This article provides information on how to use the out-of-the-box MSPComplete task library components within MSPComplete.
- Add/Remove Domains from Tenant
- Add/Remove Email Forwarding
- Add/Remove Members from Distribution Groups
- Add/Remove Users from Unified Groups
- Assign Licenses to Users
- Assign/Unassign User Roles
- Block/Unblock Access to Account
- Convert Mailboxes to Shared Mailboxes
- Copy User Distribution Group Memberships
- Create Contacts
- Create Distribution Groups
- Create Domain Blacklist Mail Flow Rules
- Create Public Folder Mailboxes
- Create Public Folders
- Create Resource Mailboxes
- Create Security Groups
- Create Shared Mailboxes
- Create Unified Groups
- Create Users
- Delete Contacts
- Delete Distribution Groups
- Delete Public Folder Mailboxes
- Delete Public Folders
- Delete Resource Mailboxes
- Delete Shared Mailboxes
- Delete Unified Groups
- Enable/Disable Litigation Hold on Mailboxes
- Enable/Disable Multi-Factor Authentication for Users
- Force User to Sign Out
- Grant Mailbox Permission
- Grant Public Folder Permissions
- Grant/Remove Calendar Permissions
- Grant/Remove Full Access Permissions
- Grant/Remove Send As Permissions
- Grant/Remove Send On Behalf Permissions
- Import Groups into MSPComplete V2
- Import Users into MSPComplete V2
- Remove Licenses from Users
- Remove Mailbox Permission
- Delete Unified Group
- Remove Users
- Retrieve GDPR Settings
- Retrieve License Assignments
- Retrieve Licenses
- Retrieve Mailbox Permissions
- Retrieve Mailbox Statistics
- Retrieve Public Folder Statistics
- Retrieve Send As Permissions
- Retrieve Send On Behalf Permissions
- Retrieve Subscribed SKUs
- Retrieve User Information
- Send Email V3
- Set Mailboxes' Quotas
- Set Mailboxes' Retention Policies
- Set Users' Passwords
- Show/Hide Contacts In Address Lists
- Update Contacts
- Update Distribution Groups' Members
- Update Mailboxes' Connectivity
- Update Users V2
- Update Users' Domain
- Verify Tenant Domains
- Wait For Mailboxes To Replicate To Exchange Online
- Wait for Mailbox Replication V2
Add/Remove Domains from Tenant
Adds or removes domains from the Microsoft 365 tenant
Usage option 1: Add or remove a set of domains from the tenant
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
Domains - required
One or more strings separated by a new line.
The domains to add or remove from the tenant.
The domain names need to be fully qualified domain names (FQDNs).
AddOrRemoveDomains - required
A single string.
Specifies if the domains will be added or removed from the tenant.
Valid values are 'Add' and 'Remove' (case insensitive).
Usage option 2: Add or remove domains from the tenant using a CSV string
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
DomainsCsv - required
A CSV string containing information about the domains to add or remove from the tenant.
Required columns:
A single string.
The domain to add or remove from the tenant.
The domain name needs to be a fully qualified domain name (FQDNs).
A single string.
Specifies if the domain will be added or removed from the tenant.
Valid values are 'Add' and 'Remove' (case insensitive).
A CSV string containing information about the domains that were added or removed from the tenant.
The additional column 'AddRemoveDomainsFromTenantOperationApplied' indicates if the action to add or remove the domain was executed by this task.
The additional column 'AddRemoveDomainsFromTenantStateAchieved' indicates if the at the end of the task the domains to be added were present, and the domains to be removed were not present.
The additional column 'AddRemoveDomainsFromTenantMessages' contains the warning and/or error messages that were generated while adding or removing the domain.
If the domain was added to the tenant but has not been verified, either a MX record or a TXT record will need to be created in the DNS provider for the domain to verify the domain ownership.
The additional column 'DomainDnsVerificationMxLabel' shows the label of the MX record.
The additional column 'DomainDnsVerificationMxMailExchange' shows the mail exchange of the MX record.
The additional column 'DomainDnsVerificationMxPreference' shows the preference of the MX record.
The additional column 'DomainDnsVerificationMxTtl' shows the TTL of the MX record.
The additional column 'DomainDnsVerificationTxtLabel' shows the label of the TXT record.
The additional column 'DomainDnsVerificationTxtText' shows the value of the TXT record.
The additional column 'DomainDnsVerificationTxtTtl' shows the TTL of the TXT record.
A string containing the error messages that were generated over the course of the task.
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 8 May 2019
Add/Remove Email Forwarding
Adds/Removes email forwarding on one or more Office 365 accounts
Usage option 1: Add or Remove email forwarding for a user mailbox
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
User - required
A single MSPComplete user object.
The user to set email forwarding on.
ForwardingEmailAddress - optional
A single string.
The forwarding email address. If this is not provided, email forwarding will be removed for the user.
DeliverToMailboxAndForward - optional
A single boolean variable.
Specifies if mail will be delivered to the mailbox prior to forwarding.
Defaults to false.
Usage option 2: Add or Remove email forwarding for an email address
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
EmailAddress - required
A single string.
The email address to forward emails from.
ForwardingEmailAddress - optional
A single string.
The forwarding email address. If this is not provided, email forwarding will be removed for the email account.
DeliverToMailboxAndForward - optional
A single boolean variable.
Specifies if mail will be delivered to the mailbox prior to forwarding.
Defaults to false.
Usage option 3: Add or Remove email forwarding for an email address using a CSV
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
UsersEmailForwardingCsv - required
A CSV containing the information about what email accounts to add or remove forwarding on.
Required columns:
A single string.
The email address to forward emails from.
A single string.
The forwarding email address. If this is not provided, email forwarding will be removed for the email account.
Optional columns:
A single-string variable.
Specifies if mail will be delivered to the mailbox prior to forwarding.
Valid values are 'true' and 'false' (case insensitive).
Defaults to false.
A CSV string containing the information about which users/email accounts have been successfully updated with email forwarding added or removed via column 'UserUpdated'.
A string containing all the error messages that were generated over the course of this task.
Version: 1.2.3
Date: 18 June 2019
Add/Remove Members from Distribution Groups
Adds or removes members from Microsoft 365 distribution groups.
The members that can be added or removed from the groups can be users or even other distribution groups.
Usage option 1: Add or remove a user as a member from one or more distribution groups
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant contain the members and groups.
AddOrRemoveMember - required.
A single string.
Specifies if the user will be added or removed as members of the distribution groups.
Valid values are 'add' and 'remove' (case insensitive).
DistributionGroup - required
One or more MSPComplete group objects.
These are the groups which the user will be added/removed from as a member.
All of the group objects need to have a 'PrimaryEmailAddress' extended property, which is the group's email address in Microsoft 365.
MemberUsers - required
A single MSPComplete end-user object.
This is the user who will be added/removed from the group as members.
Usage option 2: Add or remove a group as a member from one or more distribution groups
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant that contains the members and groups.
AddOrRemoveMember - required.
A single string.
Specifies if the group will be added or removed as members of the distribution groups.
DistributionGroup - required
One or more MSPComplete group objects.
These are the groups which the group will be added/removed from as a member.
All of the group objects need to have a 'PrimaryEmailAddress' extended property, which is the group's email address in Microsoft 365.
MemberGroups - required
A single MSPComplete group object.
This is the group that will be added/removed from the groups as a member.
The group object needs to have a 'PrimaryEmailAddress' extended property, which is the group's email address in Microsoft 365.
Usage option 3: Add or remove one or more users as members from a distribution group
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant that contains the members and groups.
AddOrRemoveMember - required.
A single string.
Specifies if the users will be added or removed as members of the distribution group.
DistributionGroup - required
A single MSPComplete group object.
This is the group which the users will be added/removed from as members.
The group object needs to have a 'PrimaryEmailAddress' extended property, which is the group's email address in Microsoft 365.
MemberUsers - required
One or more MSPComplete end-user objects.
These are the users who will be added/removed from the group as members.
Usage option 4: Add or remove one or more groups as members from a distribution group
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant that contains the members and groups.
AddOrRemoveMember - required.
A single string.
Specifies if the groups will be added or removed as members of the distribution group.
DistributionGroup - required
A single MSPComplete group object.
This is the group which the groups will be added/removed from as members.
The group object needs to have a 'PrimaryEmailAddress' extended property, which is the group's email address in Microsoft 365.
MemberGroups - required
One or more MSPComplete group objects.
They are the groups that will be added/removed from the group as members.
All of the group objects need to have a 'PrimaryEmailAddress' extended property, which is the group's email address in Microsoft 365.
Usage option 5: Add or remove users or groups as members from distribution groups via CSV
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant that contains the members and groups.
MembersCsv - required
A CSV string containing information about the members to add or remove from the distribution groups.
Required columns:
A single string.
The primary email address of the distribution group.
A single string.
Specifies if the member will be added or removed from the distribution group.
Valid values are 'add' and 'remove' (case insensitive).
A single string.
The primary email address of the member to add or remove from the distribution group.
A CSV string containing information about the members who were added/removed from the distribution groups
The additional column 'AddRemoveMembersFromDistributionGroupsOperationApplied' indicates if the action to add or remove members was successfully executed by this task.
The additional column 'AddRemoveMembersFromDistributionGroupsStateAchieved' indicates if the desired state was achieved.
The additional column 'AddRemoveMembersFromDistributionGroupsMessages' contains the warning/error messages that were generated during the task.
A string containing all the error messages that were generated throughout this task.
Version: 1.2.0
Date: 15 May 2019
Add/Remove Users from Unified Groups
Adds or removes users from Microsoft 365 unified groups.
Usage option 1: Add or remove one or more users from one or more unified groups
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
AddOrRemoveUsers - required
A single string.
This specifies whether the users will be added to or removed from the group.
Valid values are 'add' and 'remove' (case insensitive).
UnifiedGroups - required
One or more MSPComplete group objects.
This is the group(s) which the user will be added/removed from.
The group objects need to have a 'PrimaryEmailAddress' extended property, which is the group's email address in Microsoft 365.
Users - required
One or more MSPComplete end-user objects.
They are the users who will be added/removed from the group.
LinkType - optional
A single string.
This is the user's role within the group.
Valid values are 'Members', 'Owners', and 'Subscribers' (case insensitive).
Defaults to 'Members'.
Usage option 2: Add or remove users or groups as users from unified groups via CSV
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A MSPComplete endpoint object containing the Office 365 administrative credentials.
The credentials for the tenant to complete the operation on.
UsersCsv - required
A CSV string containing information about the users to add or remove from the unified groups.
Required columns:
A single string.
The primary email address of the unified group.
A single string.
This specifies whether the user is added to or removed from the group.
Valid values are 'add' and 'remove' (case insensitive).
