MigrationWiz Endpoints

Migrations utilize "endpoints" to facilitate connection and communication with the source and destination environments. These endpoints are management objects that contain preset bundles of connection settings and administrator credentials. 

Endpoints can also define other information, such as the number or type of items to move, the order in which to move items, and certain settings specific to the source or destination environments. 

Within MigrationWiz, endpoints allow for presets that simplify the connections between source and destination. 

Each environment we support migrating to or from has at least one endpoint configured specifically to that environment. Endpoints may have specific advanced options built into them to help map users, convert file types, and protect information, depending on the requirements of the environment. Some environments may have more than one endpoint associated with them to manage different kinds of migration. For example, we offer multiple OneDrive endpoints to allow for GCC migrations and version & metadata migrations. 

Endpoints must be set up before use. New endpoints can be set up in MigrationWiz. The steps for this section outline how to create the endpoints in MigrationWiz.

If you select an existing endpoint, keep in mind that only ten endpoints will show in the drop-down. If you have more than ten, you may need to search. Endpoint search is case and character-specific. For example, Cust0mer will not show up if the search is customer. We recommend keeping a list of endpoints you have created, along with any unique spellings or capitalization you may have used.

You may either use existing endpoints or create new ones. 

This document is intended as a quick reference for the endpoint types, as well as what licenses they utilize, which migration scenarios they support, permission requirements, and other relevant information. All information is covered in more depth in the individual migration guides and other documentation. 

For a full list of specific scenarios, see Supported Migration Scenarios.

Each section provides a brief overview of the endpoint in the description. To view the details of the endpoint, simply click to expand the accordion. You may close the accordion by clicking on its title. 

Google Products

MigrationWiz migrates G Suite mailboxes, Google Drive, and Google Vault. For migration guides and supporting documentation, see G Suite/Gmail Migrations.

G Suite (Gmail API)

Using the Google API for migration allows mailboxes to be migrated even when IMAP is disabled on the Google tenant. Many corporate policies disable IMAP automatically due to security concerns. While this can usually be worked around, it adds another step to the complexity of the process. With the API endpoint, that step is skipped. Migrating with Google API

G Suite (Gmail API) Details

Mailbox migrations. This endpoint applies to G Suite as both a source and a destination.

Supported Connecting Endpoints

  • G Suite (Gmail API)
  • Microsoft 365

Required License Type

User Migration Bundle (UMB) licenses are required. These must be manually applied to each user.

Required Advanced Options

  • StoreOverflowGooglePropertiesInNotes=1 
  • StoreOverflowGooglePropertiesInNotesPrefix="enter your text here" 


  • Subscription to Google Cloud Platform.
  • Google Super Administrator account.
  • Ability to set up a service account on the G Suite tenant.
  • Service account must be set up before the MigrationWiz project is created.

Special Considerations

This endpoint may only be paired with a Microsoft 365 or G Suite (Gmail API) endpoint. G Suite (IMAP) endpoints are not compatible with this endpoint.

Setting up the Endpoint

  1. Click New.
  2. Enter a name in the Endpoint Name field.
  3. select G Suite (Gmail API) from the Endpoint Type drop-down menu.
  4. Upload the JSON file for your service account setup.
  5. Provide a valid super administrator email address for the G Suite account that matches the end user domain.

G Suite (IMAP)

This endpoint is used for mailbox migrations and may be either a source or destination endpoint. For migration guides and supporting documentation, see G Suite/Gmail Migrations.

Supported Connecting Endpoints

  • G Suite IMAP
  • On-Premises Exchange
  • Hosted Exchange 
  • Microsoft 365 

License Type

This migration requires User Migration Bundle licenses. 

Suggested Advanced Options

  • (^All Mail$|^All Mail/) This will filter out the All Mail label from your migration passes. It will also speed up your migration passes.
  • Set the Maximum concurrent migrations value. The default value is 100. For cloud-to-cloud migrations, this value can be set to a very high number, such as 500, because both the Source and Destination environments can handle a large number of concurrent migrations.
  • StoreOverflowGooglePropertiesInNotes=1 
  • StoreOverflowGooglePropertiesInNotesPrefix="enter your text here" 


OAuth 2.0 must be set up and enabled before beginning the migration. Instructions for this process are included in the relevant migration guides.

