Your import contains at least one error, beginning on row x. error when attempting to Bulk Add from a .csv


Your import contains at least one error, beginning on row x. error when attempting to Bulk Add from a .csv


Attempting to Bulk Add migration line items to a MigrationWiz project using a .csv throws the error "Your import contains at least one error, beginning on row x", where x is the row number of the item causing the error.


After clicking Bulk Add in a MigrationWiz object, selecting a .csv file, and all of the fields are populated, clicking the green "Save" button throws the following error in a flyout window in the bottom right corner of the page, where x is the row number of the item causing the error:

"Your import contains at least one error, beginning on row x."

This issue can be caused by leading or trailing white space for one or more entries in the .csv file.


Below you can find a few quick ways to resolve this issue without having to manually inspect and edit each entry:

Using "Find and Replace" in Excel

If you are using Excel, you can use the Find and Replace feature to resolve this. You can use this feature by following these steps: 

  1. Right-click the .csv file in Windows Explorer, click Open With from the drop-down menu, and select Excel.
  2. Press CTRL + A to select all cells.
  3. Press CTRL + H to go to the Find and Replace window.
  4. Add a single space in the "Find what" field, leaving the "Replace with" field empty.
  5. Click Replace All.
  6. Go to the File tab and Save or press CTRL + S.

Using "Replace" in Notepad
The following can be done in Notepad to remove leading and trailing white spaces:

  1. Right-click the .csv file in Windows Explorer, click Open With from the drop-down menu, and select Notepad.
  2. Click Edit on the tools bar.
  3. Click Replace from the drop-down menu.
  4. Add a single space in the "Find what" field, leaving the "Replace with" field empty.
  5. Click Replace All.
  6. Close the Replace window.
  7. Click File on the tools bar and select Save from the drop-down menu.

After saving the file start the Bulk Add process from the beginning and select the updated .csv file to import migration line items from.

If you are on the Bulk Add Items page and the fields have already been populated after selecting the original .csv file, the entries must be cleared and the updated .csv file must be selected. The quickest way to do this is to click the up arrow button between the MigrationWiz logo and Bulk Add Items at the top left of the page to get back to the project level, then re-start the Bulk Add process.

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