A single string.
The primary email address of the user to add or remove from the unified group.
Optional columns:
A single string.
The user role within the group.
Valid values are 'Members', 'Owners', and 'Subscribers' (case insensitive).
Defaults to 'Members'.
A CSV string containing information about the users who were added/removed from the unified groups.
The additional column 'AddRemoveUsersFromUnifiedGroupsOperationApplied' indicates if the action to add or remove the user from the unified group was successfully executed by this task.
The additional column 'AddRemoveUsersFromUnifiedGroupsStateAchieved' indicates if at the end of the task, the user to add is in the group, or the user to remove is not in the group.
The additional column 'AddRemoveUsersFromUnifiedGroupsMessages' contains the warning and/or error messages that were generated while updating membership information.
A string containing all the error messages that were generated over the course of this task.
Version: 1.1.0
Date: 24 May 2019
Assign Licenses to Users
Assign licenses to one or more Office 365 users
Usage option 1: Assign licenses to a user
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant containing the users.
Users - required
A single MSPComplete end-user object.
The user who will receive the licenses.
If more than one object is provided, only the first one is used.
Licenses - optional
One or more strings are separated by a new line.
The SKU IDs or SKU part numbers for the licenses to assign.
If this is not specified, no licenses will be assigned to the user.
Example license SKU ID: reseller-account:ENTERPRISEPREMIUM
Example SKU part number: ENTERPRISEPREMIUM
Usage option 2: Assign a license to multiple users
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant containing the users.
Users - required
More than one MSPComplete end-user object.
The users who will receive the license.
Licenses - optional
A single string.
The SKU ID or SKU part number for the license to assigned.
If this is not specified, no licenses will be assigned to the users.
Example license SKU ID: reseller-account:ENTERPRISEPREMIUM
Example SKU part number: ENTERPRISEPREMIUM
Usage option 3: Assign licenses to multiple users using a CSV string
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant containing the users.
UserLicensesCsv - required
Required columns:
A single string.
The primary email address of the user to receive the license.
Optional columns:
A single string.
The SKU ID or SKU part number for the license to assigned.
If more than one license is to be assigned to this user, multiple rows should be created in the CSV, one for each license.
If this is not specified, no license will be assigned to this user.
A CSV containing all the users that were processed by this task, as well as an additional column 'AssignedLicenses' to indicate if the licenses were assigned successfully.
A string containing all the error messages that were generated over the course of this task.
Version: 1.2.0
Date: 17 May 2019
Assign/Unassign User Roles
Assign or unassign roles to Microsoft 365 users
Usage option 1: Assign or unassign a set of roles to one or more users
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
Roles - required
One or more strings separated by a new line.
The names of the roles that will be assigned to the users.
To get a list of the roles which can be assigned to the users, use "Get-MsolRole | Sort-Object Name | Select-Object Name, Description".
Users - required
One or more MSPComplete end-user objects.
The users who will be the target of the role assignments/unassignments.
AssignOrUnassignRoles - required
A single string.
Specifies if the roles should be assigned or unassigned.
Valid values are 'Assign' and 'Unassign' (case insensitive).
Usage option 2: Assign or unassign roles to users using a CSV string
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
A CSV string containing the information about the the users and roles that will be assigned or unassigned.
Required columns:
A single string.
The name of the role that will be assigned to the user.
To get a list of the roles which can be assigned to the users, use "Get-MsolRole | Sort-Object Name | Select-Object Name, Description".
A single string.
The primary email address of the user that will be assigned or unassigned the role.
A single string.
Specifies if the role should be assigned or unassigned.
Valid values are 'Assign' and 'Unassign' (case insensitive).
A CSV string containing the information about the users and roles which were assigned or unassigned.
The column 'AssignUnassignUserRolesOperationApplied' indicates if this task added or removed the user role.
The column 'AssignUnassignUserRolesStateAchieved' indicates if the user roles to assign were present at the end of the task, and if the user roles to unassign were not present at the end of the task.
The column 'AssignUnassignUserRolesMessages' contains the warning and/or error messages that were generated while assigning or unassigning the user roles.
A string containing the error messages that were generated over the course of the task.
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 8 May 2019
Block/Unblock Access to Account
Blocks/Unblocks sign-in access to an Microsoft 365 account managed within MSPComplete
Usage option 1: Block or Unblock sign-in access for an Microsoft 365 account
A MSPComplete endpoint object containing the Microsoft 365 administrative credentials, is required.
The credentials for the tenant to complete the operation on
A MSPComplete user object, is required.
The user to block or unblock sign-in access
Single string, boolean.
True to block, false to unblock
Version: 1.0
Date: 6 November 2018
Convert Mailboxes to Shared Mailboxes
Converts Microsoft 365 standard mailboxes to shared mailboxes
Usage option 1: Convert Microsoft 365 standard mailboxes into a shared mailboxes using end-user objects
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant containing the mailboxes.
Mailboxes - required
One or more MSPComplete end-user objects.
The mailboxes to convert into shared mailboxes.
MaximumWaitTimeSeconds - optional
A single string.
The maximum amount of time this task will wait for all the mailboxes to be converted to shared mailboxes, in seconds.
Defaults to "60".
Usage option 2: Convert Microsoft 365 standard mailboxes into shared mailboxes using a CSV string
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant containing the mailboxes.
MailboxesCsv - required
A CSV string containing information on the mailboxes to convert to shared mailboxes.
Required columns:
A single string.
The primary email address of the mailbox to convert to a shared mailbox.
MaximumWaitTimeSeconds - optional
A single string.
The maximum amount of time this task will wait for all the mailboxes to be converted to shared mailboxes, in seconds.
Defaults to "60".
A CSV string containing the information on the mailboxes that were processed, as well as an additional column 'MailboxConvertedToSharedMailbox' to indicate if the mailbox was successfully converted to a shared mailbox.
A string containing the error messages generated over the course of this task.
Version: 1.0.1
Date: 18 June 2019
Copy User Distribution Group Memberships
Copies a Microsoft 365 user's distribution group memberships to other Microsoft 365 users
The copied distribution group memberships will be in addition to any existing memberships the other users may already have.
For example, copying distribution group memberships from user 1 to user 2 will not remove any of user 2's existing group memberships.
Usage option 1: Copy a user's group memberships to other users
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
ReferenceUser - required
A single MSPComplete end-user object.
The user that will be used as the reference for distribution group memberships.
If more than one end-user object is provided, only the first one will be used.
TargetUsers - required
One or more MSPComplete end-user objects.
The users who will receive the same distribution group memberships as the reference user.
Usage option 2: Copy users' group memberships to other users
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
UsersCsv - required
A CSV string containing the information about the reference and target users for copying the distribution group memberships.
Required columns:
A single string.
The user principal name of the user which is used as the reference for distribution group memberships.
A single string.
The user principal name of the user who will receive the copy of the distribution group memberships.
A CSV string containing the information about the reference and target users for copying the distribution group memberships.
It contains an additional column 'CopiedDistributionGroupMemberships' which indicates if the distribution group memberships were copied successfully from the reference user to the target user.
A string containing the error messages that were generated over the course of the task.
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 3 May 2019
Create Contacts
Creates Microsoft 365 contacts given the name and email address, or a CSV string.
Usage option 1: Create a contact
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
ContactName - required
A single string.
The name of the contact.
Example: John Doe
ContactExternalEmailAddress - required
A single string.
The external email address of the contact.
Usage option 2: Create a group of contacts, using the inputs in a CSV file
ContactsCsv - required
A CSV string containing the information about the contacts to create.
Required columns:
A single string.
The name of the contact.
Example: John Doe
A single string.
The external email address of the contact.
A string containing all the error messages generated over the course of this task.
Version: 1.0.5
Date: 18 June 2019
Create Distribution Groups
Creates Microsoft 365 distribution groups
Usage option 1: Create a distribution group via a list of properties
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
Name - required
A single string.
The name for the distribution group.
EmailAddress - required
A single string.
The email address to be associated with the distribution group.
DisplayName - optional
A single string.
The display name for the distribution group.
MailNickname - optional
A single string.
The mail nickname for the distribution group.
Usage option 2: Create distribution groups via csv
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
DistributionGroupsCsv - required
A CSV string containing information about the distribution groups that will be created.
Required columns:
A single string.
The email address for the distribution group.
A single string.
The name for the distribution group.
Optional columns:
A single string.
The mail nickname for the distribution group.
A single string.
The display name for the distribution group.
A CSV containing all the distribution groups that were processed by this task
The additional column 'CreateDistributionGroupsOperationApplied' indicates if the action to create the group was successfully executed by this task.
The additional column 'CreateDistributionGroupsStateAchieved' indicates if the desired state was achieved.
The additional column 'CreateDistributionGroupsMessages' contains the warning/error messages generated during the course of the task.
A string containing all the error messages generated over the course of this task.
Version: 1.1.0
Date: 15 May 2019
Create Domain Blacklist Mail Flow Rules
Creates mail flow rules to blacklist incoming mail from one or more domains
Usage option 1: Blacklist incoming mail from one or more domains in a single mail flow rule
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
Domains - required
One or more strings separated by a newline.
This specifies the domains from which incoming mail will be blocked.
RuleName - optional
A single string.
This specifies the name of the mail flow rule which is created to blacklist incoming mail from the domain.
If this is not provided, it will default to 'Blacklist incoming mail from x,y,z' (where x, y and z are the domains provided).
This has a maximum length of 64 characters and will be truncated if the provided name is longer than 64 characters.
MailRejectionMessage - optional
A single string.
This specifies the message that is sent to the sender when their mail is rejected by this rule.
If this is not provided, any mail rejected by this rule will be deleted silently.
Usage option 2: Blacklist incoming mail from one or more domains in separate mail flow rules
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
MailFlowRulesCsv - required
A CSV string containing information about the mail flow rules to be created.
Required columns:
One or more strings separated by a comma, enclosed in double quotes.
This specifies the domains from which incoming mail will be blocked.
Optional columns:
A single string.
This specifies the name of the mail flow rule which is created to blacklist incoming mail from the domains.
If this is not provided, it will default to 'Blacklist incoming mail from x,y,z' (where x, y and z are the domains provided).
This has a maximum length of 64 characters and will be truncated if the provided name is longer than 64 characters.
A single string.
This specifies the message that is sent to the sender when their mail is rejected by this rule.
If this is not provided, any mail rejected by this rule will be deleted silently.
A CSV string containing information about the mail flow rules to be created, as well as an additional column 'CreatedRule' to indicate if the mail flow rule was successfully created.
A string containing the error messages generated over the course of the task.
Version: 1.0.1
Date: 18 June 2019
Create Public Folder Mailboxes
Before a Public Folder can be created, at least 1 Public Folder Mailbox must be created.
