The following guide explains folder filtering and mapping and how to apply them in MigrationWiz. These options can help simplify and expedite migrations.
Folder Filtering
MigrationWiz allows folder exclusions and inclusions using Regular Expressions (RegEx) syntax.
Filtering folders can reduce the time needed to index the items to be migrated. MigrationWiz indexes all folder names on the source first, then applies any folder filters. Then items in folders are indexed, so adding folder filters shortens the indexing time needed to identify all folders to be included in the migration.
To configure a folder:
- Sign in to your MigrationWiz account.
- Click the Projects tab if you do not see your Project listed.
- From the list, click on the name of your Project.
- Click the
Edit Project button and select the Advanced Options button.
- Under the Filtering tab, specify a filter.
- Click Save.
A useful utility for testing RegEx is:
Folder Normalization
Here is how MigrationWiz normalizes folder names before applying a specified RegEx to decide if a folder should be skipped:
- Case Sensitivity: Folder names are compared in a case-insensitive fashion.
- Folder Separator: Regardless of the messaging system, all folder paths are separated with a forward slash (/) for exclusion comparison, for example, Inbox/SubFolder.
Preceding Separator: Do not specify any preceding separator when referencing the folder, i.e., do not specify /Inbox/SubFolder but rather Inbox/SubFolder.
- DropBox migrations are the exception to this. When DropBox is the source endpoint, the top folder is named "/"
- Trailing Separator: Do not specify any trailing separator when referencing the folder, i.e., do not specify Inbox/SubFolder/ but rather Inbox/SubFolder.
If your folder name is localized (for example: "Postvak In" is "Inbox" in Dutch), make sure to use the localized name.
Folder filters are based on the Source or export side, not the Destination or import side. Therefore, if the Destination has a different format than the Source, the filter needs to reflect the Source side. This is common in document migration projects, e.g., Google Drive to OneDrive for Business. For more information, refer to the example filterSyntax: ^(?!My Drive/Some/Folder/Path) in the table below.
Keep in mind that:
- ^ indicates "match the beginning of the string", meaning that you should filter everything that matches the beginning of the string.
- ^(?!abc) indicates a negative look ahead, meaning that you only process folders that match the string that follows "^(?!".
Make sure you end the folder path with ")".
Folder Filtering for Document Migrations
You can use the following structure for document migrations.
If the source is Google Drive, then the folder filter needs to include the root My Drive in the filter, for example:
^My Drive/Folder A/Folder B
If the source is Google Shared Drives, then the folder filter needs to include the root Drive Name of the Google Shared Drives, for example:
^DriveName/Folder A/Folder B
If the source is SharePoint or OneDrive, the folder filter must include the root Documents or Shared Documents in the filter.
- For SharePoint Online as a source. If the document library name is not Shared Documents replace it with the correct name of the source document library or with the correct language used for Shared Documents:
^Shared Documents/Folder A
- For OneDrive as a source. If the source document library name is in a different language, replace Documents with the correct language being used for Documents:
^Documents/Folder A
For more examples, go to the Filter Syntax Examples section.
Consider that the destination does not make a difference. The folder path will always start with / to represent the folder path starting at the root of Dropbox.
To exclude folders for Dropbox:
To include folders for Dropbox:
Filter Syntax Examples
FilterSyntax | Description |
^Inbox/ |
Do not migrate any subfolders under the Inbox. |
(^Inbox$|^Inbox/) |
Do not migrate the Inbox or any subfolder of Inbox. |
(^Folder1$|^Folder2$|^Folder3/) |
Do not migrate Folder1, Folder2, and any subfolder of Folder3. Note that subfolders of Folder1 and Folder2 are still migrated. |
^(?!Inbox$) |
Migrate only the Inbox. All other folders will be filtered. |
^(?!Inbox) |
Migrate only the Inbox and its corresponding subfolders. All other folders will be filtered. |
Only process folders starting with "Foo/ABC" |
Skip folders starting with "Foo/ABC" |
Only process folders that have "Marketing" in their path |
^Deleted Items/Frequent Contacts |
This folder filter will filter out the folder named Frequent Contacts, under the Deleted Items folder so that it is not included in the migration |
^(?!Inbox/Foo|Inbox/Bar) |
This inclusion filter means that only Inbox/Foo and Inbox/Bar folders will be migrated. ImportantThe parentheses are required! |
^(?!INBOX/james1|INBOX/james2|INBOX/samantha|INBOX/john) |
Filter everything except INBOX/james1, INBOX/james2, INBOX/samantha, and INBOX/john. Therefore, only these four folders will be migrated. |
^(?!My Drive/Some/Folder/Path)
Only export the subtree under Google Drive that matches: My Drive/Some/Folder/Path. ImportantThe filter is always based on the source. Therefore, if migrating to OneDrive for Business, then the default destination matching directory path would be "Documents/Some/Folder/Path" - but the filter is not based on this path because that is the Destination, rather than the Source. |
Deleted Content with SharePoint and OneDrive
Applying Folder Filtering to the source to skip the deleted files in a subsequent pass will not be as effective if data was previously deleted at the source after being migrated to the destination. MigrationWiz API will restore the deleted contents in the destination from the second-stage recycle bin.
