Zimbra Calendar Event Migration Failure

There is a known issue from Zimbra where, occasionally, when querying the SOAP API, some of the events are not being returned due to a bug in their SOAP API.
MigrationWiz supports an Advanced Option ZimbraCalendarExpandInstances=1 which will force MigrationWiz to request additional information for each calendar event.
Here is the way to set this Advanced Option:
  • From your main MigrationWiz user dashboard, click on Edit Project.
  • From the drop-down list, select Advanced Options.
  • In the Support section, under Support Options, add the following text: ZimbraCalendarExpandInstances=1
  • Click on the "+" sign to save.
  • After completing all of your project's Advanced Options, click on the Save Options button.
Note: This option can also be added on an individual mailbox level by clicking on the pencil icon in the row associated to the mailbox, in the main MigrationWiz project dashboard.

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