This endpoint requires an administrator email address that matches the end user domain. 

Setting up the Endpoint

  1. Click on Endpoints 
  2. Add Endpoint
  3. Enter endpoint name
  4. For endpoint type, select G Suite/Gmail.
  5. Enter the Administrative email address. This is the account that has an admin access level to the Google admin portal.
  6. It is necessary to add ALL domains that will be migrated from. This means that if there are users in one project with domain names Sourcedomain.com and Destinationdomain.com, then it is important to ensure that both of these are added under Your Domains when creating the endpoints. When you add a domain, you need to click on the "+" button.

Google Drive (Own Service Account)

The Google Drive (Own Service Account) endpoint is used for document migrations. For guides and supporting documentation, see Google Drive Document Migrations.

Supported Connecting Endpoints

  • OneDrive
  • SharePoint Online
  • Dropbox
  • SharePoint Online (GCC)

License Type

User Migration Bundle licenses are suggested for this migration type.

Suggested Advanced Options

  • InitializationTimeout=8 This increases the initialization timeout window to eight hours. 
  • DocumentBrowsingMode=FullCopy This option migrates all accessible content for a user, along with associated permissions.

  • MapPermissionEmailByPairsInProject=1 When this advanced option is used, MigrationWiz will automatically apply mapping based on the way emails are set up as line items in the project. For example, abc@source.com will be mapped to pqr@destination.com. This will apply to all line items in the same project. Group mapping for Google Drive as the destination is case-sensitive. 


  • Subscription to Google Cloud Platform.

  • Google Super Administrator account.

  • Ability to set up a service account on the G Suite tenant.

  • Service account must be set up before the MigrationWiz project is created.

  • Maximum individual file size is 60GB.

Setting up the Endpoint

  1. Click Endpoints.
  2. Add Endpoint.
  3. Enter the endpoint name.
  4. For the endpoint type, select Google Drive.
  5. Enter the Google admin account email address and domain name in the appropriate fields.

Google Drive (Non-Own Service Account)

This endpoint functions similarly to the Google Drive (Own Service Account) endpoint but requires some additional steps during the migration. For more information, see Google Drive Migration Steps for Non-Own Service Account Migrations.

Google Shared Drives

The Google Shared Drives endpoint migrates Google Shared Drives only, which cannot be migrated by the Google Drive endpoint. The Google Shared Drives endpoint may not be used for general Google Drive migrations. For guides and supporting documentation, see Google Drive Document Migrations.

Supported Connecting Endpoints

  • Google Shared Drives

License Type

This migration scenario uses the Shared Document License type. 

  • One license per line item in the project (i.e. Google Shared Drive to Google Shared Drive migration)
  • Data limit: 50 GB per license


  • MigrationWiz expects destination shared drive to be available with at least 1 active member from the destination tenant withManager role. Without this migration will not succeed.
  • If your destination does not have an active member with a manager role, you may consider using the advanced option SetDestinationAdminAsSharedDriveManager=1. When this advanced option is used, MigrationWiz will use the admin ID from the destination endpoint and set it as a manager member for the destination shared drive.

Setting up the Endpoint

  1. Click New to create the source endpoint.
  2. Name: Type any name you want for the endpoint.
  3. Endpoint Type: Select “Google Shared Drives” from the endpoint type drop-down list.
  4. Service account credentials: Select the JSON file created for the source service account.
  5. Super Administrator Username: Enter the email for the super administrator for the source tenant.
  6. Click Add.

Google Vault

This endpoint is used only for migrating one Google Vault instance to another Google Vault instance. For the guide and supporting documentation, see Google Vault Migrations.

Supported Connecting Endpoints

  • Microsoft 365

License type

We recommend that you purchase the User Migration Bundle license for this migration scenario.


Export Server: It is required that BitTitan Google Vault Extractor be run from a locally managed server. This export server is set up and maintained by the customer. The export server is a requirement and not provided by BitTitan. This server can be a local workstation, an on-premise server, or a virtual server. 

