The Support Options in MigrationWiz offer additional options to make your migration easier and more effective. These are not all available in every project, so each migration type will note which options are most useful to that project.
This article offers guidance on what each Support Option does, as well as how to make best use of them, and which environments they work with.
Use the navigation menu on the side of the screen to navigate to a specific section, or choose ctrl f and enter the copied option from your migration guide or other documentation.
Support Option Setup
In the Support Options section of MigrationWiz, you can set options for:
- A project, which affects all items in the project.
- A single item, that affects only that item in a project.
To set Support Options for a project:
- Open the project in MigrationWiz.
- Click Edit Project from the top and select Advanced Options.
- Under the Support section, enter the support option you wish to set.
- Click the + icon to add more than one support option.
- Click Save.
To set Support Options for a single item:
- Open the project in MigrationWiz.
- Click the Edit Item icon to the right of the item that you wish to edit.
- Under the Support section, enter the support option you wish to set.
- Click the + icon to add more than one support option.
- Click Save Item.
Support Options
Each option provides the specific command necessary, the supported environments, the supported migration types, any limitations or important information, and a description. We suggest that these options only be utilized after speaking with a Support agent, as some override existing MigrationWiz settings or permissions.
Mailbox Migration Support Options
Migrate Suggested Contacts
Option Command: MigrateGmailSuggestedContacts=1
Environment(s) & Scenarios: G Suite
Migration Type(s): Mailbox
Description: Migrates "Other Contacts" in Gmail migrations. If this option is not enabled, these contacts may not migrate.
Migrate Gmail All Calendar
Option Command: MigrateGmailAllCalendar=1
Environment(s): G Suite
Migration Type(s): Mailbox migrations
Description: Migrate all calendar items for a user. The default, without this flag, is to migrate only calendar items owned by the user.
Extended EWS Timeout
Option Command: ExtendedEwsTimeout=1
Environment(s): All
Migration Type(s): Mailbox
Description: Increase maximum EWS timeout value to 10 minutes (default is 5 minutes).
Shrink Folder Max Length
Option Command: ShrinkFoldersMaxLength=n
Environment(s): Mailbox environments
Migration Type(s): Mailbox migrations
Important: Replace “n” with the new character limit for the request URL.
Description: If a file path is too long, it may prompt the error REQUEST URL TOO LONG, as well as potentially cause other issues. This option allows for shrinking those URLs.
Store Overflow Google Properties
Option Command: StoreOverflowGooglePropertiesInNotes=1
Environment(s): Google
Migration Type(s): Mailbox migrations
Description: Stores unmappable extra fields (such as extra phone numbers) to contact bodies.
Suppress Reminder Days
Option Command: SuppressReminderDays=X
Environment(s): All mail environments
Migration Type(s): Mailbox migrations
Description: Suppresses reminders from previous calendar events, which can slow a migration.
Zimbra Calendar Expand Instances
Option Command: ZimbraCalendarExpandInstances=1
Environment(s): Zimbra
Migration Type(s): Mailbox migrations
Description: Expands calendar instances. This option is useful if Zimbra is missing calendars in the migration.
Recipient Mapping
Option Command: RecipientMapping=">"
Environments – Source: Exchange 2003+, Microsoft 365, Lotus Notes. Conditionally Supported: Google Apps, Zimbra – calendars support this option for these sources, but mail does not, due to being based on MIME content.
Migration Type(s): Mailbox migrations
Important: The recipient mapping above is only an example: do not copy this verbatim. Change it to reflect your tenant account name and your customer domain name.
Make sure to click on the "+" sign after entering your recipient mapping. If you do not do this, it will not be added.
Limitations: We do not support recipient mapping for the actual MIME content, so email MIME content-based migrations, such as Zimbra, won't have to remap for email. The MIME content is the information that is listed under Show Details, for a message, for most email systems.
Description: The left part is a RegEx applied to the recipient's email address. You can use more than one remapping expression. This is a very important step for Microsoft 365 to Microsoft 365 migrations. It ensures that emails are replyable to, even after the Full (Delta) Migration has occurred.
Document Support Options
Remove Existing Permissions When Unspecified
Option Command: RemoveExistingPermissionsWhenUnspecified=1
Environment(s) & Scenarios: Google Drive to OneDrive for Business; Dropbox (as destination).
Migration Type(s): Document
Description: This option is used to resolve any conflict of permission problems during certain types of document migration projects. This clears existing permissions from the Destination, before adding any new permissions.
Should Convert to O365 Format
Option Command: ShouldConvertToO365Format=1
Environment(s): Google Drive as Destination only
Important: This option will try to convert migrated items into Google Format.
Description: This support option takes the source system format and will convert it to the Microsoft 365 format.
OneDrive Import/Export URL
Note that this is a suite of options. Some or all may be applicable to your migration. For more information, contact Support.
Option Commands:
Exporting data:
- OneDriveProExportUrl= - Provides an override option for domain, tenant, and extension identification in OneDrive migrations for the source(export). By default, OneDrivePro attempts to detect this information. In some cases, there may be ambiguity that requires the customer or support to be specific.
- OneDriveProExportAdminUrl= - This is needed when the admin url is not in one of the standard formats and thus can't be derived from the OneDriveProExportUrl.
Importing data:
- OneDriveProImportUrl= - Provides an override option for domain, tenant, and extension identification in OneDrive migrations for the destination (import).