The task library component creates Public Folder Mailboxes from a list of mailbox names, using the New-Mailbox cmdlet.
Public Folder Mailboxes are specially designed mailboxes that store the hierarchy and content of Public Folders.
The first Public Folder Mailbox created in your Exchange organization is called the primary hierarchy mailbox.
It contains the writeable copy of the hierarchy of Public Folders for the organization and Public Folder content.
There can be only one writeable copy of the Public Folder hierarchy in your organization.
All other Public Folder Mailboxes are called secondary Public Folder Mailboxes and contain a read-only copy of the hierarchy and the content for Public Folders.
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
PublicFolderMailboxNames - required
One or more strings separated by a new line.
A list of Public Folder Mailbox names separated by newline. Example:
Primary Hierarchy Mailbox
Secondary Hierarchy Mailbox 01
Secondary Hierarchy Mailbox 02
Secondary Hierarchy Mailbox 03
A string containing all the error messages that were generated over the course of this task.
Version: 1.1.1
Date: 18 June 2019
Create Public Folders
The task library component creates a Public Folder with the provided name and path.
It also creates a group of Public Folders from the inputs in a CSV file
Usage option 1: Create a Public Folder
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
PublicFolderName - required
A single string.
The name of the Public Folder.
Example: Marketing.
PublicFolderMailbox - optional
A single string.
The identity of the hierarchy public folder mailbox.
Example: Primary Hierarchy Mailbox.
PublicFolderPath - optional
A single string.
The path of the Public Folder.
The path must start with a \.
Example: \Marketing.
Usage option 2: Create a group of Public Folders, using the inputs from a CSV file
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
PublicFoldersCsv - required
Required columns:
A string representing the name of the Public Folder.
Example: Marketing
Optional columns:
A string representing the identity of the hierarchy public folder mailbox.
Example: Primary Hierarchy Mailbox
A string representing the path of the Public Folder.
The path must start with a \.
Example: \Marketing
A string containing all the error messages generated over the course of this task.
Version: 1.0.4
Date: 18 June 2019
Create Resource Mailboxes
Creates Microsoft 365 Resource Mailboxes
Usage option 1: Create a resource mailbox
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
Name - required
A single string.
The name for the resource mailbox.
Alias - required
A single string.
The portion of the resource mailbox email address before the @ symbol.
Type - required
A single string.
The Resource Mailbox Type.
Valid values are 'Room' and 'Equipment' (case-insensitive).
DisplayName - optional
A single string.
The display name for the resource mailbox.
Capacity - optional
A single string.
The capacity of the resource mailbox.
Location - optional
A single string.
The physical location of the room or equipment.
Usage option 2: Create resource mailboxes via csv
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
ResourceMailboxesCsv - required
A CSV string containing the information about the resource mailboxes to create.
Required columns:
A single string.
The name for the resource mailbox.
A single string.
The portion of the resource mailbox email address before the @ symbol.
A single string.
The Resource Mailbox Type.
Valid values are 'room' and 'equipment' (case-insensitive).
Optional columns:
A single string.
The display name for the resource mailbox.
A single string.
The capacity of the resource mailbox.
A single string.
The physical location of the room or equipment.
A CSV containing all the mailboxes processed by this task, as well as an additional column 'CreatedResourceMailbox' to indicate if the mailboxes were created successfully.
A string containing all the error messages that were generated over the course of this task.
Version: 1.0.2
Date: 18 June 2019
Create Security Groups
Creates Microsoft 365 security groups
Usage option 1: Create a security group via a list of properties
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
Name - required
A single string.
The name for the security group.
EmailAddress - required
A single string.
The email address to be associated with the security group.
DisplayName - optional
A single string.
The display name for the security group.
MailNickname - optional
A single string.
The mail nickname for the security group.
Usage option 2: Create security groups via csv
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
SecurityGroupsCsv - required
A CSV string containing information about the security groups that will be created.
Required columns:
A single string.
The email address for the security group.
A single string.
The name for the security group.
Optional columns:
A single string.
The mail nickname for the security group.
A single string.
The display name for the security group.
A CSV containing all the security groups that were processed by this task, as well as an additional column 'CreatedSecurityGroup' to indicate if the security groups were created successfully.
A string containing all the error messages that were generated over the course of this task.
Version: 1.0.1
Date: 18 June 2019
Create Shared Mailboxes
Creates Microsoft 365 Shared Mailboxes
Usage option 1: Create a shared mailbox via a list of properties
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
Name - required
A single string.
The name for the shared mailbox.
Alias - required
A single string.
The portion of the shared mailbox email address before the @ symbol.
Usage option 2: Create shared mailboxes via CSV
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
SharedMailboxesCsv - required
A CSV string containing the information about the shared mailboxes to create.
Required columns:
A single string.
Name for the shared mailbox.
A single string.
The portion of the shared mailbox email address before the @ symbol.
A CSV containing all the mailboxes that were processed by this task, as well as an additional column 'CreatedSharedMailbox' to indicate if the mailboxes were created successfully.
A string containing all the error messages that were generated over the course of this task.
Version: 1.0.2
Date: 18 June 2019
Create Unified Groups
Creates Microsoft 365 unified groups
Usage option 1: Create a unified group via a list of properties
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
Name - required
A single string.
The name for the unified group.
EmailAddress - required
A single string.
The email address to be associated with the unified group.
DisplayName - optional
A single string.
The display name for the unified group.
MailNickname - optional
A single string.
The mail nickname for the unified group.
Usage option 2: Create unified groups via csv
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
UnifiedGroupsCsv - required
A CSV string containing information about the unified groups that will be created.
Required columns:
A single string.
The email address for the unified group.
A single string.
The name for the unified group.
Optional columns:
A single string.
The mail nickname for the unified group.
A single string.
The display name for the unified group.
A CSV containing all the unified groups that were processed by this task, as well as an additional column 'CreatedUnifiedGroup' to indicate if the unified groups were created successfully.
A string containing all the error messages that were generated over the course of this task.
Version: 1.0.1
Date: 18 June 2019
Create Users
Creates a Microsoft 365 user or multiple users via a CSV string
Usage option 1: Create one Office 365 user from a list of properties
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
FirstName - conditionally required
A single string.
The first name of the new user.
Either FirstName, LastName, or DisplayName must be supplied.
LastName - conditionally required
A single string.
The last name of the new user.
Either FirstName, LastName, or DisplayName must be supplied.
DisplayName - conditionally required
A single string.
The display name of the new user.
Either FirstName, LastName, or DisplayName must be supplied.
UserPrincipalName - required
A single string.
The user principal name of the new user.
MobilePhoneNumber - optional
A single string.
The mobile phone number of the new user.
TelephoneNumber - optional
A single string.
The telephone number of the new user.
AddressLine1 - optional
A single string.
The address line 1 of the new user.
City - optional
A single string.
The city of the new user.
StateOrProvince - optional
A single string.
The state or province of the new user.
PostalOrZipCode - optional
A single string.
The postal or zip code of the new user.
CountryOrRegion - optional
A single string.
The country or region of the new user.
Department - optional
A single string.
The department of the new user.
JobTitle - optional
A single string.
The job title of the new user.
Password - optional
A single string.
The password for the user's account. If a Password is not provided, one is randomly generated.
ForcePasswordChangeOnNextLogin - optional
A single boolean variable.
Specifies if the user is forced to change their password upon the next login.
Defaults to true.
UsageLocation - optional
A single string.
The usage location code for the user's account. This is required to be set is licenses are to be assigned to the user.
Usage option 2: Create Microsoft 365 users from a csv string
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
UsersInformationCsv - required
A CSV string containing information about the users to be created.
Required columns:
A single string.
User principal name of new user
Optional columns:
A single string.
The first name of the new user.
Either FirstName, LastName, or DisplayName must be supplied.
A single string.
The last name of the new user.
Either FirstName, LastName, or DisplayName must be supplied.
A single string.
The display name of the new user.
Either FirstName, LastName, or DisplayName must be supplied.
A single string.
The mobile phone number of the new user.
A single string.
The telephone number of the new user.
A single string.
The address line 1 of the new user.
A single string.
The city of new user
A single string.
The state or province of the new user.
A single string.
The postal or zip code of the new user.
A single string.
The country or region of the new user.
A single string.
The department of the new user.
A single string.
The job title of the new user.
A single string.
The password for the user's account. If a Password is not provided, one is randomly generated.
Boolean, optional
Specifies if the user is forced to change their password upon the next login.
Defaults to true.
A single string.
The usage location code for the user's account. This is required to be set is licenses are to be assigned to the user.
The generated password when running the task for a single user
A CSV string containing the information about which users were successfully created via an additional column 'NewlyCreated'.
If the user already exists it will be indicated by a value in the column 'PreviouslyPresent'
A string containing all the error messages that were generated over the course of this task.
Version: 1.1.4
Date: 18 June 2019
Delete Contacts
Deletes Microsoft 365 contacts
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Office 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
ContactIdentities - required
One or more strings separated by a new line.
The names of the contacts to delete.
A string containing all the error messages that were generated over the course of this task.
Version: 1.0.3
Date: 18 June 2019
Delete Distribution Groups
Deletes Microsoft 365 distribution groups
Usage option 1: Delete Office 365 distribution groups via MSPComplete group objects
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
Groups - required
One or more MSPComplete group objects.
The distribution groups to delete.
Usage option 2: Delete Microsoft 365 distribution groups via csv
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
DistributionGroupsCsv - required
A CSV string containing the email addresses of the distribution groups that will be deleted.
Required columns:
A single string.
The email address for the distribution group.
A CSV containing all the distribution groups that were processed by this task
The additional column 'DeleteDistributionGroupsOperationApplied' indicates if the action to delete the group was successfully executed by this task.
The additional column 'DeleteDistributionGroupsStateAchieved' indicates if the desired state was achieved.
The additional column 'DeleteDistributionGroupsMessages' contains the warning/error messages that were generated during the course of the task.
A string containing all the error messages that were generated over the course of this task.
Version: 1.1.0
Date: 15 May 2019
Delete Public Folder Mailboxes
The task library component deletes Public Folder Mailboxes from a list of mailbox names, using the Remove-Mailbox cmdlet.
Public Folder Mailboxes are specially designed mailboxes that store the hierarchy and content of Public Folders.
At least 1 Public Folder Mailbox must be present in the organization before a Public Folder can be created.
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
PublicFolderMailboxNames - required
One or more strings separated by a new line.
A list of Public Folder Mailbox names separated by newline. Example:
Secondary Hierarchy Mailbox 01
Secondary Hierarchy Mailbox 02
Secondary Hierarchy Mailbox 03
A string containing all the error messages that were generated over the course of this task.
