Microsoft Teams Migration FAQs

This guide will cover frequently asked questions and troubleshooting processes related to Microsoft Teams to Microsoft Teams migrations. It is not intended to replace any part of the migration guide, which lays out the steps necessary to perform a Teams to Teams migration. 

Migrating guests

Guest access on the source will be migrated if the guest exists and guest permissions are enabled at the destination tenant before migration. This may be done via the Teams or Microsoft 365 admin portal.

Other Limitations

1. Conversations

A Conversation History tab will be created for each corresponding channel at the destination. Each team will show the most recent 60 conversation threads (60 root messages + all replies), while all older message threads may be downloaded as an HTML file in the Conversation History tab.

This number may be increased through the use of the advanced option:TeamsMaxConversationPostPerTeam=XXXX. Replace XXXX with the number of message threads you wish to migrate. E.g.

TeamsMaxConversationPostPerTeam=1000 would load 1000 conversation posts per team. This total is split between channels that are in each Team e.g. If there are 10 channels in a Team then you would see 100 conversation posts migrated per channel. This may slow your migration, so plan accordingly if you use this option. 

2. Teams for Education Migration 

MigrationWiz can assist with the migration of Microsoft Teams for Education (Classroom template only, including Classroom Notebook). We currently do not support the migration of Notebooks for Teams based on PLC or Staff templates.


Teams based on these templates will need to be provisioned in the destination before migration. Please contact Sales for more information.

3. GoDaddy 

Due to limitations on connections allowed by GoDaddy, we do not support migrating to or from GoDaddy using this migration type.

4. Microsoft Teams Connect/Shared Channels

Microsoft Teams Connect (aka shared channels). If the migrated teams contains shared channels, the shared channels will be skipped and conversations in them will not be migrated.


How long does the Azure SAS token last for the Microsoft-provided Azure Storage?

The Azure storage SAS token Microsoft provides to us last only 5 days instead of 30 days.

Adding app permissions

Source Destination

These are the steps to enable permission level at the source only. This authentication process gives you control over who is entitled to use the source.

  1. Ensure you are signed in as a Global Admin in the Microsoft 365 Admin Portal.

  2. Go to either MigrationWiz-Teams-ReadOnly or MigrationWiz-Teams-FullControl and consent to the app access when prompted. If choosing the Teams-ReadOnlyApp option, you will need to disable AMR via "DisableAsynchronousMetadataRead=1", due to Microsoft API limitation.

  3. Create a new Security Group named “MigrationWiz” on the Microsoft 365 Admin Portal. If you have not created a security group before, follow Microsoft's instructions.

  4. Create a new user. This user must have an active Teams license applied.

  5. Add a new user to the previously created security group as a member.


    ADFS and MFA must be turned off for this user.

  6. Create MigrationWiz project.
  7. When creating the endpoints, enter the new user credentials.

MigrationWiz-Teams-FullControl may be used on both source and destination tenants and will export document permissions. 

Post-Migration Steps

  1. Remove the newly created user.
  2. Remove the MigrationWiz Security Group created in Step 3.
  3. To remove the app from the source or destination, perform the following steps:
    1. Launch PowerShell.
    2. Connect PowerShell to Microsoft 365.
    3. Enter the command: Connect-AzureAD
    4. Enter the admin credentials in the prompt.
    5. Enter the command: Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -SearchString Migration
    6. Look for the ObjectId of the app you want to remove and enter the following command: Remove-AzureADServicePrincipal -objectId <the object id>

Adding Teams & Autodiscovery

What is the difference between the previous Assessment and Autodiscovery?

Assessment previously would calculate the number of teams, number of users file size, and licenses needed.

Autodiscover will only discover the total number of teams at the Source

As such, from a speed perspective, autodiscover should be relatively faster than the Assessment. Once auto-discover has been completed, users can import the teams and all the teams will be populated as line items.

What should I do when auto-discovery fails?

Check your Source credentials. Auto-discover will fail if the credentials verification fails.

What will Folder Summary show?

The folder summary will be shown per team level, so all the channels, documents, and document permissions are specific only to that team.

Migrating Teams

Can I select which Teams to migrate?