For the folder filter to work in such a case, the data from the destination SharePoint second stage recycle must be deleted before beginning another migration pass.
Folder Mapping
Use the folder mapping support option to map a Source folder to a Destination folder. For example, when you want to map the "Inbox" folder on the Source to an "Old Inbox" folder on the Destination in a mailbox migration.
The folder mapping support option uses regular expression (regex), this expression is added to the Adding Support Options screen for individual items or an entire migration project, which applies to all items in the migration project. This article provides detailed information about using the folder mapping Support Option for mailbox migrations and some examples of how the folder mapping support option can be modified to work for you.
For Source folders to map properly, the escape character "\" is required before the use of the following characters:
- [ \ ^ $ . | ? * + ( ) { }
Make sure to use the escape character after every Source Folder. For example, in case we have a folder named (Folder B)
the correct mapping would be ^(Folder A| \(Folder B\))
You can enhance the efficiency and accuracy of migrations by using a TXT file for recipient mappings in MigrationWiz. For more information regarding this topic, please review the Use Bulk Load section of the Advanced Options & General Options article.
Add Folder Mapping for a Migration Project
Follow these steps to add folder mapping to a migration project, which applies to all items in the migration project:
- From the MigrationWiz dashboard, click on the migration project that will have the folder mapping added.
- From the migration project page, click
Edit Project and then select Advanced Options.
- In the Support Option section, add this support option:
Replace "SourceFolder" and "DestinationFolder" with the names of the folders in the Source and Destination environments. - Click the "+" sign to add the folder mapping.
- Click Save.
Add Folder Mapping for an Individual Mailbox
When migrating an entire source mailbox folder hierarchy under a new single subfolder of a Destination mailbox, you must add additional advanced support options for calendar and contact items. See Migrate Mailbox to Single Subfolder outlined below. Otherwise, you will experience problems accessing migrated items at the destination.
Follow these steps to add a folder mapping to an individual item in a mailbox migration project:
- Click on the migration project that contains the item to add folder mapping to, from the MigrationWiz dashboard.
- Find the item that will have folder mapping from the migration project page.
- Click the
Edit Project on the right side for that individual item to open its Advanced Options.
- In the Support Option section, add this support option:
Replace "SourceFolder" and "DestinationFolder" with the names of the folders in the Source and Destination environments. - Click the "+" sign to add the folder mapping.
- Click Save Item.
Folder Mapping Examples
Here are a few examples of folder mapping commands and processes, along with special notes for those specific mappings.
FolderMapping="^Sent Emails->My Sent Items"
This maps the "Sent Emails" folder to a folder named "My Sent items". -
FolderMapping="^Inbox->Managed Folder"
This maps the "Inbox" folder to a folder named "Managed Folder". -
This maps all files across all source folders into a single folder on the Destination. Replace "DestinationFolder" with the name of the folder in the Destination environment.Important
^.*$: Is the regex version of "Select All". (^) Match beginning of string; (.*) Any characters; ($) Match end of string. -
This mapping will map everything being migrated to the defined Destination folder, which will appear as a top-level folder within OneDrive. Replace "DestinationFolder" with the name of the folder in the Destination environment. Keep in mind that when migrating to OneDrive there is a hidden root-level folder titled Documents. -
This maps everything from the root level down into a single folder on the Destination while maintaining the folder hierarchy within the Destination folder and is best used for a public folder to public folder project.- Replace "DestinationFolder" with the name of the folder in the Destination environment.