Version: 1.1.1
Date: 18 June 2019
Delete Public Folders
The task library component deletes public folders from an input list of identities.
An identity is the full path of the public folder, e.g. "\Test\Directory\My Public Folder".
To prevent the accidental removal of sub-folders, all sub-folders must be specified in the identity list before the parent folder.
Usage option 1: Delete a list of Public Folders
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
PublicFolderIdentities - required
One or more strings separated by a new line.
\Test\Directory\My Public Folder 1\Folder 1-1
\Test\Directory\My Public Folder 1\Folder 1-2
\Test\Directory\My Public Folder 1
\Test\Directory\My Public Folder 2
\Test\Directory\My Public Folder 3
A string containing all the error messages generated over the course of this task.
Version: 1.0.3
Date: 18 June 2019
Delete Resource Mailboxes
Deletes Microsoft 365 Resource Mailboxes
Usage option 1: Deletes Microsoft 365 Resource Mailboxes via a list of email addresses
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
ResourceMailboxes - required
One or more MSPComplete end-user objects.
The resource mailboxes to delete.
Usage option 2: Deletes Microsoft 365 Resource Mailboxes via csv
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
ResourceMailboxesCsv - required
A CSV string containing the email addresses of the resource mailboxes that will be deleted.
Required columns:
A single string.
The email address for the resource mailbox.
A CSV containing all the resource mailboxes that were processed by this task, as well as an additional column 'DeletedResourceMailbox' to indicate if the resource mailboxes were deleted successfully.
A string containing all the error messages that were generated over the course of this task.
Version: 1.0.2
Date: 18 June 2019
Delete Shared Mailboxes
Deletes Microsoft 365 Shared Mailboxes
Usage option 1: Deletes Microsoft 365 Shared Mailboxes via a list of email addresses
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
SharedMailboxes - required
One or more MSPComplete end-user objects.
The shared mailboxes to delete.
Usage option 2: Deletes Microsoft 365 Shared Mailboxes via csv
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
SharedMailboxesCsv - required
A CSV string containing the email addresses of the shared mailboxes that will be deleted.
Required columns:
A single string.
The email address for the shared mailbox.
A CSV containing all the shared mailboxes that were processed by this task, as well as an additional column 'DeletedSharedMailbox' to indicate if the shared mailboxes were deleted successfully.
A string containing all the error messages that were generated over the course of this task.
Version: 1.0.1
Date: 18 June 2019
Delete Unified Groups
Deletes Microsoft 365 unified groups
Usage option 1: Delete Microsoft 365 unified groups via MSPComplete group objects
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
Groups - required
One or more MSPComplete group objects.
The unified groups to delete.
Usage option 2: Delete Microsoft 365 unified groups via csv
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
UnifiedGroupsCsv - required
A CSV string containing the email addresses of the unified groups that will be deleted.
Required columns:
A single string.
The email address for the unified group.
A CSV containing all the unified groups that were processed by this task, as well as an additional column 'DeletedUnifiedGroup' to indicate if the unified groups were deleted successfully.
A string containing all the error messages that were generated over the course of this task.
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 26 April 2019
Enable/Disable Litigation Hold on Mailboxes
Enables or disables litigation hold on Microsoft 365 mailboxes, as well as setting the period that the litigation hold will be in effect
Usage option 1: Enable or disable litigation hold on one or more mailboxes
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
Users - required
One or more MSPComplete end-user objects.
The users to enable or disable litigation hold on
EnableOrDisableLitigationHold - required
A single string.
Valid values are 'enable' and 'disable' (case-insensitive).
LitigationHoldDuration - optional
A single string.
This is the number of days the mailbox will be held in litigation hold.
Valid values are whole numbers greater than 0.
If no value is provided, this will set the mailbox on litigation hold indefinitely.
Usage option 2: Enable or disable litigation hold on one or more mailboxes via CSV
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
LitigationHoldCsv - required
A CSV string containing information about the users to enable/disable litigation hold on
Required columns:
A single string.
The email address of the user.
A single string.
Valid values are 'enable' and 'disable' (case-insensitive).
A single string
This is the number of days the mailbox will be held in litigation hold.
Valid values are whole numbers greater than 0.
If no value is provided, this will set the mailbox on litigation hold indefinitely.
A CSV containing all the user mailboxes processed by this task, as well as an additional column 'LitigationHoldUpdated' to indicate if the update of a litigation hold is successful.
A string containing all the error messages that were generated over the course of this task.
Version: 1.1.1
Date: 18 June 2019
Enable/Disable Multi-Factor Authentication for Users
Enables or disables multi-factor authentication for Microsoft 365 users.
Usage option 1: Enable or disable multi-factor authentication for a single user
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
User - required
A single MSPComplete end-user object.
The user to enable or disable multi-factor authentication.
EnableDisableMfa - required
A single string.
Valid values are "enable" and "disable" (case-insensitive).
RememberDevicesNotIssuedBefore - optional
Single string, optional
This is a cutoff date, where any devices issued to the user before this date will
require MFA setup.
This input is only relevant when enabling MFA.
If not provided, the default will be the current date, i.e. all devices issued to the
user will require an MFA setup.
Valid date formats are "day month year", where the month can be either the long or short
month name (Dec or December), and year can either be the 2 or 4-digit year (10 or 2010,
95 or 1995)
Usage option 2: Enable or disable multi-factor authentication for multiple users via CSV
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
UsersCsv - required
Required columns:
Optional columns:
A CSV string containing the information about the users for which MFA was enabled/disabled,
as well as an additional column 'MfaUpdated' to indicate if MFA was successfully enabled or disabled.
A string containing all the error messages that were generated over the course of this task.
Version: 1.0.2
Date: 18 June 2019
Force User to Sign Out
Forces a user to sign out of any Office 365 applications and webpages by revoking all refresh tokens
Usage option 1: Signs out a user from Microsoft 365
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
User - required
A single MSPComplete end-user object.
The user to force sign-out.
Version: 1.0.1
Date: 18 June 2019
Grant Mailbox Permission
Grant Mailbox Permission for a user
Usage option 1: Grant permission on a mailbox for the specified user
A MSPComplete endpoint object containing the Microsoft 365 administrative credentials, is required.
The credentials for the tenant to complete the operation on
A MSPComplete user object is required.
The user we are granting access
A MSPComplete user object is required.
The mailbox we are adding permission for
The type of access to grant. Valid values are 'FullAccess' (default), 'ReadPermission', 'ChangeOwner', 'ChangePermission', 'DeleteItem', and 'ExternalAccount'
Version: 1.1
Date: 29 August 2018
Grant Public Folder Permissions
Grant Public Folder Permissions to users.
The users would be able to read, create, edit, and delete items in the public folders if they have the required permissions.
The permissions include:
ReadItems: The user has the right to read items within the specified public folder.
CreateItems: The user has the right to create items within the specified public folder.
EditOwnedItems: The user has the right to edit the items that the user owns in the specified public folder.
DeleteOwnedItems: The user has the right to delete items that the user owns in the specified public folder.
EditAllItems: The user has the right to edit all items in the specified public folder.
DeleteAllItems: The user has the right to delete all items in the specified public folder.
CreateSubfolders: The user has the right to create subfolders in the specified public folder.
FolderOwner: The user is the owner of the specified public folder. The user has the right to view and move the public folder and create subfolders. The user can't read items, edit items, delete items, or create items.
FolderContact: The user is the contact for the specified public folder.
FolderVisible: The user can view the specified public folder, but can't read or edit items within the specified public folder.
Permissions can be assigned based on the following roles:
None: FolderVisible
Owner: CreateItems, ReadItems, CreateSubfolders, FolderOwner, FolderContact, FolderVisible, EditOwnedItems, EditAllItems, DeleteOwnedItems, DeleteAllItems
PublishingEditor: CreateItems, ReadItems, CreateSubfolders, FolderVisible, EditOwnedItems, EditAllItems, DeleteOwnedItems, DeleteAllItems
Editor: CreateItems, ReadItems, FolderVisible, EditOwnedItems, EditAllItems, DeleteOwnedItems, DeleteAllItems
PublishingAuthor: CreateItems, ReadItems, CreateSubfolders, FolderVisible, EditOwnedItems, DeleteOwnedItems
Author: CreateItems, ReadItems, FolderVisible, EditOwnedItems, DeleteOwnedItems
NonEditingAuthor: CreateItems, ReadItems, FolderVisible
Reviewer: ReadItems, FolderVisible
Contributor: CreateItems, FolderVisible
Usage option 1: Granting permissions for 1 user in 1 Public Folder
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
PublicFolderIdentity - required
A single string.
The full path or name of the Public Folder.
Example: \Test\Directory\My Public Folder 1.
Example: Public Folder 1.
User - required
Single MSPComplete end-user that corresponds to the Office 365 user to grant the permissions.
If more than one object is provided, only the first one is used.
PublicFolderAccessRights - required
One or more strings separated by a new line.
This specifies the right(s) granted to the user.
Example (Single Permission): ReadItems
Example (Multiple Permissions): ReadItems
Example (Single Role): Owner
Example (Multiple Roles): Reviewer
Usage option 2: Granting permissions for multiple users in Public Folders, using the inputs from a CSV file
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
PublicFoldersCsv - required
Required columns:
A string representing the full path or name of the Public Folder.
The primary email address of the Microsoft 365 user to grant the permissions.
A comma-delimited string representing the rights added to the user.
A CSV containing all the public folders that were processed by this task, as well as an additional column 'PublicFolderPermissionsGranted' to indicate if the permissions were granted successfully.
A string containing all the error messages that were generated over the course of this task.
Version: 1.1.3
Date: 18 June 2019
Grant/Remove Calendar Permissions
Grants or removes calendar permissions to Office 365 users.
The types of calendar permissions which can be granted/removed are:
CreateItems: The user can create items within the specified calendar.
CreateSubfolders: The user can create subfolders in the specified calendar.
DeleteAllItems: The user can delete all items in the specified calendar.
DeleteOwnedItems: The user can only delete items that they created from the specified calendar.
EditAllItems: The user can edit all items in the specified calendar.
EditOwnedItems: The user can only edit items that they created in the specified calendar.
FolderContact: The user is the contact for the specified public calendar.
FolderOwner: The user is the owner of the specified calendar. The user can view the calendar, move the calendar, and create subfolders. The user can't read items, edit items, delete items, or create items.
FolderVisible: The user can view the specified calendar, but can't read or edit items within the specified public calendar.
ReadItems: The user can read items within the specified calendar.
