Deploying Device Management Agent on Proxy Computers

Use command line parameters to deploy the BitTitan Device Management Agent (DMA) on computers that use a proxy.


If you install DMA on a computer that uses a proxy, without using the command line parameters outlined below, DMA will not transmit that computer's information to MSPComplete. To resolve this problem, uninstall DMA from the computer, delete the install logs found in the C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\BitTitan\ directory, and then reinstall DMA using the command line parameters outlined below.

Follow these steps to install DMA on computers that use a proxy:

  1. Identify which of the proxy configuration methods listed below is being used on your customer's computers, and use the corresponding command line parameter when installing DMA.
    Proxy configuration method Command line parameter
    Automatic detection No command line parameter is needed.
    Setup script -proxy-pac pacurl
    Manual setup -proxy-server ip:port
  2. Use one of the following recommended deployment methods for DMA:
    • Deploy DMA with a Group Policy Object (GPO): With this method, you enter the command line parameter into the GPO scheduled task. Read the How do I deploy the Device Management Agent with a Group Policy Object? article for more information.
    • Deploy DMA through email: With this method, you must provide end users with additional steps to run the DMA setup file with the command line parameters. Depending on the configuration method, copy and paste the appropriate set of instructions from the box into the email message that you will send to end users. Read the How do I deploy the Device Management Agent through email? article for more information.

      Deploy DMA through  scripted proxy Deploy DMA through manual proxy
      For computers that use a scripted proxy configuration method:
      1. Click this link: [Install BitTitan Desktop Management Agent Application]({dma_download_url} "Install BitTitan Desktop Management Agent")
      2. Save the Desktop Management Agent (DMA) setup file to your C:\ drive root folder.
      3. On your computer, click **Start**.
      4. Type **Run** into the search bar and open the Run desktop application.
      5. Type the command listed below into the **Open** text box and replace **<DMA setup file name>** with the exact name of the DMA setup file that is saved on your C:\ drive root folder.  

            C:\\**<DMA setup file name>** -proxy-pac pacurl  

            **Example:** C:\BitTitanDMASetup\_F4048C4401A81234\_.exe -proxy-pac pacurl  
      6. Click **OK**.
  3. To enable the Device Management Agent and DeploymentPro functions to bypass the URL, you can create a group policy that sets the following URLs as an exclusion:
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