Troubleshooting Google Vault Extractor

This article covers common and uncommon errors in the Google Vault Extractor. General troubleshooting information is also included. ​​​

Important: ​The Google Vault Extractor requires that you have the .NET Framework version 4.6.1 or later installed on the computer on which you install and run the extractor. To determine the .NET Framework version currently installed, follow the instructions provided by Microsoft: How to: Determine Which .NET Framework Versions Are Installed

Gathering Troubleshooting Information

Deep logging can be found at %userprofile%\appdata\local\bittitan

  • GoogleVaultExport will contain log output from the console regarding the extraction of data from Google Vault.
  • UploaderWiz will contain log output from the console regarding the upload of Google Vault content from your local machine to Azure.

Extra log verbosity is an option by adding the following string to GoogleVaultExport.exe.config inside of the <appSettings> key:

  • <add key="serilog:write-to:RollingFile.restrictedToMinimumLevel" value="Verbose" />

Before contacting Support, we recommend that you record a trace of the connection from the time you start the Extractor until it stops.

Troubleshooting Specific Errors

Quota Exceeded for Quota Metric

Error message: Message[Quota exceeded for quota metric '' and limit 'ExportWritesPerMinutePerProject' of service '' for consumer 'project_number:54169706180'.] Location[ - ] Reason[rateLimitExceeded] Domain[global]

To resolve this error, follow the steps in OAuth Set Up.

Google Vault exception: Exported emails timeout

Error message: BitTitan.GoogleVaultExport.Export.GoogleVaultException: Timeout occurred while waiting for new exported Emails for user:

The following information is valid for all timeout errors and should be automatically implemented in project that has large export sizes.

Google Vault Extractor's timeout settings for gathering new email and waiting for compression can be adjusted with a command line switch.  Remember to implement both switches.

  • -newEmailsTimeout 86400000
  • -compressionTimeout 86400000

Error message number: 5535

Missing command line switch "-command"

Error message number: 11140

Missing command line switch "inputFile". 

Error message number: 6592

Missing command line switch "outputFolder".

Google Vault exception: System cannot find the file

Error: BitTitan.GoogleVaultExport.Export.GoogleVaultException: An error occurred when uploading files: The system cannot find the file specified.

​This error can occur when GoogleVaultExtractor cannot find the UploaderWiz executable to run. Ensure that the Google V​ault Exporter and UploaderWiz ​​zip files are unpacked, and store them in the same directory.​

Unspecified disconnection/retry failure messages

Unspecified disconnection and retry failure messages: Due to the method by which Google exports information, disconnection and subsequent retry failures are not uncommon on large exports.

Login issues: regardless of a recent login, please visit the Google Vault page: and log out if logged in. Now log in again and reattempt the export.

Basic errors

Generic error messages such as: login failure, unable to login, captcha/challenge page, duplicate input field, etc.

Login again: regardless of a recent login, please visit the Google Vault page: and log out if logged in.  Now log in again and reattempt the export.

Response status code

Error message: Response status code does not indicate success: (response code listed here)

Matters created by Exporter can be identified by the ID string attached to the name of the Matter. This typically represents and unexpected page error.

  • Login – regardless of a recent login, please visit the Google Vault page: and log out if logged in.  Now log in again and reattempt the export.
  • Verify Matters – log in to Google Vault and select Matters.  If the Exporter was exporting a specific user at the time of the error, remove any Matters created by the Exporter for that specific user and try again.

Some messages failed to export correctly

Rerun the export.

What if my export fails while in process?

Google Vault Exporter is able to resume exporting vault files where it previously stopped. Exports taking longer than 24 hours will be canceled by Google Vault.

​​Do not run more than 30 instances of Google Vault Extractor.  Google Vault can support a maximum of 30 parallel exports.​

Contacting Support

Before contacting Support, run the Extractor on a different or a new machine, and verify the same result.

If a specific issue isn't listed, or these steps aren't providing a solution, contact BitTitan Support. Be sure to include the following information:

  • Basic Exporter log
  • Deep logging
  • Fiddler trace
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