Author: Contains CreateItems, DeleteOwnedItems, EditOwnedItems, FolderVisible, ReadItems
Contributor: Contains CreateItems, FolderVisible
Editor: Contains CreateItems, DeleteAllItems, DeleteOwnedItems, EditAllItems, EditOwnedItems, FolderVisible, ReadItems
None: Contains FolderVisible
NonEditingAuthor: Contains CreateItems, FolderVisible, ReadItems
Owner: Contains CreateItems, CreateSubfolders, DeleteAllItems, DeleteOwnedItems, EditAllItems, EditOwnedItems, FolderContact, FolderOwner, FolderVisible, ReadItems
PublishingEditor: Contains CreateItems, CreateSubfolders, DeleteAllItems, DeleteOwnedItems, EditAllItems, EditOwnedItems, FolderVisible, ReadItems
PublishingAuthor: Contains CreateItems, CreateSubfolders, DeleteOwnedItems, EditOwnedItems, FolderVisible, ReadItems
Reviewer: Contains FolderVisible, ReadItems
AvailabilityOnly: View only availability data
LimitedDetails: View availability data with subject and location
Usage option 1: Grants or removes a set of permissions to access one or more calendars, for one or more users
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
CalendarIdentities - required
One or more strings separated by a new line.
The identity for the calendars.
The calendar identity is in the form of USER_PRINCIPAL_NAME:\CALENDAR_NAME (example\Calendar)
Users - required
One or more end-user objects.
The users who will receive/lose the calendar permission.
AccessRights - required
One or more strings separated by a new line.
Specifies the type of permissions to grant or remove.
Valid values are 'CreateItems', 'CreateSubfolders', 'DeleteAllItems', 'DeleteOwnedItems', 'FolderContact', 'FolderOwner', 'FolderVisible', 'ReadItems', 'Author', 'Contributor', 'Editor', 'None', 'NonEditingAuthor', 'Owner', 'PublishingEditor', 'PublishingAuthor', 'Reviewer', 'AvailabilityOnly', 'LimitedDetails' (case insensitive).
GrantOrRemovePermissions - required
A single string.
Specifies if the permission will be granted or removed.
Valid values are 'Grant' and 'Remove' (case insensitive).
Usage option 2: Grants or removes calendar permissions for users using a CSV string
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
CalendarPermissionsCsv - required
A CSV string containing information about the calendars, users, and permissions that will be granted/removed.
Required columns:
A single string.
The identity for the calendar.
The calendar identity is in the form of USER_PRINCIPAL_NAME:\CALENDAR_NAME (example\Calendar)
A single string.
The primary email address of the user that will receive/lose the calendar permission.
A single string.
Specifies the type of permission to grant or remove.
Valid values are 'CreateItems', 'CreateSubfolders', 'DeleteAllItems', 'DeleteOwnedItems', 'FolderContact', 'FolderOwner', 'FolderVisible', 'ReadItems', 'Author', 'Contributor', 'Editor', 'None', 'NonEditingAuthor', 'Owner', 'PublishingEditor', 'PublishingAuthor', 'Reviewer', 'AvailabilityOnly', 'LimitedDetails' (case insensitive).
A single string.
Specifies if the permission will be granted or removed from the users.
Valid values are 'Grant' and 'Remove' (case insensitive).
A CSV string containing information about the calendars, users, and permissions that were granted/removed.
The column 'GrantRemoveCalendarPermissionsOperationApplied' indicates if this task granted or removed the permission.
The column 'GrantRemoveCalendarPermissionsStateAchieved' indicates if the permissions to grant were present by the end of the task and if the permissions to remove were not present by the end of the task.
The column 'GrantRemoveCalendarPermissionsMessages' contains the warning and/or error messages that were generated while granting or removing the calendar permissions.
A string containing the error messages that were generated over the course of the task.
Version: 1.1.0
Date: 13 June 2019
Grant/Remove Full Access Permissions
Grants or removes 'Full Access' Permission to mailboxes
Usage option 1: Grant or remove one user's 'Full Access' Permission to multiple mailboxes
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant containing the mailboxes.
GranteeUsers - required
Single MSPComplete end-user object.
The mailbox that will be granted or removed the permission.
GrantorUsers - required
Multiple MSPComplete end-user objects.
The mailboxes that will be granting or removing the permission.
GrantOrRemovePermission - required
A single string.
Valid values are 'grant' and 'remove' (case-insensitive).
Usage option 2: Grant or remove multiple users' 'Full Access' Permission to one mailbox
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant containing the mailboxes.
GranteeUsers - required
Multiple MSPComplete end-user objects.
The mailboxes that will be granted or removed the permission.
GrantorUsers - required
Single MSPComplete end-user object.
The mailbox that will be granting or removing the permission. If more than one object is provided, only the first one is used.
GrantOrRemovePermission - required
A single string.
Valid values are 'grant' and 'remove' (case-insensitive).
Usage option 3: Grant or remove 'Full Access' Permissions via CSV
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant containing the mailboxes.
Required columns:
The email address of the grantee.
Valid values are 'grant' and 'remove' (case-insensitive).
The email address of the grantor.
A CSV containing all the users that were processed by this task.
The additional column 'GrantRemoveFullAccessPermissionsOperationApplied' indicates if the action to grant or remove full access permission was successfully executed by this task.
The additional column 'GrantRemoveFullAccessPermissionsStateAchieved' indicates if the desired state was achieved.
The additional column 'GrantRemoveFullAccessPermissionsMessages' contains the warning/error messages that were generated during the course of the task.
A string containing all the error messages that were generated over the course of this task.
Version: 1.2.0
Date: 10 May 2019
Grant/Remove Send As Permissions
Grants or removes 'Send As' Permission to mailboxes, distribution groups, or dynamic distribution groups
Usage option 1: Grant or remove one user's 'Send As' Permission to multiple mailboxes
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant containing the mailboxes.
GranteeUsers - required
Single MSPComplete end-user object.
The mailbox that will be granted or removed the permission.
GrantorUsers - required
Multiple MSPComplete end-user objects.
The mailboxes that will be granting or removing the permission.
GrantOrRemovePermission - required
A single string.
Valid values are 'grant' and 'remove' (case-insensitive).
Usage option 2: Grant or remove multiple users' 'Send As' Permission to one mailbox
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant containing the mailboxes.
GranteeUsers - required
Multiple MSPComplete end-user objects.
The mailboxes that will be granted or removed the permission.
GrantorUsers - required
Single MSPComplete end-user object.
The mailbox that will be granting or removing the permission. If more than one object is provided, only the first one is used.
GrantOrRemovePermission - required
A single string.
Valid values are 'grant' and 'remove' (case-insensitive).
Usage option 3: Grant or remove one user's 'Send As' Permission to multiple groups
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant containing the mailboxes.
GranteeUsers - required
Single MSPComplete end-user object.
The mailbox that will be granted or removed the permission.
GrantorGroups - required
Multiple MSPComplete group objects.
The groups that will be granting or removing the permission.
GrantOrRemovePermission - required
A single string.
Valid values are 'grant' and 'remove' (case-insensitive).
Usage option 4: Grant or remove multiple user's 'Send As' Permission to one group
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant containing the mailboxes.
GranteeUsers - required
Multiple MSPComplete end-user objects.
The mailboxes that will be granted or removed the permission.
GrantorGroups - required
Single MSPComplete group object.
The group that will be granting or removing the permission. If more than one object is provided, only the first one is used.
GrantOrRemovePermission - required
A single string.
Valid values are 'grant' and 'remove' (case-insensitive).
Usage option 5: Grant or remove 'Send As' Permissions via CSV
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant containing the mailboxes.
Required columns:
The email address of the grantee.
Valid values are 'grant' and 'remove' (case-insensitive).
The email address of the grantor.
A CSV containing all the users and groups that were processed by this task.
The additional column 'GrantRemoveSendAsPermissionsOperationApplied' indicates if the action to grant or remove permission was successfully executed by this task.
The additional column 'GrantRemoveSendAsPermissionsStateAchieved' indicates if the desired state was achieved.
The additional column 'GrantRemoveSendAsPermissionsMessages' contains the warning/error messages that were generated during the course of the task.
A string containing all the error messages that were generated over the course of this task.
Version: 1.1.0
Date: 9 May 2019
Grant/Remove Send On Behalf Permissions
Grants or removes 'Send On Behalf' Permission for mailboxes, distribution groups to mailboxes, distribution groups or dynamic distribution groups
Usage option 1: Grant or remove one (user or group)'s 'Send On Behalf' Permission to multiple (user and group) mailboxes
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant containing the mailboxes.
GranteeUsers - required
Single MSPComplete end-user object.
The mailbox that will be granted or removed the permission.
GranteeGroups - required
Single MSPComplete group object.
The group that will be granted or removed the permission.
GrantorUsers - required
Multiple MSPComplete end-user objects.
The mailboxes that will granting or removing the permission.
GrantorGroups - required
Multiple MSPComplete group objects.
The groups that will granting or removing the permission.
GrantOrRemovePermission - required
A single string.
Valid values are 'grant' and 'remove' (case-insensitive).
Usage option 2: Grant or remove multiple (user and group)s' 'Send On Behalf' Permission to one (user or group) mailbox
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant containing the mailboxes.
GranteeUsers - required
Multiple MSPComplete end-user objects.
The mailboxes that will be granted or removed the permission.
GranteeGroups - required
Multiple MSPComplete group objects.
The groups that will be granted or removed the permission.
GrantorUsers - required
Single MSPComplete end-user object.
The mailbox that will granting or removing the permission. If more than one object is provided, only the first one is used.
GrantorGroups - required
Single MSPComplete group object.
The group that will granting or removing the permission. If more than one object is provided, only the first one is used.
GrantOrRemovePermission - required
A single string.
Valid values are 'grant' and 'remove' (case-insensitive).
Usage option 3: Grant or remove 'Send On Behalf' Permissions via CSV
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant containing the mailboxes.
Required columns:
The email address of the grantee.
Valid values are 'grant' and 'remove' (case-insensitive).
The email address of the grantor.
A CSV containing all the users and groups that were processed by this task.
The additional column 'GrantRemoveSendOnBehalfPermissionsOperationApplied' indicates if the action to grant or remove permission was successfully executed by this task.
The additional column 'GrantRemoveSendOnBehalfPermissionsStateAchieved' indicates if the desired state was achieved.
The additional column 'GrantRemoveSendOnBehalfPermissionsMessages' contains the warning/error messages that were generated during the course of the task.
A string containing all the error messages that were generated over the course of this task.
Version: 1.3.0
Date: 14 May 2019
Import Groups into MSPComplete V2
Imports all groups from an Microsoft 365 tenant into MSPComplete.
The types of groups imported into MSPComplete are:
- Distribution groups
- Unified groups
- Dynamic distribution groups
The member lists for distribution groups and unified groups are also imported into MSPComplete.
In order for the distribution group and unified group members to be imported, the members first have to be imported into MSPComplete as end-users, using [Office 365] - Import Users into MSPComplete.
