MigrationWiz - Error - The collection has not been initialized. It has not been requested or the request has not been executed.

Error Message

Your migration failed checking Destination credentials. The collection has not been initialized. It has not been requested or the request has not been executed. It may need to be explicitly requested.


This error usually occurs when performing a migration to OneDrive for Business via user credentials when the collection doesn’t exist or has incorrect permissions. If the collection does not exist, MigrationWiz is unable to create the user collection while connecting with user credentials.  


The end user needs to log in to their Office 365 portal, click on OneDrive, and follow the steps to complete the creation of their OneDrive collection. They also need to verify that they have enough permissions to write data in their OneDrive.   If the error persists, check the name of the collection within Office 365, by following the steps below:  

  1. Log ​in to http://portal.office.com as an administrator.
  2. Click Admin.
  3. Click SharePoint.
  4. Click User Profiles.
  5. Click Manage User Profiles.
  6. In the Find profiles field, enter the name of the user and click Find.
  7.  Click on the user and select "Manage Personal Site".
  8. The browser's URL field will contain the complete name of the collection such as “/personal/user_name_test_com/”.

Make sure that the username in MigationWiz matches the collection name. The collection name will have characters such as ‘@’ and ‘.’ replaced by underscore.

  • The collection may include the name of another domain such as user_name_domain_onmicrosoft_com or user_name_previousdomain_com. Update the username in MigrationWiz to match the account with the correct domain such as user.name@domain.onmicrosoft.com or user.name@previousdomain.com
  • The collection may include a number at the end such as user_name_domain_com1. This usually occurs when a user was deleted then recreated later on. MigrationWiz can only access collections that match the username exactly. You will have to re-assign the collection that was assigned to the previous user and make sure to remove all content prior to the migration.
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