MigrationWiz - Advanced Options Validation

MigrationWiz's Advanced Options feature enables users to detect and solve errors easily. 

In the image below, you can see two types of messages displayed on the AO page when validating them, these are validation notifications and field errors.


Validation Notifications

The validation notifications display messages about the current state of the advanced options list. When MigrationWiz encounters any errors regarding the support options display three types of messages at the bottom of the page.

Note that specific errors are marked with the message. 'Note that this support option will not be saved'. Despite any attempts, these options will not be saved.

This notification indicates that fields displaying the error text "Note that this support option will not be saved" will not be saved, regardless of any attempts made. Even if users click on Proceed and save

Options have been verified. Please ensure to save them by clicking on the save button.

This notification indicates that your MigrationWiz list is error-free, and you can save it without losing any data.

There are errors in the support options, Please correct them before saving the options. However, if you are confident in your inputs/commands, you can go ahead and save the options.

This notification states some errors should be reviewed and solved. To help you in the process, MigrationWiz shows the errors sorted at the top of the list, this means that all the advanced option errors come to the first page.

However, if you are sure the inputs are correct you can bypass the validation and save your advanced options by clicking on the link.

There are syntax errors in the support options. Please note that these support options will not be saved despite any attempts.

This message warns that there are syntax errors and MigrationWiz will not save them even if you bypass the validation.

You can find a full description of this type of error in the documentation below.  Remember that any fields with that error would not be saved even if they bypass the Validation.

Field Errors

MigrationWiz shows the errors under each field at the top of the advanced options list making it easy to find and fix them. Below you can find a full list of the errors.

Error: Invalid Value. Please provide a valid value for the specified support option.

  • Description 
    This error identifies the fields with the correct support option but with the wrong value. 
  • Workaround
    Review and change its value. 


If you are confident in your inputs, you can bypass the validation process, saving the current support options values.

Error: Unsupported Support Option. The specified support option is not recognized.

  • Description
    This error identifies the fields with the wrong support option.
  • Workaround
    Review and change the advanced option,


If you are confident in your inputs, you can bypass the validation process, saving the current support options values.

Error: Duplicate Support Option. The specified support option with the same key has already been added.

  • Description
    This error identifies and removes the duplicated fields and empty lines. 
  • Workaround
    There is no workaround.


Consider that in this case, MigrationWiz does not delete a row if the field also has a syntax error. It will show the field with the errors at the top of the AO list. 

Syntax Error: Invalid Syntax. The support option must be in the format 'Key'='Value' without spaces. Note that this support option will not be saved.

  • Description
    This error identifies the fields with syntax errors, showing the correct format of the support option. 
  • Workaround
    Correct the syntax errors in the fields.


In this case, MigrationWiz does not allow you to save the advanced options with these kinds of errors even if you bypass them.

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