The groups will be imported into the customer in the MSPComplete context (i.e. the customer for which the runbook was launched).
A MSPComplete endpoint containing the Office 365 administrative credentials, required.
The credentials for the tenant to import groups from
A single boolean value, optional, defaults to true.
Specifies whether a group should be created in MSPComplete if it does not exist in MSPComplete, but if it exists in Microsoft 365.
A single boolean value, optional, defaults to true.
Specifies whether a group should be updated in MSPComplete to match the group in Microsoft 365, if it exists in both MSPComplete and Microsoft 365.
Updating a group consists of both updating the group information as well as its membership.
A single boolean value, optional, defaults to false.
Specifies whether a group should be deleted from MSPComplete if it exists in MSPComplete, but not in Microsoft 365.
A string containing all the error messages generated over the course of this task.
Version: 2.0.0
Date: 21 March 2019
Import Users into MSPComplete V2
Imports all users from an Microsoft 365 tenant into MSPComplete.
The users will be imported into the current MSPComplete customer in context.
Both licensed and unlicensed users are imported.
A MSPComplete endpoint object containing the Microsoft 365 administrative credentials, required.
The credentials for the tenant to import users from
A single boolean value, optional, defaults to true.
Selects whether a user should be created in MSPComplete if it does not exist in MSPComplete,
but if it exists in Microsoft 365.
A single boolean value, optional, defaults to true.
Selects whether a user should be updated in MSPComplete to match the user in Microsoft 365,
if it exists in both MSPComplete and Microsoft 365.
A single boolean value, optional, defaults to false.
Selects whether a users should be deleted from MSPComplete if it exists in MSPComplete, but
not in Microsoft 365.
A string containing the error messages that were generated over the course of this task.
Version: 2.2.1
Date: 10 April 2019
Remove Licenses from Users
Removes licenses from one or more Microsoft 365 users
Usage option 1: Remove licenses for a user
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant containing the users.
User - required
A single MSPComplete end-user object.
The user from which the licenses will be removed.
If more than one object is provided, only the first one is used.
Licenses - optional
One or more license SKU IDs or SKU part numbers separated by a new line.
If not provided, all licenses will be removed from the user.
Example license SKU ID: reseller-account:ENTERPRISEPREMIUM
Example SKU part number: ENTERPRISEPREMIUM
Usage option 2: Remove licenses for users via a CSV
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required.
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant containing the users.
UserLicensesCsv - required
A CSV string containing the information about the user licenses to remove.
Required columns:
A single string.
The primary email address of the Microsoft 365 user.
Optional columns:
A single string.
The SKU ID or SKU part number of the license to remove from the user.
If not provided, all licenses will be removed from the user.
A CSV containing all the users that were processed by this task, as well as an additional column 'RemovedLicenses' to indicate if the licenses were removed successfully.
A string containing all the error messages that were generated over the course of this task.
Version: 1.2.2
Date: 18 June 2019
Remove Mailbox Permission
Remove Mailbox Permission for a user.
Usage option 1: Remove permission on a mailbox for the specified user
A MSPComplete endpoint object containing the Microsoft 365 administrative credentials, required.
The credentials for the tenant to complete the operation on
A MSPComplete user object, required.
The user we are removing access
A MSPComplete user object, required.
The mailbox we are removing permission on
Version: 1.1
Date: 29 August 2018
Delete Unified Group
Remove Unified Group
Usage option 1: Remove Unified Group
A MSPComplete endpoint object containing the Microsoft 365 administrative credentials, required.
The credentials for the tenant to complete the operation on
A MSPComplete group object, required.
The group we are removing
Version: 1.2
Date: 8 November 2018
Remove Users
Removes one or more users via a provided list of users or from information given in a CSV string
Usage option 1: Remove Users from provided list of users
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
Users - required
One or more MSPComplete end-user objects.
The users to remove from Microsoft 365.
Usage option 2: Remove Users using a CSV
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
UsersInformationCsv - required
A CSV containing information about the users to remove.
Required columns:
The user principal name uniquely identifying an user.
A CSV string containing the information about which users were successfully removed via an additional column 'Removed'.
A string containing all the error messages that were generated over the course of this task.
Version: 1.1.2
Date: 18 June 2019
Retrieve GDPR Settings
Retrieves the Microsoft 365 GDPR related settings as a CSV string.
Usage option 1: Retrieve Microsoft 365 GDPR related settings as a CSV string
A MSPComplete endpoint object containing the Microsoft 365 administrative credentials, required.
The credentials for the tenant to retrieve information from.
A CSV string containing the Microsoft 365 GDPR related settings.
Version: 1.0.1
Date: 7 November 2018
Retrieve License Assignments
Retrieve all of the Microsoft 365 license assignments for all or a specific mailbox.
Usage option 1: Retrieve Microsoft 365 license assignments for all or a specific mailbox
Complete endpoint object containing the Microsoft 365 administrative credentials, required.
Credentials for the tenant to retrieve information from
A MSPComplete user object, optional.
The user to retrieve license assignment information for
A CSV string containing the license assignment information.
Version: 1.0
Date: 14 July 2018
Retrieve Licenses
Retrieve all Microsoft 365 licenses
Usage option 1: Retrieve all Microsoft 365 licenses
A MSPComplete endpoint object containing the Microsoft 365 administrative credentials, required.
Credentials for the tenant to retrieve information from
A CSV string containing the license information.
Version: 1.0
Date: 12 July 2018
Retrieve Mailbox Permissions
Retrieve the permissions set on all or a specific mailbox
Office365Credentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
Contains the Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
User - optional
A single MSPComplete end-user object.
The user to retrieve mailbox permissions information.
If this is not specified, mailbox permissions information will be retrieved for all users.
A CSV string containing the mailbox permissions information.
Version: 1.0.1
Date: 4 April 2019
Retrieve Mailbox Statistics
Retrieves the statistics for an Microsoft 365 mailbox as a CSV string
Usage option 1: Retrieve mailbox statistics for users
A MSPComplete endpoint object containing the Microsoft 365 administrative credentials, required.
The credentials for the tenant to complete the operation on
One or more MSPComplete end-user objects, required
One or more users to retrieve mailbox statistics on
Usage option 2: Retrieve mailbox statistics based on user identities
A MSPComplete endpoint object containing the Microsoft 365 administrative credentials, required.
The credentials for the tenant to complete the operation on
String, required
List of newline separated identities to retrieve mailbox statistics on
Identities can be any value that uniquely identifies the mailbox.
For example:
Display name
Email address
User principal name (UPN)
A CSV containing all the users that were processed by this task, as well as an additional column 'AssignedLicenses' to indicate if the licenses were assigned successfully.
A string containing all the error messages that were generated over the course of this task.
Version: 1.0.1
Date: 12 December 2018
Retrieve Public Folder Statistics
Retrieves the statistics for an Microsoft 365 public folder as a CSV string
Usage option 1: Retrieves statistics for Microsoft 365 public folder
A MSPComplete endpoint object containing the Microsoft 365 administrative credentials, required.
The credentials for the tenant to complete the operation on
One or more public folder identities separated by a newline, optional. If no values are provide, will retrieve statistics for all public folders associated with the tenant
The GUIDs or public folder names
A CSV containing the public folders information
A string containing all the error messages that were generated over the course of this task.
Version: 1.0
Date: 19 December 2018
Retrieve Send As Permissions
Retrieve the send-as permission set on all or a specific mailbox
Office365Credentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
Contains the Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
User - optional
A single MSPComplete end-user object.
The user to retrieve send-as permissions information.
If this is not specified, send-as permissions information will be retrieved for all users.
A CSV string containing the Send-As permissions information.
Version: 1.0.1
Date: 4 April 2019
Retrieve Send On Behalf Permissions
Retrieve the send on behalf permission set on all or a specific mailbox
Office365Credentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
Contains the Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
User - optional
A single MSPComplete end-user object.
The user to retrieve send on behalf permissions information.
If this is not specified, send on behalf permissions information will be retrieved for all users.
A CSV string containing the Send On Behalf permissions information.
Version: 1.0.1
Date: 4 April 2019
Retrieve Subscribed SKUs
Retrieves the organization's currently subscribed Microsoft 365 SKUs as a CSV string
Usage option 1: Retrieve subscribed Microsoft 365 SKUs
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
A CSV containing the subscribed skus for the tenant.
Version: 1.0.1
Date: 18 June 2019
Retrieve User Information
Retrieves Microsoft 365 user information as a CSV string.
The information retrieved includes:
- First name
- Last name
- Display name
- Address
- City
- State or province
- Postal or zip code
- Country or region
- Mobile phone number
- Company name
- Department
- Job title
- License
- Usage location
- Primary email address
- User principal name
- Administrator role
- Multi-factor authentication status
Usage option 1: Retrieves Microsoft 365 user information
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant containing the users.
Users - optional
One or more MSPComplete end-user objects.
If provided, user information will only be retrieved from Microsoft 365 for these users.
If not provided, user information will be retrieved from Microsoft 365 for all users.
A CSV string containing the user information retrieved.
Version: 1.1.3
Date: 14 June 2019
Send Email V3
Sends an email from a Microsoft 365 mailbox with attachments
If the attachments are in text format (i.e. extension with txt, csv, log, bat, dat), no encoding
of the attachment contents is required.
Otherwise, if the attachments are not in text format, the attachment file bytes are encoded
in Base64.
Office365EmailCredentials - required
A MSPComplete endpoint object containing the Microsoft 365 email credentials.
EmailToAddress - required
One or more strings separated by a newline.
These are the destination email addresses for the email.
EmailSubject - required
A single string.
This is the subject line of the email.
EmailBody - required
A single string.
This is the main content of the email.
EmailCcAddress - optional
One or more strings separated by a newline.
These are the email addresses that will receive carbon copies of the email.
EmailBccAddress - optional
One or more strings separated by a newline.
These are the email addresses that will receive blind carbon copies of the email.
Attachment1FileName - optional
A single string, in the format of FILENAME.EXTENSION.
Example: report.pdf
Attachment1FileContents - optional
A single string.
If the attachment is in text format, this should be the text contents of the attachment.
If the attachment is in non-text format, this should be the Base64 encoded byte contents of the attachment file, using [Convert]::ToBase64String((Get-Content -Encoding Byte -Path FILE_PATH)).
Attachment(X)FileName - optional
A single string.
(X) is 2 to 10.
Same as Attachment1FileName.
Attachment(X)FileContents - optional
A single string.
(X) is 2 to 10.
Same as Attachment1FileContents.
Version: 3.0.0
Date: 24 June 2019
Set Mailboxes' Quotas
Sets quotas for Microsoft 365 mailboxes.