Set up and Configure the Google Vault Extractor 

Setting up the Endpoint

  1. Click New.
  2. Name the endpoint.
  3. Select type Google Vault.
  4. Enter the Storage Account Name and Access Key in the fields provided. 
  5. Click Add.
  6. Click Next Step.

Microsoft 365

The Exchange/Microsoft 365 endpoints cover a wide range of mailbox migrations, including specific regions and US government options. These endpoints include SharePoint, OneDrive for Business, Teams, Exchange, and more. 

Exchange Server 

The Exchange endpoint covers all Exchange On-Premises and Hosted Exchange migrations as both source and destination. For migration guides and supporting documentation, see Exchange Mailbox Migrations.

Supported Connecting Endpoints

  • Microsoft 365
  • On-Premises Exchange (2013+ only as destination)
  • Hosted Exchange
  • G Suite

Required License Type

User Migration Bundle (UMB) licenses


  1. Set up the new AD forest.
  2. Configure forest trust.
  3. Run the Active Directory Migration Tool (ADMT) to migrate objects over to the new forest.
  4. Install the Exchange destination server into the new forest.
  5. Create Exchange users on the new Exchange server.

For all Exchange migrations, we recommend disabling throttling against the admin account used for the migration. Directions on doing this are included in the migration guides. 

Special Considerations

Exchange 2003, 2007 & 2010 are no longer supported by Microsoft. MigrationWiz only supports migrations from these versions as the source. This source endpoint may also be used for SBS migrations.

Setting up the Endpoint

  1. Click New
  2. Name endpoint
  3. Select type Exchange Server 2003+
  4. Enter the OWA URL
  5. Provide credentials: Click the Provide Credentials radio button, and enter the admin account credentials for the account that was set up under the “Prepare the Destination Environment” section of this guide.
  6. Click Add
  7. Click Next Step

Microsoft 365 Public Folder 

This endpoint is used for Microsoft 365/Exchange Online Public Folder migrations. For migration guides and supporting documentation, see Exchange Online Public Folder Migrations.

Supported Connecting Endpoints

  • Microsoft 365 Public Folders

Required License Type

Public Folder licenses


Public folder migrations have several special steps that are required for a successful migration. Be sure to read the migration guide and supporting documents carefully before beginning the migration. 

Special Considerations: GCC Migrations

For government migrations, use the Microsoft 365 Public Folders (US Government) endpoint instead. All other details are the same. 

Setting up the Endpoint

  1. Click New
  2. Name endpoint
  3. Select type Office 365 Public Folders
  4. Provide credentials.
  5. Click Add
  6. Click Next Step

Exchange Server Public Folder

This endpoint type is used for migrating Hosted or On-Premises Exchange public folders. See Exchange Online Public Folder Migrations for migration guides and supporting documentation. 

Supported Connecting Endpoints

  • Exchange Server Public Folder

Required License Type

Public Folder licenses


Public folder migrations have several special steps that are required for a successful migration. Be sure to read the migration guide and supporting documents carefully before beginning the migration. 

Setting up the Endpoint

  1. Click New
  2. Name endpoint
  3. Select type Office 365 Public Folders
  4. Provide credentials.
  5. Click Add
  6. Click Next Step

Microsoft 365 

The Microsoft 365/Exchange Online migration endpoint is used to migrate mailboxes. For migration guides and supporting documentation, see Microsoft Exchange Online/Microsoft 365 Mailbox Migrations.

Supported Connecting Endpoints

  • Exchange Online/Microsoft 365
  • G Suite
  • On-Premises Exchange (2013+)

Required License Type

User Migration Bundle (UMB) licenses

Special Considerations

Exchange may throttle migrations. Instructions on bypassing the throttling are outlined in the migration guide for your scenario. 

Setting up the Endpoint

  1. Click New.
  2. Name endpoint.
  3. Select Microsoft 365.
  4. Enter the administrator username and password in the fields. This should be the global admin or the admin created in the Prepare the Source section. 
  5. Click Add. 
  6. Click Next Step.

