With the informative feeds that are provided in MSPComplete, you automatically receive regularly updated notifications pertaining to your customers’ service activities and changes. There are two feeds available in the platform: the personal feed and the customer-context feed (referred to in this article as the customer feed). Both of these deliver similar types of content, but at different levels of scope:
- Personal feed: These notifications pertain to all the services and projects that you are personally managing for your entire customer base in the selected workgroup. The personal feed keeps you informed of project and task activity, schedules, and issues that arise during service delivery.
- Customer feed: These notifications relate to all the services, projects, computers, users, groups, endpoints, gateways, and resources that you are managing for a customer in the selected workgroup. Like the personal feed, the customer feed is generated and updated dynamically.
- The information displayed in the customer feed is also included in the personal feed, but in a “roll-up” format that reflects the collective notifications for all the customers in the selected workgroup.
- If you are a member of multiple workgroups, your personal feed encompasses notifications pertaining to all of those workgroups.
There are four categories of feed notifications, which apply to both the personal and customer feeds:
- Alerts
- Events
- Suggestions
- Reminders
Each notification type has a distinct purpose. These are discussed in the next section of this article.
Every feed notification has one of four priorities set for it: Normal, Low, High, or Critical.
You can customize feeds by filtering the notifications based on various criteria (such as category or priority) and by using the suppression options, email notification settings, and flags. Additionally, the RSS Feed feature enables you to stay up to date on your customer and service activity by receiving your feed notifications anywhere, any time, on any Internet-connected device on which you can access email and other online applications.
Sections in this article:
- Types of feed notifications
- Filter feed notifications
- RSS Feed
- Custom settings
- View, dismiss, and navigate notifications
To open the Personal Feed page, select the appropriate workgroup in the left navigation pane and click Personal Feed.
You may have noticed a red dot with a white number inside it next to Personal Feed in the left navigation bar. This is the personal feed counter that indicates how many new notifications have appeared in your personal feed since the last time you opened it. When you next open or refresh the feed, the counter disappears. When it’s displayed, the counter automatically refreshes every minute.
In a customer feed, the counter is an orange dot with a number in it, next to the Feed tab at the top of the page. This counter will automatically refresh every five minutes.
To open the Feed page in the customer context, perform these steps:
- In the left navigation pane, select the appropriate workgroup and click All Customers.
- Click the customer whose feed you want to view.
- Click the Feed tab.
Types of Feed Notifications
As mentioned above, the four categories of notifications that appear in personal and customer feeds provide different kinds of information. The table below describes the nature of the information for each notification type and the icon associated with it in the user interface (UI).
Notification type |
Icon in the user interface |
Description |
Alerts and reminders |
A notification about something that requires agent action, such as tasks that are due or that have failed for some reason. Alerts can also be prompts to verify connectivity for computers that have not connected to MSPComplete in the past 24 hours. A reminder about an upcoming due date for a task or service assigned to that agent or to a team they belong to. |
Event |
A message about an MSPComplete-related event that does not require action. For instance, you're notified that a task was completed or a user was deleted from a customer |
Suggestion |
A suggestion regarding context-specific upsell and cross-sell opportunities for a customer. For example, MSPComplete might recommend an assessment service or a migration service to a customer moving their email from G Suite to Office 365. |
Filter Feed Notifications
You can organize and view the contents of your personal and customer feeds to best meet your needs by filtering the notifications in numerous ways, depending on your current focus. Note that the same sort criteria and options are available for both the personal and customer feeds.
The Filter drop-down form that opens for both types of feeds is shown here:
To filter feed items, perform these steps:
- In the left navigation pane, select the appropriate workgroup.
- Click either Personal Feed or the name of the customer (under Recent Customers) whose feed you want to view.
- Click the Filter button in the upper-left corner.
- In the Filter form, set the filter options you want to use:
Filter criteria
Filter options
Last 4 hours
Last 24 hours
Last week
Last month
Last 90 daysFlagged/Dismissed
Flagged items only
Show dismissed - Click Filter.
Otherwise, you can filter and Save as Default if you want to save this configuration of settings as your default sort settings for future use.
- To reset all the sort options to their original default status (nothing selected) and start your sort selections again, click Clear All. You can click Clear in the Category field to undo all category selections.
- When you’re viewing personal or customer feed notifications in the main pane, you’ll see that any feed categories (Alert, Event, Suggestion, Reminder) that you’ve selected in your last sort operation are displayed just below the Filter button, with an X next to each category name. To remove any of those categories of feed items from what’s displayed, click the X next to it.
RSS Feed
Rich Site Summary (RSS) is a standard XML file format for delivering regularly changing web-based content to remote applications (Outlook, for instance). On the Personal Feed page, the RSS feature gives you the added convenience and flexibility of staying informed of your customers’ projects and service activities from any Internet-connected device without having to constantly monitor MSPComplete itself.
The RSS feature is available only for your feed and not for customer feeds.
To view the RSS version of your feed in MSPComplete, perform these steps:
- Select the appropriate workgroup and click Personal Feed in the left navigation pane.
- Click RSS Feed at the upper left.
Custom Settings
Customizing feeds in MSPComplete enables you to control the notifications that are displayed so that you are presented with only the information you need during an MSPComplete session.
Notification Settings
You can configure email notifications for your personal feed but not for customer feeds. You have the option of setting the feed update frequency to either instant or daily (the “daily digest”). For a daily digest, email notifications will be sent exactly 24 hours from the time you configured the email settings. Note that, unlike alerts, suggestions, and reminders, events will always be sent as daily digests.
