This is the complete onboarding task flow for migrating PST (Outlook Data File) files into G Suite mailboxes.
First migration?
We’ve created a guide on scoping, planning, and managing the migration process for your use. If this is your first migration, we recommend reading this guide carefully.
MigrationWiz is a migration tool, not a syncing tool. If changes are made at the source after migration, they will not sync to the destination, nor will changes made at the destination sync to the source. We do not have “live” monitoring of changes (as with a sync agent) and we cannot handle scenarios such as conflict resolution without user interaction.
MigrationWiz supports the capability to share migration projects across a Workgroup. When the Project Sharing feature is turned on, all Agents besides those who are Inactive can view all migrations projects.
The following requirements for PST files need to be met:
- PST files need to be in Outlook 2003 (or later) format.
- PST files cannot be corrupted. We do not provide an automated solution for repairing or migrating corrupted PST files. In case there are corrupted PST files, fix them before performing a migration.
- If UploaderWiz is installed:
- Windows Vista or later is required for desktops. Mac OS is not supported.
- Installed .NET 4.6 or later.
- Permission to run a command prompt as Administrator.
Compared to standard mailbox migrations, the key difference is that PST files need to be discovered and uploaded to a secure Azure Storage account before a migration.
Purchase and apply User Migration Bundle licenses for all the users being migrated. For this migration type, we suggest the User Migration Bundle. For questions on licensing, visit MigrationWiz Licenses.
- User Migration Bundle Licenses have unlimited data available per license.
- User Migration Bundle Licenses are applied to the customer's users and expire 12 months after their purchase date.
- Document, Personal Archive, and DeploymentPro projects are all included when using User Migration Bundle Licenses.
- This license type must be applied manually.
To use your license by following the next steps:
- Purchase Licenses.
- Create a Customer.
- Apply Licenses.
- Review Considerations.
Purchase licenses by following the steps below:
- Sign in to your BitTitan account.
- In the top navigation bar, click Purchase.
- Click the Select button and choose User Migration Bundle licenses.
- Enter the number of licenses you want to purchase. Click Buy Now.
- Enter a Billing address if applicable.
- Click Next.
- Review the Order Summary and enter a payment method.
- Click Place Your Order.
Create Customer on MSPComplete by performing these steps:
- Click the Add button in the top navigation bar
- Click the Add Customer button on the All Customers page
- Select the appropriate workgroup in the left navigation pane and click All Customers.
- Click Add Customer.
- Enter the new customer’s information in the Add Customer form. Primary Email Domain and Company Name are required. The rest are optional.
- Click Save.
- Repeat steps 1 through 4 for each customer you want to add.
Perform these steps on MSPComplete:
- Select the correct workgroup on the top of the left navigation pane.
This is the workgroup which the customer and migration projects were created under. Your account must be part of the workgroup if the project was not created under your account. - Click Customers on the left navigation pane.
- Click the customer that employs the user to whom you want to use the User Migration Bundle license.
- Click the Users tab at the top of the page.
- Apply the license to the users by checking the box to the left of their emails.
- Click the Apply User Migration Bundle License button at the top of the page.
We recommend adding users to the Customer page with the vanity domain. Then apply the User Migration Bundle Licenses, before editing to show the .onmicrosoft domain, if the .onmicrosoft domain will be used for the migration. - Click Confirm if at least one unassigned User Migration Bundle license is available for each selected user.
If there are no User Migration Bundle licenses currently available to be assigned and your role in the workgroup is Manager or higher, the form that appears provides all the necessary information and will walk you through the steps of purchasing User Migration Bundle licenses.
Licenses are released once payment has been received:
- Licenses are available immediately upon payment if you purchase via credit card.
- If you purchase via wire transfer (100+ licenses), the licenses will be available once payment is received and accepted.
- We do not accept purchase orders because of processing overhead.
In both cases, you will be notified by email that payment has been accepted and licenses are available in your account upon notification.
For more information on licensing, including coupon redemption and other licensing types, see our Licensing FAQ.
Each PST migration license allows for up to 10GB of data to be migrated. If the total file size for a single line item in MigrationWiz is greater than 10GB, then you must configure that line item to consume more than a single license. Otherwise, the migration fails for that item. To do so:
- Ensure that you purchased a pool of licenses to account for a potential overrun.
- Enter the maximum number of licenses consumed per line item.
- Click Save. Items in the migration project now have permission to consume more than a single license.
- We are not able to support migrations with two-factor or multifactor authentication.
- The maximum file size for migration through MigrationWiz varies by migration type and environment, but may never exceed 60GB.