Yes, by checking only those teams to be migrated after the adding of teams is done either via auto-discover, quick add, or bulk add.

Can I migrate only specific users?

No. All users in a selected team will be migrated.

How do I apply user mapping for a large number of users?

  1. Download and install BitTitan SDK (this link will take you to instructions and a download option).

  2. Download the script and example file attached at the end of this article (Add-MWTeamsUserMapping v2.ps1 and

  3. Fill in the example.csv with the desired user mapping

  4. Retrieve your Teams project ID. This can be obtained by copying the text after the projects/ and before the ?, as shown below.


  5. Run PowerShell as an administrator.

  6. Run this command:

    Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser
    cd <Download folder>
    .\Add-MWTeamsUserMapping v2.ps1 -projectId <Teams project id> -csv <your csv path>
    For example:
    Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser
    cd <Download folder>
    .\Add-MWTeamsUserMapping v2.ps1 -projectId b2b00b67-c6fc-11ea-a81a-000d3af5b517 -csv .\example.csv
  7. Enter your MigrationWiz Account username and password.
  8. Input the path to the CSV file with the user mapping.

Can I rename a team before migration?

Yes. However, only the MailNickname gets renamed. There will not be any changes to the Display Name. Prepend/AppendFolder AdvancedOptions is no longer supported for the Teams connector.

Can I migrate a Team to an existing Microsoft 365 group that is NOT Teams enabled at the destination?

Yes, you can migrate a source Team to an existing Microsoft 365 group in the target tenant even if it is not a Teams-enabled group. We will enable it for you in the "Teams Creation" pass. Then, we proceed to migrate the source data as expected behavior in a Teams migration.

Are team permissions migrated?

Yes. We recommend migrating the permissions last to ensure owners and members at the destination do not get e-mail alerts to access incomplete Teams.

If a team at the destination exists with the same name as a team at the Source tenant, can I rename the specific Team before the migration?

Yes. Click on the Edit icon of the team/line item and change the Destination MailNickname.

Can I migrate Teams with special characters in the name?

Yes. The steps for this are included in the Teams to Teams Migration Guide.

Can I migrate archived Teams?

Currently, archived teams are migrated over as non-archived teams. Private channels of archived teams will be migrated. Channel tabs from archived teams will be migrated. 

SharePoint sites are live in the destination. Will the Teams automatically connect to the SharePoint sites after Teams have been migrated? 

No, we do not have control because this depends on Microsoft Teams. Once a team is created, a new SharePoint site is created for that team automatically within 24 hours of team creation.

Migrating Private Channels

Can I skip private channel migration?

Yes, add the Advanced Option TeamsSkipPrivateChannel=1 into the project before starting the migration

Are there any prerequisites that I must take care of on my destination Tenant before migration?

Please ensure that the destination tenant does not restrict the creation of private channels.

Migrating Tabs & OneNote Documents

MigrationWiz supports the migration of tabs including OneNote, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, and websites as part of the Teams to Teams migration process. There will be a new optional item type, Channel Tabs, in the Start Migration flyout. The steps for this migration option are found in the Teams to Teams migration guide. 

However, Channel Tabs can only be migrated after the initial migration of documents and the OneNote instance. We also recommend waiting at least four hours after the initial document & OneNote migration has been completed before starting the Channel Tabs migration.


Can I see which tabs have been migrated? 

Yes. Migrated tabs will be reflected in the ‘Folder Summary’ section of the respective team/channel. The Migrated Items section will also show the total number of tabs migrated.

How do I migrate tabs? 

The steps for this process are found in the Teams to Teams migration guide.

Can I select specific tabs to migrate before starting the migration?

No. Once the Channel Tabs item type is selected, MigrationWiz will migrate OneNote, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, and Websites tabs by default.

What does the warning message ‘Skipping Tab: TabName for the Channel...‘ mean?

Since the files do not belong to its root or its own Private channel document library, MigrationWiz is not able to remap it. This is a known limitation. The recommended workaround is to manually create it at the destination.

What are the OneNote migration limitations?

The following OneNote items are not migrated.  