The email notification feature for the personal feed is disabled by default. If you want to receive email notifications, you must configure those settings by using the following instructions.
To configure email notification settings, perform these steps:
- Select the appropriate workgroup and click Personal Feed in the left navigation pane.
- Click the “gear” icon in the upper right, and click Notification Settings.
- For alerts, events, suggestions, and reminders, set the options you want:
- Enter a valid email address in the Email Address field for each notification type.
- Select one or more feed priorities for each notification type: Normal, Low, High, or Critical.
- Click either Instant or Daily in the Notification Frequency drop-down menu for each notification type.
As mentioned above, events will always be sent as daily digests.
- Click Save Changes.
Suppression Settings
If you want to streamline your view of feed notifications to make the lists easier to manage, you can do that by using the suppression settings in your personal feed and customer feeds. These settings are rules that tell MSPComplete which types of feed items not to display when you open one of the feed pages. You can delete these settings and redisplay the suppressed feed items at any time.
When you suppress a feed notification in the main pane, you’re instructing MSPComplete not to display any feed items that have the same priority level (“Critical,” for example) and the same feed description (“A Service is due,” for instance) as the feed item you’ve suppressed. Suppression settings remain in effect from one MSPComplete session to the next until they are deleted.
You can only suppress groupings of feed items in the main pane, and not single feed items.
To configure suppression settings for feed notifications, perform the steps below:
- In the left navigation pane, select the appropriate workgroup.
- Click either Personal Feed or the name of the customer (under Recent Customers) whose feed you want to view.
- Click the ellipsis (…) next to a feed notification you want to suppress, and then click Suppress if it’s listed in the drop-down menu.
Note that all other feed items in the current feed context (personal or customer) with the same combination of priority level and feed description are now suppressed.
To delete suppression settings, perform these steps:
- Click the gear icon in the upper right in your feed or the customer feed.
- In the drop-down menu, click Suppression Settings.
- Click the trash can icon to the right of each suppression setting you want to delete.
- Click OK.
- On the Suppression Settings page in your personal feed, each setting listed under Criteria that was set in a customer feed begins with the customer name.
- Suppression settings that you configure in a customer feed effect only that customer and do not carry over to other customers’ feeds in the same workgroup.
View, Dismiss, and Navigate Notifications
When you click the ellipsis (…) button to the right of each individual feed item or grouping of feed items in your personal feed or a customer feed, you’ll see a drop-down menu containing two or more of these four options:
- View Details
- Dismiss
- Navigate
- Flag
Note that the ellipsis buttons appear in both the main pane and the Details pane.
View Notification Details
The View Details option appears in the ellipsis drop-down menu for all feed notifications. Click View Details to open the Details pane and see more information about, and options for, a feed item.
Dismiss Notifications
The Dismiss option appears in the ellipsis drop-down menu for all feed notifications. Click Dismiss to remove a feed item from the list of displayed items. Note that the feed item is not deleted; it is only no longer visible.
You can easily redisplay all dismissed feed notifications by performing these steps:
- In either your feed or a customer feed, click Filter in the upper left.
- Click anywhere in the Dismissed field, and then click Show Dismissed.
- Click Filter at the bottom of the form.
Navigate Notifications
The Navigate option appears in the ellipsis drop-down menu both for single feed items and for groupings of feed items. Click Navigate to go to the relevant location or page in MSPComplete or MigrationWiz where you can see complete information about that service or project and make changes to it, if necessary.
You’ll see the Navigate option for feed notifications that are alerts, suggestions, or reminders. You won’t see this option for events.
Applying a flag to a notification in your personal feed or a customer feed in MSPComplete gives you a visual reminder to follow up on that item. It’s similar to flagging an email item in Outlook, for example. You can later remove the flag from that item if you want.
To flag a feed notification in either the main pane or the Details pane, click the gray flag icon next to the item or click the ellipsis to the right of the item, and then click Flag. You’ll see the flag change to blue or blue-green.
To remove a flag from an item in either pane, click the blue or blue-green flag icon or click the ellipsis to the right of the item, and then click Remove Flag. You’ll see the flag change back to gray.
These are a few important points to keep in mind about feed notification flags:
- You can flag only single feed items, not groupings of notifications. This can be done either in the main pane or in the Details pane, where all feed items are listed individually.
- When you flag a single feed item in the main pane or the Details pane, the flag icon changes from gray to blue-green. Unflagging the item changes the icon back to gray.
- When you click a notification grouping in the main pane and then flag any of that grouping’s individual items in the Details pane, the flag icon changes to blue-green in the Details pane and dark blue in the main pane. The only way to unflag that grouping and item is in the Details pane.
- There are two different shades of gray for flags. Notification groupings with a very light gray flag next to them cannot be flagged.
Load More Button
By default, the four most urgent notification groupings or individual notifications are listed in the main pane in both your personal feed and any customer feeds. This is also true in the Details pane that opens on the right when you click a notification grouping or item in the main pane. The Load More feature at the bottom of the lists in both panes displays four additional feed items every time you click the button until the entire contents of the feed are displayed in the list.
To expand the list of notification groupings and items in the main pain or the Details pane, perform these steps:
- In the left navigation pane, select the appropriate workgroup.
- Click either Personal Feed or the name of the customer (under Recent Customers) whose notification list you want to expand.
- Click Load More below the list.