MigrationWiz Statistics & Statistics Lookup

MigrationWiz provides robust statistics reporting to assist with troubleshooting and migration management.​ Some detailed statistics are only available on a per-mailbox basis. Others are global statistics available on a per-project basis.

This document explains how to access your statistics, and how to use them effectively. It also covers a few related questions. 

Accessing Statistics

  1. Sign in to your MigrationWiz account.
  2. Click on the green Go To My Projects bar. This will list your projects.
  3. On the far right, click on the bar chart icon.
  4. Click on Email Project Statistics.
  5. Click the Send button to receive an email with statistics for your project.

In Advanced Options, under the Notifications section, choose "Send successful migration email notifications to:" and check the Additional Recipients box. The additional addresses only need to be added to this section to notify us of a successful migration. 

Teams Migrations

  1. From My Projects, select the correct project.
  2. Click on the Actions drop-down.
  3. Select Email Project Action Logs.

Reset Item Statistics

To reset the statistics of one or more items in the project:
  1. Sign in to your MigrationWiz account.
  2. Click Go to My Projects.
  3. Click the name of the project in the list.
  4. Select the items for which you want to reset statistics.
  5. Click the Reset Items button in the top navigation bar.


    The reset looks like a semi-circle going counterclockwise, located to the immediate right of the Move item button.
  6. Do NOT select "Reset errors only for the selected items." if you need to reset the migration statistics completely. Do not check this box unless Support specifically recommends it. 
  7. Click Reset Items.

You will know the reset was successful when all migration data for the selected users will be blank or returned to '0'.

View Per-mailbox Detailed Statistics

This includes detailed statistics like data transfer graphs, per-folder item count, etc. These statistics are only available on a per-mailbox basis.

  1. Click on the project (containing the mailbox).
  2. Click on the mailbox.

Receive the Global Statistics for a Project

This includes global detailed statistics like a number of emails migrated, failed items for each mailbox, etc. These statistics are only available on a per-project basis.

  1. Identify the project.
  2. Click on the Email Project Statistics action icon on the right side of the list view.
  3. We will send you a detailed report by email.

Per-Folder Success & Error Statistics

The Folder Summary will display successes and errors per folder. You can view the item success and error count per folder by performing the following:

  1. Sign in to your MigrationWiz account.
  2. Open the Project where the mailbox resides and locate the specific mailbox.
  3. Click on the mailbox Status.

What do the statistics mean?

MigrationWiz records a number of statistics about your migration. This can help you identify problems, troubleshoot failures, and expedite future migrations.

  • ​​Source Active Duration (minutes): The amount of time that the read thread is actively reading data from the Source.
  • Source Passive Duration (minutes): The amount of time that the read thread is waiting for other processes, and is idle.
  • Source Data Speed (MB/hour): The average read speed of the thread for the duration of the migration​.
  • Source Item Speed (items/hour): The average number of items being read for the​ duration of the migration.
  • Destination Active Duration (minutes): The amount of time that the write thread is actively writing data to the Destination.
  • Destination Passive Duration (minutes): The amount of time that the write thread is waiting for other processes, and is idle.
  • Destination Data Speed (MB/hour): The average write speed of the thread for the duration of the migration.
  • Destination Item Speed (items/hour): The average number of items being written to the Destination for the duration of the migration.

Why are Some of these Statistics Inaccurate?

In certain project configurations, the statistics reported to MigrationWiz may not correctly reflect the number of items migrated. Specifically, migrating to recoverable items, or using a folder mapping and migrating many folders into one, will cause the reported stats in MigrationWiz to be incorrect.

For example, you have three folders in your Source with 10 items each:

  • Folder A: 10 items
  • Folder B: 10 items
  • Folder C: 10 items

You want to migrate these items to one folder in the Destination, which is currently empty:

Folder ABC: 0 items

When the migration is started, MigrationWiz will first check the Destination for previously migrated items, in an attempt to prevent duplicates. As there are no items found, Folder A migrates 10 items to Folder ABC. MigrationWiz will display it migrated 10 items for Folder A.

Next, MigrationWiz moves on to Folder B and does the same check in the Destination, only this time it finds 10 items. Since these items are not duplicates, we take note and then migrate the 10 items found in Folder B. MigrationWiz will display it migrated 20 items for Folder B.

Finally, completing the migration for Folder C, MigrationWiz finds 20 previously migrated items, and these are again different, so it takes note and then migrates the remaining 10 items. MigrationWiz will display it migrated 30 items for Folder C.

After the migration completes, Folder ABC in the Destination has 30 items, as expected. However, the stats in MigrationWiz do not correctly reflect the number of items migrated; instead, they are an aggregate of all items migrated up to that point in the migration.

Access BitTitan Utilities Logs

​Many BitTitan utilities have the capability to create local log files. The following tools have this capability:

  • GoogleVault Extractor
  • UploaderWiz
  • Device Management Agent
  • Lotus Extractor

For the GoogleVault Extractor and UploaderWizThe generated log files are stored in the location pointed by  %LOCALAPPDATA%\BitTitan  .

Request Project Action Logs

  1. Sign in to your MigrationWiz account.
  2. Click on the green Go To My Projects bar. This will list your projects.
  3. On the far right, click on the bar graph icon as shown in the screenshot below:
    Request project action logs.png

  4. Select Email Project Action Logs.
  5. Click the OK button to receive an email with the requested information for your project.

The Project Action Log currently will include the following actions in the log file:

  • Start full Migration
  • Stop Migration
  • Item Moved
  • Item Added
  • Item Edited
  • Item Deleted
  • Start Retry Errors ()
  • Advanced Options Updated

The log will include when was done (When (Time is UTC)), which account made the action (Who), what was done (Action), and the action details (Details). 

  • The Advanced Options will currently only show that the options were changed. It will not show what changes were made.  
  • If an email address is updated, all log entries pertaining to that email address are updated to reflect the current email address in the project.


The action logs may have a delay of up to 30 minutes before recent actions are listed. If you do not see expected actions listed in the report, wait 30 minutes, and request again.

By default, project logs are only sent to the email address that is listed under your MSPComplete profile.  Your profile can be viewed or edited from your MSPComplete Dashboard, under Account > Edit Profile > Email Address.

If you want to add additional recipients to receive the action logs, you can add their email address(es) under the MigrationWiz project Advanced Options > Notifications sections.  

  1. Select your MigrationWiz project so that you are taken to the user dashboard.
  2. Click the Edit Project menu.
  3. Select Advanced Options.
  4. In the Notifications section, "Send successful migration email notifications to:" section, check the Additional Recipients box.
  5. Add the email addresses you wish to receive copies of the logs.  If you want to add more than one email address, separate them with commas.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Request the Action Logs.
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