- Be sure to add the / (forward slash symbol) at the end of the folder name to tell MigrationWiz to create a new subfolder under that Destination folder.
- Be careful with this, as it will map system folders as well as regular folders (such as Google Drive's "Permissions" folder).
If migrating a mailbox to a specific Destination folder, this command can cause folders to become invisible and inaccessible due to the order of migration. Unless you are ONLY migrating a single folder type, you will instead want to use the folder mapping format outlined under Migrate Mailbox to Single Subfolder below.
FolderMapping="^Floor 5-A5-8-T4-\(AV\+TC\)->Calendar"
This maps the "Floor 5-A5-8-T4-(AV+TC)" folder to the "Calendar" folder. The part to the left of "->" is regex, so special characters need to be escaped.
In this example, the special characters escaped with a backslash before the special characters.
Migrate Mailbox to a Single Subfolder (Calendar, Contacts, and Mail)
It is possible to migrate a Source mailbox into a single subfolder of a Destination mailbox. However, the contact and calendar folders will need to reside under the root contacts and calendar folders.
These folder mapping support options ensure the folders are created at the correct location:
Both support options above must be added in the Advanced Options for your project or individual mailboxes.
To add a single mailbox, follow the steps below:
- Click on the
Edit Project icon on the far right side of the email address that you wish to edit.
- Replace "DestinationFolder" with the name of the folder you want to use at the Destination.
The folder mapping support options listed above must be added in the order shown. If they are not added in this order, some contents of the migrating mailbox may become invisible and inaccessible on the destination
The spelling of both 'Calendar' and 'Contacts' must also reflect the language of the folder name at the Destination mailbox, e.g., 'Calendar' will be 'Calendrier' in French and 'Contacts' will 'Contactpersonen' in Dutch.
Folder Mapping For Document Migrations
Folder mapping only occurs at the destination and the root document library name or root drive name for the destination (not the source root drive name or source root document library name) must be used for both the left and right side (left and right side of ->) of the folder mapping expression.
The following format examples will create a new parent folder in the root of the destination document library (SharePoint or OneDrive) or the root of the destination drive (Google Drive or Google Shared Drive) and migrate the folder hierarchy and files to be under the new parent folder named in the folder mapping.
FolderMapping="^Shared Documents->Shared Documents/DestinationFolder"
FolderMapping="^My Drive->My Drive/DestinationFolder"
Additional Information About Folder Mapping
The Source folders may be different (at the API level) from what is displayed in the user interface or Outlook. Therefore, when defining the folder mappings, pay special attention to the exact format of the folder name (e.g., [Gmail]/Sent for Sent).
We recommend you use Regex Hero to test your regular expression code.
{%escape%} is a reserved word you must avoid when creating folder mappings. If original folder names in the Source end with {%escape%}, they must be manually renamed before migration.
G Suite (GMail API) Limitations
For ‘GSuite (Gmail API) to GSuite (Gmail API)’ migrations only:
If you want to map multiple source labels into a single label on the destination, the parent destination label must be created before starting the migration.
Example: If you wish to map three Source labels ('ABC', 'PQR', and 'XYZ') into one parent label ('DestinationLabel') at the destination then you must create the parent label ('DestinationLabel') at destination mailbox before running the migration.
Escaping Special Characters
FolderMapping="^Floor 5-A5-8-T4-\(AV\+TC\)->Calendar"
In the example above, this advanced option maps the "Floor 5-A5-8-T4-(AV+TC)" folder to the "Calendar" folder. The part to the left of "->" is regex, so special characters need to be escaped. In the above example, the special characters escaped with a backslash before the special characters.
Here is a list of the common special characters that would need to be escaped and what each one does:
- ^ matches the beginning of a string.
- $ matches the end of the string.
- {} are used as range quantifiers.
- () are used to group characters.
- [] are used to create a character class that matches a single character.
- . matches any character except a new line.
- * is a match 0 or more quantifier.
- ? is the 0 or 1 quantifier.
- | Separate a series of alternatives.