- Below is a list of items that can and cannot be migrated when PST is the source. This list can change without notice, so double-check this list before any migrations.
Migrated Items
Please click the bar below to check the migrated and non-migrated items. We are constantly working to create a better migration experience for you so these items may change over time.
PST Files from your own Azure storage.
- Folders
- Contacts
- Calendars
- Tasks
- Journals
- Notes
Not migrated
- Follow Up flags
PST BitTitan Storage
PST Files are uploaded to BitTitan Storage using the UploaderWiz tool.
- Folders
- Contacts
- Calendars
- Tasks
- Journals
- Notes
Amazon Storage
Items with the Storage Class "Glacier" - Items archived to cold storage by Amazon's retention policy - are not migrated
Prepare the Azure Environment
- Estimate Azure storage costs. This step is optional but is useful in providing the customer with upfront storage costs ahead of time.
- Buy an Azure subscription, or use the free one-month trial. The trial option is only viable if you are performing a very small migration.
- Create an Azure storage account. You will need to set up a STORAGE (General Purpose v2) account rather than a storage blob.
- Take note of the storage account name and the primary access key. (In Azure, from the storage screen, click Manage Access Keys at the bottom of the screen). These need to be entered into the MigrationWiz migration project when specifying the destination settings.
To create the Azure storage account, follow the steps below:
- Visit the Azure portal.
- Click Storage accounts.
- Click Create.
- Select the Subscription and create a new Resource group or use a current one.
- Name the Storage account.
- For Region, select a geographic region for the storage account.
- For Performance, select Standard general-purpose V2 account.
- In the Redundancy field, select Locally-redundant storage (LRS).
- Click the Review button.
- When the validation ends, click the Create button.
- Once the deployment of the storage account is complete, click the Go to resource button or open up the home page for the new storage account.
- In the Security + networking section of the left sidebar, click on Access Keys.
- On a notepad, copy the Storage account name and the key1 and save them.
Now the storage account appears in the storage list.
Prepare the Destination Environment
Please review the following prerequisites before preparing your environment.
- Enabling access is required for both G Suite mailbox and Google Drive document migration projects.
- Mailbox migration projects require a G Suite administrator to grant access to the BitTitan client ID and scopes listed in this article.
- Document migration projects require that a G Suite Super administrator grant access to the BitTitan client ID and scopes listed in this article and enable the API access. The steps to do this are included at the bottom of this article.
Grant MigrationWiz OAuth 2.0 Access to G Suite
BitTitan products use OAuth 2.0 to authenticate to G Suite and utilize the G Suite (IMAP) endpoint in MigrationWiz. This applies to both mailbox and document migration projects. To configure the OAuth access within your G Suite environment, follow the directions in this article.
Enabling access is required for both G Suite mailbox and Google Drive document migration projects. To access your G Suite data, it is necessary to add specifically allowed API scopes to the MigrationWiz project.
Steps in the G Suite Admin Console
Complete these steps to grant BitTitan client ID access to the appropriate scopes:
- Go to and authenticate as a Super Administrator.
- In the admin console, go to Menu > Click Security > Access and data control > API controls> Manage Domain Wide Delegation.
If you do not see the security icon on your admin console home page, your account does not have the necessary rights to make these changes.
Google limits settings access and configuration to only G Suite Super Administrator accounts. - Click Add New.
- Enter 113321175602709078332 into the Client ID field.
- Enter the following groups of scopes into the OAuth Scopes (comma-delimited) field:
G Suite as the Destination (full scopes):,,,,,,,,,,
G Suite as the Destination (full scopes):
- Click Authorize.
The client name is 113321175602709078332 (make sure there are no leading or trailing spaces, as this may cause the error "URL ends with an invalid top-level domain name."). This will grant BitTitan products access to the appropriate scopes.
If you are migrating to multiple domains, repeat these steps for each domain.
Discover PST Files and Upload to Azure
Discover PST files on the network, and upload them into Azure.
- Discover PST files and upload them to Azure via UploaderWiz in PST Discovery Mode
Discover PST files and upload them to Azure via a Group Policy Object?
Each PST file that will be migrated must be equal to or less than 10GB. PST files that are larger than 10GB must be divided into separate files that are each smaller than the 10GB limit; otherwise, the migration will fail.
- Password-protected PSTs cannot be migrated while protected. Remove the password from any protected PSTs before migration. After migration, re-apply the passwords to protect the documents.
MigrationWiz Steps
Create a Personal Archive Migration project
- Click the Go to My Projects button.
- Click the Create Project button.
- Select Personal Archive as the migration type.
- Click Next Step.
- Enter a Project name and select a Customer.