OneDrive for Business

The OneDrive for Business endpoint is used for document migrations. This endpoint has three variations: OneDrive for Business, OneDrive for Business (GCC), and OneDrive for Business (Microsoft 365 User) - Documents, Permissions, and Versions and Metadata. For migration guides and supporting documentation, see Microsoft OneDrive & SharePoint Migrations.

Supported Connecting Endpoints

  • OneDrive for Business
  • OneDrive for Business (GCC)
  • Dropbox

Required License Type

User Migration Bundle (UMB) licenses

Setting up the Endpoint

  1. Click Endpoints.
  2. Click Add Endpoint.
  3. Select OneDrive for Business
  4. Select migration type: OneDrive for Business, OneDrive for Business (Office 365 User) - Documents, Permissions, Versions, and Metadata, or OneDrive for Business (GCC migrations).

  5. Leave the Provide Credentials option selected.
  6. Click Add Endpoint

SharePoint Online

This endpoint is used for two licensed migrations: SharePoint Online to Google Drive, and SharePoint to SharePoint Online Document Library. The Online Document Library scenario may also be used to migrate Microsoft 365 Groups.

A third option, SharePoint to SharePoint for GCC does not require licenses but also uses this endpoint.

For migration guides and supporting documentation, see Microsoft OneDrive & SharePoint Migrations.

Supported Connecting Endpoints

  • SharePoint Online
  • SharePoint (GCC)
  • SharePoint Online Document Library

Required License Types

  • User Migration Bundle (UMB) licenses for SharePoint Online and SharePoint (GCC) migrations
  • Shared Document Licenses for SharePoint Online Document Library and Microsoft 365 Groups


  • The maximum file size for migration through MigrationWiz varies by migration type and environment, but may never exceed 60GB

Setting up the Endpoint

  1. Click Endpoints
  2. Click Add Endpoint
  3. Select SharePoint.
  4. Enter the URL for the top-level SharePoint document library, i.e., the site URL.  
  5. Enter the administrator username and password in the fields. This must be either a Global administrator, SharePoint Online administrator, or a Site Collection administrator account.
  6. Click Add Endpoint. 

Microsoft Teams

The Teams endpoint supports several variations on a Microsoft Teams migration, including Planner, Private Chats, and GCC migrations, and document versions & metadata. For migration guides and supporting documentation, see Teams Migrations.

Supported Connecting Endpoints

  • Microsoft Teams

Required License Type

This migration type requires the MigrationWiz-Collaboration (per Team) license type.

  • Each license allows up to 100GB of data to be migrated per license per team.
  • If more than 100GB of data per team is being migrated, purchase enough licenses to cover the total amount of data being migrated. For example, if you have six teams and two of them have 200GB of data, you will need to purchase 8 licenses. 
  • Each license is applied to a single team and expires 12 months after its purchase date. 


Ensure consent has been given for the Teams application permission.

Use either Teams-ReadOnlyApp or MigrationWiz-Teams-FullControl for the Source and MigrationWiz-Teams-FullControl for the destination. 

Refer to the recommended steps. 

  1. Ensure you are signed in as a Global Admin in the Microsoft 365 Admin Portal.

  2. To enable permission at the Source, go to either Teams-ReadOnlyApp or MigrationWiz-Teams-FullControl and consent to the app access when prompted.

  3. To enable permission at the Destination, go to MigrationWiz-Teams-FullControl and consent to the app access when prompted.
  4. Note that if you are migrating 'Document Permissions', you will need to use MigrationWiz-Teams-FullControl for both Source and Destination tenants. 
    Perform below steps 5 to 7 for both Source and Destination: 
  5. Create a new Security Group named “MigrationWiz” on the Microsoft 365 Admin Portal. If you have not created a security group before, follow Microsoft's instructions.

  6. Create a new user. This user must have an active Teams license applied and must be on a cloud-only account. On-premises and hybrid user account types are not supported. 

  7. Add a new user to the previously created security group as a member.


    ADFS and MFA must be turned off for this user.
  8. Create MigrationWiz project.