The quotas which can be set are:
- Prohibit send quota
- Prohibit send receive quota
- Issue warning quota
Usage option 1: Set a single set of quotas for one or more mailboxes
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
Mailboxes - required
One or more MSPComplete end-user objects.
The mailboxes that will receive the new quotas specified.
All of the mailboxes will receive the same quotas.
ProhibitSendQuotaGigabytes - conditionally required
A single string.
The size limit in gigabytes for the mailbox where the user will not be able to send new messages upon reaching or exceeding this size.
At least one of ProhibitSendQuotaGigabytes, ProhibitSendReceiveQuotaGigabytes or IssueWarningQuotaGigabytes must be provided.
ProhibitSendReceiveQuotaGigabytes - conditionally required
A single string.
The size limit in gigabytes for the mailbox where the user will not be able to send or receive new messages upon reaching or exceeding this size.
At least one of ProhibitSendQuotaGigabytes, ProhibitSendReceiveQuotaGigabytes or IssueWarningQuotaGigabytes must be provided.
IssueWarningQuotaGigabytes - conditionally required
A single string.
The size limit in gigabytes for the mailbox where the user will receive a warning upon reaching or exceeding this size.
At least one of ProhibitSendQuotaGigabytes, ProhibitSendReceiveQuotaGigabytes or IssueWarningQuotaGigabytes must be provided.
Usage option 2: Set quotas for mailboxes
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
MailboxesCsv - required
A CSV string containing the information about the mailboxes and quotas to set.
Required columns:
A single string.
The primary email address of the mailbox.
Optional columns:
A single string.
The size limit in gigabytes for the mailbox where the user will not be able to send new messages upon reaching or exceeding this size.
At least one of ProhibitSendQuotaGigabytes, ProhibitSendReceiveQuotaGigabytes or IssueWarningQuotaGigabytes must be provided.
A single string.
The size limit in gigabytes for the mailbox where the user will not be able to send or receive new messages upon reaching or exceeding this size.
At least one of ProhibitSendQuotaGigabytes, ProhibitSendReceiveQuotaGigabytes or IssueWarningQuotaGigabytes must be provided.
A single string.
The size limit in gigabytes for the mailbox where the user will receive a warning upon reaching or exceeding this size.
At least one of ProhibitSendQuotaGigabytes, ProhibitSendReceiveQuotaGigabytes or IssueWarningQuotaGigabytes must be provided.
A CSV string containing the information about the mailboxes and quotas that were set.
The column 'SetMailboxesQuotasOperationApplied' indicates if the action to set the quotas was executed by this task.
The column 'SetMailboxesQuotasStateAchieved' indicates if the quotas were the required values at the end of the task.
The column 'SetMailboxesQuotasMessages' contains the warning and/or error messages that were generated while setting the mailbox quotas.
A string containing the error messages that were generated over the course of the task.
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 6 May 2019
Set Mailboxes' Retention Policies
Sets the retention policy for Microsoft 365 mailboxes
Usage option 1: Apply a retention policy to multiple mailboxes
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
Mailboxes - required
One or more MSPComplete end-user objects.
The mailboxes that will be receiving the retention policy.
RetentionPolicy - required
A single string.
The name of the retention policy to apply to the mailboxes.
A list of retention policies available in the tenant can be retrieved using the Get-RetentionPolicy cmdlet
Usage option 2: Apply retention policies to mailboxes using a CSV string
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
MailboxRetentionPoliciesCsv - required
A CSV string containing the information about the retention policies to apply to the mailboxes.
Required columns:
A single string.
The primary email address of the mailbox.
A single string.
The name of the retention policy to apply to the mailbox.
A list of retention policies available in the tenant can be retrieved using the Get-RetentionPolicy cmdlet
A CSV string containing the information about the retention policies that were applied to the mailboxes.
The additional column 'SetMailboxesRetentionPoliciesOperationApplied' indicates if the action to set the mailbox retention policy was successfully executed by this task.
The additional column 'SetMailboxesRetentionPoliciesStateAchieved' indicates if the at the end of the task the mailbox has the desired retention policy.
The additional column 'SetMailboxesRetentionPoliciesMessages' contains the warning and/or error messages that were generated while setting the mailbox retention policy.
A string containing all the error messages that were generated over the course of this task.
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 22 May 2019
Set Users' Passwords
This sets one or more Microsoft 365 users' passwords.
An option can also be set to force the user to change their password upon the first login.
Usage option 1: Reset a user's password
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials.
User - required
A single MSPComplete end-user object.
This user's password will be set by this task.
Password - required
A single string.
This specifies the new password for the user.
This password should meet the organization's Microsoft 365 user password complexity requirements.
ForceChangePassword - optional
A single Boolean value.
This selects if the user is required to change their password upon the first login.
Defaults to true.
Usage option 2: Reset users' passwords using a CSV
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials.
UsersCsv - required
A CSV string containing information about the users and passwords to set.
Required columns:
A single string.
This is the primary email address of the user whose password will be set.
A single string.
This specifies the new password for the user.
This password should meet the organization's Microsoft 365 user password complexity requirements.
Optional columns:
A single boolean, default value is true.
This selects if the user is required to change their password upon the first login.
A CSV string containing information about the users and passwords that were set.
An additional column 'SetPassword' is added to indicate if the user password was set
A string containing the error messages that were generated over the course of this task.
Version: 1.0.3
Date: 17 June 2019
Show/Hide Contacts In Address Lists
This sets the visibility of contacts on address lists, including the Global Address List (GAL).
Usage option 1: Show or hide 1 contact
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
Identity - required
A single string.
The identity of the contact.
The identity of the contact can be the contact name or email address.
ShowOrHide - required
A single string.
Specifies whether to show or hide the contact.
Valid values are 'Show' and 'Hide' (case insensitive).
Usage option 2: Show or hide multiple contacts, using the inputs from a CSV file
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
ContactsCsv - required
A CSV string containing the information about the contacts to show or hide.
Required columns:
A single string.
The identity of the contact.
The identity of the contact can be the contact name or email address.
A single string.
Specifies whether to show or hide the contact.
Valid values are 'Show' and 'Hide' (case insensitive).
A CSV containing information about the contacts that were shown or hidden.
A column 'ContactUpdated' is added to indicate if the contact update was successful.
A string containing all the error messages generated over the course of this task.
Version: 1.1.5
Date: 18 June 2019
Update Contacts
Update Microsoft 365 contact settings using the Set-Contact cmdlet.
This sets the values like the contact's company name, office phone number and mobile phone number, among other settings.
Usage option 1: Set the settings for a contact
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
ContactName - conditionally required
A single string.
The name of the contact.
Either ContactName or ContactExternalEmailAddress must be provided.
ContactExternalEmailAddress - conditionally required
A single string.
The external email address of the contact.
Either ContactName or ContactExternalEmailAddress must be provided.
FirstName - optional
A single string.
The first name of the contact.
LastName - optional
A single string.
The last name of the contact.
Company - optional
A single string.
The company name of the contact.
Phone - optional
A single string.
The office phone number of the contact.
MobilePhone - optional
A single string.
The mobile phone number of the contact.
Title - optional
A single string.
The title of the contact.
Example: Miss
WebPage - optional
A single string.
The web page of the contact.
Fax - optional
A single string.
The fax number of the contact.
StreetAddress - optional
A single string.
The street address of the contact.
City - optional
A single string.
The city of the contact.
StateOrProvince - optional
A single string.
The state or province of the contact.
PostalCode - optional
A single string.
The postal code of the contact.
CountryOrRegion - optional
A single string.
The country or region of the contact.
The country or region should be specified as a 2-letter ISO-3166 code.
Example: US
Usage option 2: Set the settings for multiple contacts, using the inputs from a CSV file
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
ContactsCsv - required
A CSV string containing the updated information for the contacts.
Required columns:
A single string.
Either the name or the external email address of the contact.
Optional columns:
A single string.
The first name of the contact.
A single string.
The last name of the contact.
A single string.
The company name of the contact.
A single string.
The office phone number of the contact.
A single string.
The mobile phone number of the contact.
A single string.
The title of the contact.
Example: Miss
A single string.
The web page of the contact.
A single string.
The fax number of the contact.
A single string.
The street address of the contact.
A single string.
The city of the contact.
A single string.
The state or province of the contact.
A single string.
The postal code of the contact.
A single string.
The country or region of the contact.
The country or region should be specified as a 2-letter ISO-3166 code.
Example: US
A CSV containing information about the contacts that were updated.
A column 'ContactUpdated' is added to indicate if the contact update was successful.
A string containing all the error messages generated over the course of this task.
Version: 1.1.4
Date: 18 June 2019
Update Distribution Groups' Members
Updates the members of Microsoft 365 distribution groups
The updated group members can be users or distribution groups.
Usage option 1: Update the members of a distribution group
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant containing the members and groups.
DistributionGroup - required
A single MSPComplete group object.
This is the group that will have its members updated.
It needs to have a 'PrimaryEmailAddress' extended property, which is the group's email address in Microsoft 365.
MemberUsers - optional
One or more MSPComplete end-user objects.
These are the users that will become members of the group.
If both MemberUsers and MemberGroups are not specified, all of the members of the distribution group will be removed.
MemberGroups - optional
One or more MSPComplete group objects.
They are the groups that will become members of the group.
All of the group objects need to have a 'PrimaryEmailAddress' extended property, which is the group's email address in Microsoft 365.
If both MemberUsers and MemberGroups are not specified, all of the members of the distribution group will be removed.
Usage option 2: Update the members of distribution groups
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant containing the members and groups.
MembersCsv - required
A CSV string containing information about the updated members for the groups.
Required columns:
A single string.
The primary email address of the distribution group.
Optional columns:
One or more strings separated by a comma, with the entire string enclosed in double quotes.
The primary email addresses of the updated members of the distribution group.
If this is not specified, all of the members of the distribution group will be removed.
A CSV string containing information about the distribution groups' updated members.
It contains an additional column 'UpdatedMembers' to indicate if the members were updated successfully.
A string containing all the error messages that were generated over the course of this task.
Version: 1.0.1
Date: 2 May 2019
Update Mailboxes' Connectivity
Enables/Disables protocols and interfaces for Microsoft 365 mailboxes.
The various protocols and interfaces which can be enabled/disabled are:
- ActiveSync
Usage option 1: Apply a set of enable/disable settings for protocols and interfaces to one or more user mailboxes
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
UserMailboxes - optional
One or more MSPComplete end-user objects.
This specifies the Microsoft 365 users that will receive the mailbox connectivity updates.
EnableDisablePop - optional
A single string.
Valid values are 'Enable' and 'Disable' (case insensitive).
This specifies if POP should be enabled or disabled for the user mailbox.
EnableDisableImap - optional
A single string.
