Excel Tasks

This article provides information on how to use the out-of-the-box task library components within MSPComplete


Convert To HTML

Converts a Base64 encoded Excel worksheet into HTML format as a string


  • ExcelWorkbook

    Base64 encoded bytes, using [Convert]::ToBase64String((Get-Content -Encoding Byte -Path FILE_PATH))

  • WorksheetName

    Single string; optional


  • Html

    A string representing the Excel worksheet in HTML format

Version: 1.0

Date: 08 January 2019

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Convert To Image

Converts a Base64 encoded Excel worksheet into a Base64 encoded image


  • ExcelWorkbook

    Base64 encoded bytes, using [Convert]::ToBase64String((Get-Content -Encoding Byte -Path FILE_PATH))

  • WorksheetName

    Single string; optional

  • ImageFormat

    Single string; optional, valid values are jpg, bmp, png, gif, jpeg, tiff. The default value is jpg


  • Image

    Base64 encoded bytes

    To convert back to a image file, use [Convert]::FromBase64String($Image) | Set-Content -Encoding Byte -Path FILE_PATH

Version: 1.0

Date: 08 January 2019

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Convert To PDF

Converts a Base64 encoded Excel worksheet into a Base64 encoded PDF


  • ExcelWorkbook

    Base64 encoded bytes, using [Convert]::ToBase64String((Get-Content -Encoding Byte -Path FILE_PATH))

  • WorksheetName

    Single string; optional

  • CellRange

    Single string; optional


    "A5" selects A5

    "A1:B3" selects A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3


  • Pdf

    Base64 encoded bytes

    To convert back to a pdf file, use [Convert]::FromBase64String($Pdf) | Set-Content -Encoding Byte -Path FILE_PATH

Version: 1.1.1

Date: 29 January 2019

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Populate Excel Template with CSV Data

Populates a worksheet within an Excel template workbook with data specified in a CSV.

Given data represented in CSV format, this task will populate worksheets within the provided Excel workbook template.

The output will be the populated Excel template bytes encoded in Base64.


  • ExcelXlsxTemplateBase64EncodedBytes

    Base64 encoded bytes; required

    Excel template encoded in Base64 format

  • Csv1String

    Single string (CSV format); required

    CSV data to populate a worksheet in the provided template

  • ExcelXlsxTemplateFileUrl

    Single string (URL); required

    URL to the Excel template

  • CsvDataWorksheetName

    Single string; optional.

    The name of the worksheet to populate the provided CSV data with.

    If no worksheet name has been provided, the system will create and populate a worksheet called 'data'

  • Csv(X)String - Where (X) is 2, 3, 4 or 5

    Same as Csv1String; optional

  • CsvDataWorksheet(X)Name - Where (X) is 2, 3, 4 or 5

    Same as CsvDataWorksheet1Name; optional


  • ExcelWorkbookBase64EncodedBytes

    Base64 encoded bytes

    Updated Excel template in Base64 encoded bytes.

    To convert back to an Excel file, use [Convert]::FromBase64String($ExcelWorkbookBase64EncodedBytes) | Set-Content -Encoding Byte -Path FILE_PATH

Version: 2.0.0

Date: 14 March 2019

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Set Cell Values

Sets the values of cells in an Excel workbook.

Given a Base64 encoded Excel workbook, this task can set the value in a range of cells for a worksheet from specified inputs or can set values in a range of cells for multiple worksheets via CSV input.

The output will be the updated Excel workbook bytes encoded in Base64.


Usage option 1: Set the value of the specified cells on a worksheet

  • ExcelWorkbookBase64EncodedBytes

    Single string; required

    The Excel worksheet which has been encoded in Base64

  • Cells

    Single string describing the cell/range of cells to update; required

  • Value

    Single string; required

  • Worksheet

    Single string; required

    The name of the worksheet to set the cell values

Usage option 2: For each row in the CSV file, set the value of the specified cells on a worksheet

  • ExcelWorkbookBase64EncodedBytes

    Single string; required

    The Excel worksheet which has been encoded in Base64

  • CellValuesCsv

    Required columns:

    • Cells

      String describing the cell/range of cells to update

    • Value

      The value to set in the cells

    • Worksheet

      The name of the worksheet to set the cell values


  • ProcessedExcelWorkbookBase64EncodedBytes

    Base64 encoded bytes

    The updated (processed) Excel workbook

    To convert back to an Excel file, use [Convert]::FromBase64String($ExcelWorkbookBase64EncodedBytes) | Set-Content -Encoding Byte -Path FILE_PATH

  • ExcelSetCellValuesCsv

    String, CSV format

    The CellValuesCsv with additional column 'SetSuccessfully' to indicate if the operation has occurred successfully or not

  • ExcelSetCellValuesErrorMessages


    A string containing all the error messages which were generated over the course of this task

Version: 1.0.2

Date: 14 March 2019

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