Configure Group Endpoint URLs
When configuring a Microsoft 365 Group endpoint, you must enter the root SharePoint URL for the tenant. Example SharePoint URL:
When adding the document library, use the following format. The example below is for the root document library named Shared Documents. If migrating to a different document library in the O365 Groups SharePoint site, use the name of the document library instead of Shared Documents.
Example Document Library Path
- sites/O365GroupSiteName/Shared Documents
To quickly find the SharePoint site URL for all Microsoft 365 groups for the tenant, execute the following remote PowerShell commands: The commands will need to be run as the global administrator of the target tenant.
$LiveCred = Get-Credential
Install-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement
Import-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement
Connect-ExchangeOnline -ConnectionUri -Credential $LiveCred
Get-UnifiedGroup | fl Displayname,SharePointSiteUrl
Identify storage usage for Groups
Identify the storage usage for Microsoft 365 groups in a Microsoft 365 tenant to ensure that you purchase enough licenses to successfully complete a SharePoint to SharePoint Online Document Library Migration Guide (including Microsoft 365 Groups)
SharePoint to SharePoint Online Document Library Migration Guide (including Microsoft 365 Groups)
The following commands will list all Microsoft 365 Groups including Microsoft Teams. If you are performing a Teams migration, you do not need to consider these. If a Teams migration will also occur, note which groups are Teams and exclude them from the Groups migration.
Follow these steps to identify storage usage for all groups in a Microsoft 365 tenant:
- Connect to Microsoft 365, Exchange Online and SharePoint Online PowerShell using global admin account credentials. See the Connect to all Office 365 services in a single Windows PowerShell window article from Microsoft to learn more.
- Once connected, run the following commands to export a CSV of the tenant's groups and storage usage to your C:\ drive's root folder:
$Groups = Get-UnifiedGroup
$Group = $_
$site=Get-SPOSite -Identity $Group.SharePointSiteUrl -Detailed
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ GroupName=$site.Title
}}|select GroupName, SiteUrl, CurrentStorageInMB | Export-csv -NoTypeInformation c:\o365Groups.csv
- Open the "Groups" CSV file. The file lists all of the groups, document library URLs, and the current storage usage in megabytes.