Microsoft Teams Tasks

This article provides information on how to use the out-of-the-box task library components within MSPComplete


Add Users to the Team

(BETA) Adds one or more users to a team on Microsoft Teams


  • Office365AdministrativeCredentials

    An endpoint object containing the Office 365 administrative credentials; required.

  • User

    One or more MSPComplete user objects; required.

    These are the users who will be added to the team.

  • TeamDisplayName

    A single string; optional. Either this or TeamGroupId must be provided.

    This is the display name of the team to which the users will be added.

  • TeamGroupId

    A single string; optional. Either this or TeamDisplayName must be provided.

    This is the group ID of the team to which the users will be added.

  • Role

    A single string; optional.

    This specifies the roles which will be applied to the users within the team.


  • AllErrorMessages

    A string containing the error messages that were generated over the course of this task.

Version: 1.0.1

Date: 14 March 2019

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Archive/Unarchive Teams

(BETA) Archives/Unarchives one or more teams on Microsoft Teams


Usage option 1: Archive/unarchive a team

  • MicrosoftGraphCredentials

    An endpoint object containing the Microsoft Graph credentials; required.

  • Office365AdministrativeCredentials

    An endpoint object containing the Office 365 administrative credentials; required.

  • TeamDisplayName

    A single string; required.

    This specifies the display name of the team to archive or unarchive.

  • ArchiveOrUnarchive

    A single string; required, valid values are "Archive" and "Unarchive" (case-insensitive).

  • MaximumWaitTimeMinutes

    A single string; optional, defaults to 30.

    This specifies the maximum amount of time in minutes to wait for the archive/unarchive operation to be completed.

Usage option 2: Archive/unarchive teams

  • MicrosoftGraphCredentials

    An endpoint object containing the Microsoft Graph credentials; required.

  • Office365AdministrativeCredentials

    An endpoint object containing the Office 365 administrative credentials; required.

  • TeamsCsv

    A CSV string containing information about the teams to archive/unarchive.

    Required columns:

    • TeamDisplayName

      A single string.

      This specifies the display name of the team to archive or unarchive.

    • ArchiveOrUnarchive

      A single string, valid values are "Archive" and "Unarchive" (case-insensitive).

  • MaximumWaitTimeMinutes

    A single string; optional, defaults to 30.

    This specifies the maximum amount of time in minutes to wait for the archive/unarchive operation to be completed.


  • MicrosoftTeamsArchiveUnarchiveTeamsCsv

    A CSV string containing information about the teams that were archived/unarchived, as well as an additional column "OperationSuccessful" to indicate if the archive/unarchive operation was successful.

  • MicrosoftTeamsArchiveUnarchiveTeamsErrorMessages

    A string containing the error messages that were generated over the course of this task.

Version: 1.0.1

Date: 14 March 2019

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Create Team

(BETA) Creates a team in Microsoft Teams


  • Office365AdministrativeCredentials

    An endpoint object containing the Office 365 administrative credentials; required.

  • TeamDisplayName

    A single string; required.

    This is the display name of the new team.

  • TeamDescription

    A single string; optional.

    This is the description of the new team.

  • TeamVisibility

    A single string; optional, valid values are 'Private' and 'Public'.

    This is the visibility of the new team.

  • AddCreatorAsMember

    A single boolean value; optional, defaults to false.

    This specifies if the creator of the team (the Administrator) should be added as a member of the team.


  • None

Version: 1.0.1

Date: 14 March 2019

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Create Team Channel

(BETA) Creates a channel within a team in Microsoft Teams


  • Office365AdministrativeCredentials

    An endpoint object containing the Office 365 administrative credentials; required.

  • ChannelDisplayName

    A single string; required.

    This is the display name of the new channel.

  • TeamDisplayName

    A single string; optional. Either this or TeamGroupId must be provided.

    This is the display name of the team in which the channel will be created.

  • TeamGroupId

    A single string; optional. Either this or TeamDisplayName must be provided.

    This is the group ID of the team in which the channel will be created.

  • ChannelDescription

    A single string; optional.

    This is the description of the new channel.


  • None

Version: 1.0.1

Date: 14 March 2019

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Delete Team

(BETA) Deletes a team from Microsoft Teams


  • Office365AdministrativeCredentials

    An endpoint object containing the Office 365 administrative credentials; required.

  • TeamDisplayName

    A single string; optional. Either this or TeamGroupId must be provided.