- Click Next Step.
Endpoints are now created through MigrationWiz, rather than through MSPComplete. The steps for this section outline how to create the endpoints in MigrationWiz.
If you are selecting an existing endpoint, keep in mind that only ten endpoints will show in the drop-down. If you have more than ten, you may need to search. Endpoint search is case and character-specific. For example, Cust0mer will not show up if the search is customer. We recommend keeping a list of endpoints you have created, along with any unique spellings or capitalization you may have used.
You may either use existing endpoints or create new ones.
Create a Source Endpoint
- Click Endpoints.
- Click Add Endpoint.
- Select PST.
It is necessary to add all that will be part of the migration on either the Source or the Destination. This means that, if there are users in one project with domain names and, it is important to ensure that both of these are added under “Your Domains” when creating the endpoints. When adding a domain, you need to click the "+" button.
Enter the Storage Account Name and Access Key in the fields provided. When entering the Azure Storage Account Name for the source endpoint, only numbers and lowercase letters can be used. If you enter an upper case letter, your migration will fail.
Create a Destination Endpoint
- Click Endpoints.
- Click Add Endpoint.
- Enter endpoint name.
- For endpoint type, select G Suite/Gmail.
- Please ensure that all domains intended for migration are added. This means that if there are users in one project with domain names and, it is important to ensure that both of these are added under Your Domains when creating the endpoints. When you add a domain, you need to click the "+" button.
- Enter the Administrative email address. This is the account that has an admin access level to the Google admin portal.
Add Users
Add the user accounts that will be migrated to the project.
Advanced Options
The following sections describe the tabs available for Advanced Options in this kind of migration.
Support Tab
Consider that each Support Option includes the "=" character and is to be entered under the Support tab in the section named Support Options.
Add additional blank fields for new Support Options by clicking on the "+" button. In case you want to delete a field click the trash can icon.
Optional Settings
PSTCustomEndpointSuffix=Azure URI This is optional. The Azure URI needs to be changed to one of the following values:
- (China)
- (Germany)
- (government)
This Advanced Option only needs to be added if you are uploading your PST files to a specific Azure data center, using the UploaderWiz optional parameter of azurelocation=gov, ger, or china.
- Add FolderMapping="^->PST/" We recommend that you add this Advanced Option so that the items in the PST file will be mapped to a folder on the Destination, rather than into the root of the Inbox, and maintain the folder hierarchy. This helps your end users locate the items in their PST files, once migrated.
Performance Tab
- Set the preferred BitTitan data center. For the fastest migration speeds, select the data center that is closest to your Microsoft 365 Destination tenant. Read the BitTitan - Data Security and Privacy Policy article for more information.
Source/Destination Tab
- The default bucket name is set to "migrationwiz". If you are using your own Azure storage and have uploaded your PST files into a container that has a different name than "migrationwiz", change the bucket name to the same name. For example, if your Azure storage container is named "pstblob", change the bucket name in Advanced Options to "pstblob". If these do not match, you will get an error when trying to import your PST files from Azure into your MigrationWiz dashboard.
Import PST files
Import PST files into the MigrationWiz PST archive project.
- Click the Autodiscover Items bar.
- Click the Start Autodiscover button.
- Once the PST files have been discovered, click the green + Import Items.
- If 0 items are discovered, a common mistake is that the Source/Bucket Name under Project Advanced Options has not been set to the correct Azure container name.
Choose Destination Mailbox
Choose which Destination mailbox to inject each PST file into.
The owner's email address should be displayed under the "Destination Email" column.
If is displayed as the Destination email address instead of the actual owner's email address, click the Edit Item (pencil icon) to the right of the row. Then, under the Destination Email Address field, enter the mailbox that this file will be ingested into.
If you have multiple PST files to migrate into a single mailbox, click the pencil icon next to the individual migration item. Then, under Source PST Path, click the Add button (the +) to add the additional PST path(s).
Run Verify Credentials
- Open the Project containing items you wish to validate.
- Select the items you wish to validate.
- Click the Start button in your dashboard.
- Select Verify Credentials from the drop-down list.
Once complete, the results of the verification will be shown in the Status section.
Start Migration
- Select the users.
- Click the Start button from the top.
- Select Full Migration.
- Click Start Migration.
Run Retry Errors
Look through the user list and click any red "failed migration" errors. Review the information and act accordingly.
If problems persist, contact Support.
Post Migration
Optional (does not apply to Microsoft storage): Delete the Azure blob container, created during the upload to Azure. This will prevent incurring post-migration Azure costs for these containers. Be careful to only delete the created container for this migration project.