is fixed, the object will not be written. It could be that they are the same person and the EmployeeID entry is incorrect, or they are two different people. Either way, the Target Agent will not make that determination and will throw out the exception error.

The best course of action would be to investigate the failures and choose appropriate solutions, as shown below.

First of all, you have to decide if they are the same person and then update the EmployeeID accordingly. In the following tabs, you can find some workarounds.

When Change is Possible When Change is Not Possible

If EmployeeIDs are different and the change of the SAMAccountName in the source is possible, then the Source AD object requires an update of the SAM Account Name or Alias to allow it to be written inside the target AD.

When it is updated on the source AD, rerun the Source Agent scan. As a result, it will be updated in the source and written correctly.

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