Cannot retrieve folders from "folder"


Cannot retrieve folders from "folder".


This error occurs because MigrationWiz failed to gather the list of all the folders. By default, MigrationWiz allows one hour for document migrations to initialize the migration but, depending on the number of existing folders, this may take much longer than that.


The best solution is to increase the timeout by using the Advanced Support Option InitializationTimeout. This value is in hours, up to a maximum of 100 hours.  Values above 100 are in milliseconds. For example:​

Hours Miliseconds
  • InitializationTimeout=2 will increase the timeout to 2 hours.
  • InitializationTimeout=4 will increase the timeout to 4 hours.
  • InitializationTimeout=6 will increase the timeout to 6 hours.
  • InitializationTimeout=8 will increase the timeout to 8 hours.

 Review How do I add support options to a project or to a single item? to learn how to set an Advanced Support Option​ for your project or item(s).

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