  9. When creating the endpoints, enter the new user credentials.

Special Considerations

This migration may vary based on the items you intend to migrate. Be sure to select the correct guide and read it carefully. 

Other Mailbox Endpoints


GroupWise is only supported as a source environment for mailbox migrations. For migration guides and supporting documentation, see GroupWise Migrations.

Supported Connecting Endpoints

  • G Suite
  • On-Premises Exchange
  • Microsoft 365

Required License Type

User Migration Bundle (UMB) licenses

Setting up the Endpoint

  1. Click New.
  2. Name the endpoint.
  3. Select type GroupWise 7+.
  4. It is necessary to add all domains that will be part of the migration on either the Source or the Destination. This means that, if there are users in one project with domain names Sourcedomain.com and Destinationdomain.com, it is important to ensure that both of these are added under “Your Domains” when creating the endpoints. When adding a domain, you need to click the "+" button.
  5. Enter the GroupWise SOAP URL.
  6. Click the Provide Credentials radio button and enter the Trusted Key for the Trusted Application Key that was set up under the "Prepare the Source Environment" section of this guide.
  7. Click Add.

If there are multiple Post Office Agents (POAs), and they are not linked, create separate Source endpoints for each POA.


IMAP is a source-only endpoint used for mailbox migrations. For migration guides and supporting documentation, see IMAP Migrations.

Supported Connecting Endpoints

  • Hosted Exchange
  • On-Premises Exchange 2013+
  • G Suite
  • Microsoft 365

Required License Type

User Migration Bundle (UMB) licenses


There are many different versions of IMAP mail systems available. For this reason, we recommend running a trial migration on one or more mailboxes before the actual full migration project. Once the trial migration completes, check on the folder structure at the Destination to ensure that the directory structure is as desired. 

To run a trial migration, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to your MigrationWiz account.
  2. Click on your migration project. If you haven't created a project, create a project (following the steps laid out in the Create a Mailbox Migration Project below) and add a user to that project.
  3. Select the user for whom you wish to perform the trial migration.
  4. Click on Start.
  5. From the drop-down list, click on   Trial Migration.
  6. Click on Start Trial Migration.

Special Considerations

The IMAP endpoint covers a range of source environments. The specific source setup procedure may vary slightly depending on your environment. 

Setting up the Endpoint

  1. Click Endpoints
  2. Click Add Endpoint
  3. Enter endpoint name
  4. For endpoint type, select IMAP
  5. Server name should follow the format: imap.example.com

  6. Enter server port. As a general rule, the server port will be either 143 or 993 (if using SSL).

  7. If you are using SSL, add a checkmark next to Use SSL.

Lotus Notes

The Lotus Notes endpoint is a source-only endpoint that may be used to migrate Lotus Notes mailboxes and Lotus Notes Resource Rooms. For migration guides and supporting documentation, see Lotus Notes Migrations.

Supported Connecting Endpoints

  • Microsoft 365 (for Lotus Resource Rooms)
  • On-Premises Exchange
  • Microsoft 365

Required License Type

User Migration Bundle (UMB) licenses


Lotus Notes requires local software installation to use MigrationWiz, as there are no remote APIs for the messaging system. The Lotus Extractor is a small console application (a standalone .exe file) responsible for extracting data from the Domino server and securely streaming this data to the MigrationWiz platform. The steps and requirements to install this extractor are included in the Prepare the Source Environment section of this guide. After installing the Lotus Notes Extractor, you can then manage the migration from the MigrationWiz web portal (e.g., to stop/start migrations, view statistics, etc.).

Setting up the Endpoint

  1. Click New.
  2. Enter the endpoint name.
  3. Endpoint type: Lotus Notes 6.5+.
  4. In the Server Name field, enter the Lotus Extractor Identifier.
  5. Create separate Source endpoints for each Extractor that you set up. These will be used when setting up your MigrationWiz projects. You will be setting up one MigrationWiz project per Extractor.
  6. The Lotus Extractor Identifier was generated when setting up your Lotus Extractor(s) and is at the top of the Lotus Extractor window.


Zimbra is only supported as a source endpoint for mailbox migrations. For migration guides and FAQs, see Zimbra Migrations.