  • A OneNote document present in an individual user’s OneDrive account
    (This will be migrated via the standard MigrationWiz document project. A warning message will be shown).

  • Personal OneNote instances and non-Teams OneNote instances will not be migrated.

OneNote Notebooks

  • Default mapping will apply if the source and destination team names differ and the destination team notebook is already provisioned. This means that contents in the source notebook will be automatically migrated to the destination notebook even though the team names are different.

  • The source notebook will be migrated as-is when the source and the destination display name differ and the destination team notebook is not provisioned due to Microsoft limitations.

  • Source default notebook content will be migrated but will not show as the default if the destination notebook has not been provisioned.

OneNote Tabs

  • If the OneNote associated with the tab is not stored in the specified team, the tab will not be created at the destination. A warning message will be shown. This may be due to a changed personal OneDrive URL or a lack of visibility into other teams and their migration status.

What happens if the tab migration fails?

If there are migration failures of OneNote tab migrations, perform "Reset Items" to reset errors before resubmitting the migration. Otherwise, all OneNote notebooks and tabs will be recreated.

Can the documents & tabs migration be skipped?

Yes, add Advanced Option TeamsSkipSiteAssets=1 to skip OneNote migration.

Migrating Conversations

Are all conversations migrated?

60 message threads (60 root messages + all replies) per team will be displayed in the destination team.

MigrationWiz will gather the total number of channels in each team and then grab the most recent 60 threads in each team. The conversations will be distributed across those channels. For example, if you have six channels in a team, you will have ten message threads per channel. This number can be controlled with the TeamsMaxConversationPostPerTeam Advanced Option. Details on this process are found in the migration guide. 

Replies to source conversations previously migrated will not sync to the destination with subsequent passes. Subsequent migration passes will only migrate new conversations started at the source after the previous pass has been completed successfully. 

The entire channel conversation history can also be downloaded as HTML in the ‘Conversation History’ tab. There will be a separate HTML file per channel containing the Conversation History for that channel

Conversation Time Stamps

Timezone for conversation timestamps can be set in the advance options of the project in the Source/Destination tab. Use the dropdown menu named Selected timezone for migrated conversation timestamp under DESTINATION: MICROSOFT TEAMS (DESTINATION). All time zones are in UTC.
How does MigrationWiz choose 'most recent'?

It is based on the age of the root message. If you reply to an old message, it will not be counted as the most recent.

Private Chats

Are private chats migrated? 

MigrationWiz now supports private chat. Please review the Team Private Chat Migration article.


Keep in mind the private chat migration through EWS is no longer available since Microsoft has restricted the Teams' data access stored in a user's mailbox. For more information please review this article.

Migrating Guests

Are guests/external users migrated?

Guest access on the source will be migrated if the guest exists and guest permissions are enabled at the destination tenant before migration. This may be done via the Teams or Microsoft 365 admin portal.


Team members are missing at my destination. How do I resolve this?

Teams with a large number of members may take a longer time to sync. To verify that all members have migrated:

  • Log into
  • Go to the migrated group (Team).
  • View the members list to verify that the correct number of members were migrated.
  • This should be synced to the Teams interface in the next few hours.

Government Migrations 

Can I migrate to or from a US Government tenant?

Yes, via Advanced Options. Refer to the migration guide.

Does GCC support the Teams application permission Advanced Option?

No, currently GCC does not support the use of application permission (UseApplicationPermission=1). Add the option UseDelegatePermission=1 instead.

Black Forest Tenant Migrations

Teams migration is currently not supported for Black Forest Tenants in the Microsoft Germany Datacenter, as it was not rolled out there to the best of our knowledge, nor could we obtain a test environment. For German customers in a .com Microsoft 365 instance, Teams, and migrations to and from should work normally. For US Government tenants, we currently support it as a destination. Source is as yet untested.

Advanced Options

User Mapping Troubleshooting

MigrationWiz will throw a warning message indicating that the particular user is not found and will not be added to the migrated teams when the user is not found at the destination (with or without mapping). To fix this, correct to user mapping and re-migrate with 'Team Permission' selected.

Does UserMapping refer to the UPN or the SMTP?


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