Valid values are 'Enable' and 'Disable' (case insensitive).
This specifies if IMAP should be enabled or disabled for the user mailbox.
EnableDisableMapi - optional
A single string.
Valid values are 'Enable' and 'Disable' (case insensitive).
This specifies if MAPI should be enabled or disabled for the user mailbox.
EnableDisableOwa - optional
A single string.
Valid values are 'Enable' and 'Disable' (case insensitive).
This specifies if OWA should be enabled or disabled for the user mailbox.
EnableDisableActiveSync - optional
A single string.
Valid values are 'Enable' and 'Disable' (case insensitive).
This specifies if ActiveSync should be enabled or disabled for the user mailbox.
EnableDisableEws - optional
A single string.
Valid values are 'Enable' and 'Disable' (case insensitive).
This specifies if EWS should be enabled or disabled for the user mailbox.
Usage option 2: Enable/disable protocols and interfaces for mailboxes
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
A CSV string containing information about the mailboxes that will receive connectivity updates.
Required columns:
This specifies the mailbox that will be updated.
Possible mailbox identities are:
Display name
Distinguished name (DN)
Canonical DN
Email address
User ID or user principal name (UPN)
This specifies the name of the mailbox protocol or interface that will be enabled
or disabled.
Possible values are (case insensitive):
This specifies whether the mailbox protocol or interface is to be disabled for
the mailbox.
A CSV string containing information about the mailboxes that were updated, as well as an additional column 'UpdatedMailboxConnectivity' to indicate if the update was successful.
A string containing the error messages that were generated over the course of the task.
Version: 1.0.2
Date: 18 June 2019
Update Users V2
Updates one or more Microsoft 365 users' basic properties
Usage option 1: Updates an Office 365 user's basic properties via MSPComplete User object
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
User - required
A single MSPComplete end-user object.
The user that will receive the property updates.
FirstName - optional
A single string.
The first name of the user.
LastName - optional
A single string.
The last name of the user.
DisplayName - optional
A single string.
The display name of the user.
MobilePhoneNumber - optional
A single string.
The mobile phone number of the user.
TelephoneNumber - optional
A single string.
The telephone number of the user.
Fax - optional
A single string.
The fax number of the user.
AlternateEmailAddresses - optional
A single string.
The alternate email address for the user.
AlternateMobilePhoneNumbers - optional
A single string.
The alternate mobile phone number for the user.
AddressLine1 - optional
A single string.
The first line of the address of the user.
City - optional
A single string.
The city of the user.
StateOrProvince - optional
A single string.
The state or province of the user.
PostalOrZipCode - optional
A single string.
The postal or zip code of the user.
CountryOrRegion - optional
A single string.
The country or region of the user.
Office - optional
A single string.
The name of the office of the user.
CompanyName - optional
A single string.
The name of the company of the user.
Department - optional
A single string.
The department of the user.
JobTitle - optional
A single string.
The job title of the user.
UsageLocation - optional
A single string.
The usage location code for user's account. This is required to be set is licenses are to be assigned to the user.
PreferredDataLocation - optional
A single string.
The preferred data location for the user.
PreferredLanguage - optional
A single string.
The preferred language for the user.
PasswordNeverExpires - optional
A single boolean variable.
Specifies if the user's password will not expire.
StrongPasswordRequired - optional
A single boolean variable.
Specifies if the user is required to set a password using stronger rules.
Usage option 2: Updates a Microsoft 365 users' basic properties via User Principal Name
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
UserPrincipalName - required
A single string.
The user principal name of the user that will receive the property updates.
User - required
A single MSPComplete end-user object.
The user that will receive the property updates.
FirstName - optional
A single string.
The first name of the user.
LastName - optional
A single string.
The last name of the user.
DisplayName - optional
A single string.
The display name of the user.
MobilePhoneNumber - optional
A single string.
The mobile phone number of the user.
TelephoneNumber - optional
A single string.
The telephone number of the user.
Fax - optional
A single string.
The fax number of the user.
AlternateEmailAddresses - optional
A single string.
The alternate email address for the user.
AlternateMobilePhoneNumbers - optional
A single string.
The alternate mobile phone number for the user.
AddressLine1 - optional
A single string.
The first line of the address of the user.
City - optional
A single string.
The city of the user.
StateOrProvince - optional
A single string.
The state or province of the user.
PostalOrZipCode - optional
A single string.
The postal or zip code of the user.
CountryOrRegion - optional
A single string.
The country or region of the user.
Office - optional
A single string.
The name of the office of the user.
CompanyName - optional
A single string.
The name of the company of the user.
Department - optional
A single string.
The department of the user.
JobTitle - optional
A single string.
The job title of the user.
UsageLocation - optional
A single string.
The usage location code for user's account. This is required to be set is licenses are to be assigned to the user.
PreferredDataLocation - optional
A single string.
The preferred data location for the user.
PreferredLanguage - optional
A single string.
The preferred language for the user.
PasswordNeverExpires - optional
A single boolean variable.
Specifies if the user's password will not expire.
StrongPasswordRequired - optional
A single boolean variable.
Specifies if the user is required to set a password using stronger rules.
Usage option 3: Updates one or more Microsoft 365 users' basic properties using a CSV string
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
UsersInformationCsv - required
A CSV string containing the information about the user properties to updated.
Required columns:
A single string.
The user principal name of the user that will receive the property updates.
Optional columns:
A single string.
The first name of the user.
A single string.
The last name of the user.
A single string.
The display name of the user.
A single string.
The mobile phone number of the user.
A single string.
The telephone number of the user.
A single string.
The fax number of the user.
A single string.
The alternate email address for the user.
A single string.
The alternate mobile phone number for the user.
A single string.
The first line of the address of the user.
A single string.
The city of the user.
A single string.
The state or province of the user.
A single string.
The postal or zip code of the user.
A single string.
The country or region of the user.
A single string.
The name of the office of the user.
A single string.
The name of the company of the user.
A single string.
The department of the user.
A single string.
The job title of the user.
A single string.
The usage location code for user's account. This is required to be set is licenses are to be assigned to the user.
A single string.
The preferred data location for the user.
A single string.
The preferred language for the user.
A single string.
Specifies if the user's password will not expire.
Valid values are 'true' and 'false' (case insensitive).
A single string.
Specifies if the user is required to set a password using stronger rules.
Valid values are 'true' and 'false' (case insensitive).
A CSV string containing the information about the user properties which were updated.
An additional column 'UpdatedProperties' indicates if the properties were successfully updated.
A string containing all the error messages that were generated over the course of this task.
Version: 2.0.1
Date: 9 May 2019
Update Users' Domain
Updates the domain for one or more Office 365 users via a User object, User Principal Name or CSV
Usage option 1: Update domain for a user via a MSPComplete User object
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
User - required
A single MSPComplete end-user object.
User to update the domain for.
Domain - required
A single string.
The updated domain.
Usage option 2: Update domain for a user via a User Principal Name
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
UserPrincipalName - required
A single string.
The user principal name of the user to update the domain for.
Domain - required
A single string.
The updated domain.
Usage option 3: Update domain users using a CSV string
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
UsersCsv - required
Required columns:
The user principal name of the user to update the domain for
The updated domain
A CSV containing all the users that were processed by this task, as well as an additional column 'UpdatedDomain' to indicate if the domain was updated successfully.
A string containing all the error messages that were generated over the course of this task.
Version: 1.1.2
Date: 18 June 2019
Verify Tenant Domains
Checks if domains are verified in the Microsoft 365 tenant.
Usage option 1: Verify domains
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
Domains - required
One or more strings separated by a new line.
The domains that will be verified.
MaximumWaitTimeMinutes - optional
A single string.
The maximum amount of time to wait for the domains to be verified, in minutes.
The default value is "30".
Usage option 2: Verify domains using a CSV string
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials for the tenant.
DomainsCsv - required
A CSV string containing the information of the domains to verify.
Required columns:
A single string.
The domain that will be verified.
MaximumWaitTimeMinutes - optional
A single string.
The maximum amount of time to wait for the domains to be verified, in minutes.
The default value is "30".
A CSV string containing the the information of the domains that were verified.
The column 'VerifyTenantDomainsStateAchieved' indicates whether the domain is verified at the end of the task.
The column 'VerifyTenantDomainsMessages' contains the warning and error messages that were generated while verifying the domain.
A string containing the error messages that were generated over the course of the task.
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 9 May 2019
Wait For Mailboxes To Replicate To Exchange Online
Waits for Microsoft 365 mailboxes to be replicated in Exchange Online
Usage option 1: Wait for mailboxes to replicate to Exchange Online specified by end-user objects or primary email address
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials.
Mailboxes - conditionally required
One or more MSPComplete end-user objects.
The mailboxes that will be waited on for replication.
Either Mailboxes or MailboxPrimaryEmailAddresses must be provided.
MailboxPrimaryEmailAddresses - conditionally required
The primary email addresses of the mailboxes that will be waited on for replication.
Either Mailboxes or MailboxPrimaryEmailAddresses must be provided.
MaximumWaitTimeMinutes - optional
A single string.
The maximum amount of time to wait for the mailboxes to be replicated, in minutes.
Defaults to 30.
Usage option 2: Wait for mailboxes to replicate to Exchange Online specified by a CSV string
Office365AdministrativeCredentials - required
A single MSPComplete endpoint object.
The Microsoft 365 administrative credentials.
MailboxesCsv - required
A CSV string containing the information about the mailboxes that will be waited on for replication.
Required columns:
A single string.
The primary email address of the mailbox that will be waited on for replication.
MaximumWaitTimeMinutes - optional
A single string.
The maximum amount of time to wait for the mailboxes to be replicated, in minutes.
Defaults to 30.
A CSV string containing the information about the mailboxes that were waited on for replication.
The additional column 'WaitForMailboxesToReplicateToExchangeOnlineStateAchieved' indicates if the at the end of the task the mailbox has been replicated.
The additional column 'WaitForMailboxesToReplicateToExchangeOnlineMessages' contains the warning and/or error messages that were generated while waiting for the mailbox to be replicated.
A string containing all the error messages that were generated over the course of this task.
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 22 May 2019
Wait for Mailbox Replication V2
Wait for the mailbox(es) replication.
Usage option 1: Update the domain for a user via a MSPComplete User object
A MSPComplete endpoint object containing the Microsoft 365 administrative credentials, required.
The credentials for the tenant to complete the operation on
MSPComplete end-user objects, optional
List of users to confirm that an exchange mailbox exists. If no Users are specified, will check all users within MSOnline to confirm that mailboxes exist
String, optional
The maximum time (in minutes) the task will take to check that specified / all users have a mailbox. Defaulted to 30 minutes
A string containing all the error messages that were generated over the course of this task.