Supported Connecting Endpoints

  • G Suite
  • On-Premises Exchange 2013+
  • Microsoft 365

Required License Type

User Migration Bundle (UMB licenses)

Setting up the Endpoint

  1. Click Endpoints
  2. Click Add Endpoint
  3. Select Zimbra 6.5+
  4. It is necessary to add all domains that will be part of the migration on either the Source or the Destination. This means that, if there are users in one project with domain names Sourcedomain.com and Destinationdomain.com, it is important to ensure that both of these are added under “Your Domains” when creating the endpoints. When adding a domain, you need to click the "+" button.
  5. Enter Zimbra server URL

  6. Click the Provide Credentials radio button, and enter the admin account credentials.

  7. Click Add
  8. Click Next Step

Other Document Endpoints


Dropbox is a source and destination endpoint for document migrations. For migration guides and supporting documentation, see Dropbox Migrations.

Supported Connecting Endpoints

  • Dropbox
  • Google Drive
  • OneDrive for Business
  • OneDrive for Business (GCC)
  • SharePoint

Required License Type

User Migration Bundle (UMB) licenses


Due to the latest Dropbox update, admin access is no longer automatic. Moving forward, to have access to a team folder by default, you will need to add yourself to the folder from the admin console. Admins will always have access to all team folders in the admin console on the Team Folders page.

Special considerations


MigrationWiz does not support the migration of Dropbox Teams Folders at this time except through the use of advanced options.

MigrationWiz currently does not support migration for new Team Space in Dropbox.
As per Dropbox help documentation, ‘Some teams have access to the new team folder structure. If you see a purple folder icon with one person on it on dropbox.com, you have the new team space.’

Maximum individual file size is 60GB.

Setting up the Endpoint

  1. Click Endpoints
  2. Click Add Endpoint
  3. Select Dropbox. 
  4. Leave the Provide Credentials option selected.
  5. Click Add Endpoint. 

File Server Home Directories & File Server File Shares

This endpoint may be used to migrate either File Server Home Directories or File Server File Shares. This endpoint may only be used for the source. For migration guides and supporting documentation, see File Server Migrations.

Supported Connecting Endpoints

Home Directories

  • OneDrive for Business
  • Dropbox
  • OneDrive for Business (GCC)

File Server File Shares

  • SharePoint
  • SharePoint Online
  • SharePoint Online (GCC)
  • Dropbox

Required License Type

User Migration Bundle (UMB) licenses

No licenses are required for File Server File Shares to SharePoint migrations.

Setting up the Endpoint

  1. Click Endpoints
  2. Click Add Endpoint
  3. Select Azure File System. 
  4. Enter the Storage Account Name and Access Key in the fields provided.

  5. Click Add Endpoint. 


This endpoint may be used as a source endpoint to migrate PST (Outlook Data File) instances to new environments, or as a destination endpoint to convert mailboxes or in-place archive mailboxes to PST files. For migration guides and supporting documentation, see PST Migrations.

Supported Connecting Endpoints

  • G Suite
  • Office 365
  • Mailbox locations

Required License Type

User Migration Bundle (UMB) licenses

Special Considerations

For projects exporting mailboxes or in-place archives to PST, the Destination is a Bring Your Own storage container on Azure. This will hold all of the PST files after the mailboxes have been exported to PST. The export of the selected mailboxes will be saved, in the Azure container, as one or more PST files per user mailbox. BitTitan Azure Storage is only available as a Source endpoint for PST migration.

A new PST will be created for every 10GB of data in a mailbox. This increases the export speed and leads to efficiency improvements.

Setting up the Endpoint

  1. Click Endpoints.
  2. Click Add Endpoint.
  3. Select PST.
  4. It is necessary to add all that will be part of the migration on either the Source or the Destination. This means that, if there are users in one project with domain names Sourcedomain.com and Destinationdomain.com, it is important to ensure that both of these are added under “Your Domains” when creating the endpoints. When adding a domain, you need to click the "+" button.

  5. Enter the Storage Account Name and Access Key in the fields provided.

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