    This is the display name of the team which will be deleted.

  • TeamGroupId

    A single string; optional. Either this or TeamDisplayName must be provided.

    This is the group ID of the team which will be deleted.


  • None

Version: 1.0.1

Date: 14 March 2019

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Delete Team Channel

(BETA) Deletes a channel within a team on Microsoft Teams


  • Office365AdministrativeCredentials

    An endpoint object containing the Office 365 administrative credentials; required.

  • ChannelDisplayName

    A single string; required.

    This is the display name of the channel which will be deleted.

  • TeamDisplayName

    A single string; optional. Either this or TeamGroupId must be provided.

    This is the display name of the team to which the channel belongs.

  • TeamGroupId

    A single string; optional. Either this or TeamDisplayName must be provided.

    This is the group ID of the team to which the channel belongs.


  • None

Version: 1.0.1

Date: 14 March 2019

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Remove Users From Team

(BETA) Removes one or more users from a team on Microsoft Teams


  • Office365AdministrativeCredentials

    An endpoint object containing the Office 365 administrative credentials; required.

  • User

    One or more MSPComplete end-user objects; required.

    These are the users who will be removed from the team.

  • TeamDisplayName

    A single string; optional. Either this or TeamGroupId must be provided.

    This is the display name of the team which the users will be removed from.

  • TeamGroupId

    A single string; optional. Either this or TeamDisplayName must be provided.

    This is the group ID of the team which the users will be removed from.


  • None

Version: 1.0.1

Date: 14 March 2019

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Retrieve Team Channels

(BETA) Retrieves information about the channels within a team on Microsoft Teams.

Information retrieved about the channels are:

  • The channel ID
  • The channel display name
  • The channel description


  • Office365AdministrativeCredentials

    An endpoint object containing the Office 365 administrative credentials; required.

  • TeamDisplayName

    A single string; optional. Either this or TeamGroupId must be provided.

    This is the display name of the team which the information will be retrieved from.

  • TeamGroupId

    A single string; optional. Either this or TeamDisplayName must be provided.

    This is the group ID of the team which the information will be retrieved from.


  • TeamChannelsCsv

    A CSV string containing information about the channels within the team.

Version: 1.0.1

Date: 14 March 2019

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Retrieve Teams

(BETA) Retrieves information about teams in Microsoft Teams.

Information retrieved about the teams are:

  • The team group ID
  • The team display name


  • Office365AdministrativeCredentials

    An endpoint object containing the Office 365 administrative credentials; required.

  • TeamDisplayNames

    One or more strings separated by a new line; optional.

    This specifies the display names of the teams to retrieve information about.


  • TeamsCsv

    A CSV string containing information about the teams.

Version: 1.0.1

Date: 14 March 2019

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Update Team

(BETA) Updates a team on Microsoft Teams

The properties that can be updated are:

  • Display Name
  • Description
  • Visibility


  • Office365AdministrativeCredentials

    An endpoint object containing the Office 365 administrative credentials; required.

  • TeamDisplayName

    A single string; optional. Either this or TeamGroupId must be provided.

    This is the display name of the team which will be updated.

  • TeamGroupId

    A single string; optional. Either this or TeamDisplayName must be provided.

    This is the group ID of the team which will be updated.

  • NewDisplayName

    A single string; optional.

    This is the new display name of the team.

  • NewDescription

    A single string; optional.

    This is the new description of the team.

  • NewTeamVisibility

    A single string; optional, valid values are 'Private' and 'Public'.

    This is the new visibility of the team.


  • None

Version: 1.0.1

Date: 14 March 2019

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Update Team Channel

(BETA) Updates a channel within a team on Microsoft Teams

The properties that can be updated are:

  • Display name
  • Description


  • Office365AdministrativeCredentials

    An endpoint object containing the Office 365 administrative credentials; required.

  • ChannelDisplayName

    A single string; required.

    This is the display name of the channel which will be updated.

  • TeamDisplayName

    A single string; optional. Either this or TeamGroupId must be provided.

    This is the display name of the team which contains the channel which will be updated.

  • TeamGroupId

    A single string; optional. Either this or TeamDisplayName must be provided.

    This is the group ID of the team which contains the channel which will be updated.

  • NewChannelDisplayName

    A single string; optional.

    This is the new display name of the channel.

  • NewChannelDescription

    A single string; optional.

    This is the new description of the channel.


  • None

Version: 1.0.1

Date: 14 March 2019

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