- OneDriveProImportAdminUrl= - Provides an override option for domain, tenant, and extension identification in OneDrive migrations for the destination (import).
Environment(s): OneDrive only
Migration Type(s): OneDrive as source or destination only
Important: The URLs listed in the command are examples only. Replace with your environment URL.
Description: Add these options if the administrative credentials are unable to verify the source or destination target OneDrive containers.
Map Permission Email by Pairs
Option Command: MapPermissionEmailByPairsInProject=1
Environment(s): OneDrive/Google Drive (Destination)
Migration Type(s): OneDrive/Google Drive as a destination only.
Important: Permissions generally cannot be migrated unless the prefix of the mail address is the same in the source and the destination. However, choosing Support Option MapPermissionEmailByPairsInProject=1 will allow permissions to be migrated without identical mail addresses.
Description: When OneDrive/Google Drive is the destination, this option can be used to map permissions by pairs in the project. to
Government OneDrive/Microsoft 365 Tenant
Note that this is a suite of options. Some or all may be applicable to your migration. For more information, contact Support.
Option Command:
To export from Germany, China, or US Government instances, enter:
- OneDriveProExportEnvironment
Then select one of the following:
- AzureGermanyCloud
- AzureChinaCloud
- AzureUSGovernment
To import to Germany, China, or US Government instances, enter:
- OneDriveProImportEnvironment
Then select one of the following:
- AzureGermanyCloud
- AzureChinaCloud
- AzureUSGovernment
Environment(s): OneDrive/Microsoft 365 tenants only
Migration Type(s): Document migrations
Important: This option must be used for all migrations involving China, Germany, or US Government instances.
Description: This option targets the needed URI to migrate data on these specialized Azure instances.
Note: If this option is not used for the listed migration instances, the following error will appear:
Your migration failed to check source credentials. Authentication Error: Bad username or password. You must call the Connect-MsolService cmdlet before calling any other cmdlets.
If this error appears, navigate back to the Project Setup and enter the appropriate option and environment before proceeding with your migration.
Increase Initialization Timeout Window
Option Commands: InitializationTimeout=X
This option can be adjusted as needed to the following parameters:
- InitializationTimeout=2 will increase the timeout to 2 hours.
- InitializationTimeout=4 will increase the timeout to 4 hours.
- InitializationTimeout=8 will increase the timeout to 8 hours.
- InitializationTimeout=7200000 will increase the timeout to 2 hours.
- InitializationTimeout=14400000 will increase the timeout to 4 hours.
- InitializationTimeout=28800000 will increase the timeout to 8 hours.
Environment(s): All
Migration Type(s): Document migrations
Important: This value is in hours, up to a maximum of 100 hours. Values above 100 are in milliseconds.
Description: This option increases the timeout limit to 8 hours.
Rename Conflicting Files
Option Command: RenameConflictingFiles=1
Environment(s): OneDrive
Migration Type(s): Document
Description: Enables document renaming to resolve conflicts
Option Command: DocumentBrowsingMode=FullCopy
Choose one of the following customizations: FullCopy | Strict (default)
Environment(s): All
Migration Type(s): Document
Description: Define the browsing strategy MigrationWiz uses for document scanning. All folders are migrated.
Ignore Conflicting Files
Option Command: IgnoreConflictingFiles=1
Environment(s): OneDrive/SharePoint
Migration Type(s): Document migrations
Description: Set this value to skip FileAlreadyExists exception in the One Drive (Sharepoint).
Ignore List View Threshold
Option Command: IgnoreListViewThreshold=1
Environment(s): All
Migration Type(s): Document migrations
Description: Allows the user to continue migration when the list view threshold (> 5000 items) is reached for a specific folder. If the option is not set, an error is logged and migration is halted.
Migrate External User Permissions
Option Command: MigrateExternalUserPermissions=1
Environment(s): Google Drive, Dropbox
Migration Type(s): Document Migrations
Description: Enable external user permission fallback.
Remove Existing Permissions When Unspecified
Option Command: RemoveExistingPermissionsWhenUnspecified=1
Environment(s): All
Migration Type(s): Document
Description: This option is used to resolve any conflict of permission problems during certain types of document migration projects by clearing existing permissions from the Destination before adding any new permissions.
Public Folder Migration Support Options
Use Display Name Permission Matching
Option Command: UseDisplayNamePermissionMatching
Environment(s): All
Migration Type(s): Public Folder migrations
Description: This options creates display name-based permission mapping, instead of account permission mapping, for Public Folder Permissions.
Skip Import Folder when Public Folder Exists
Option Command: SkipImportFolderWhenPublicFolderExists=1
Environment(s): Public Folder environments
Migration Type(s): Public Folder migrations
Description: Skips the update logic in ImportFolder for public folders that already exist. This skips permission and mail-enabled state lookup.
Allow All Mailbox Types for Public Folder Permissions
Option Command: AllowAllMailboxTypesForPFPermissions=1
Environment(s): All
Migration Type(s): Public Folder migrations
Description: Allow permissions to be migrated for security groups
Do Not Mail Enable Public Folders
Option Command: DoNotMailEnablePublicFolders=1
Environment(s): All
Migration Type(s): Public Folder migrations
Description: Set this value to skip the mail-enabled call on public folders that should be mail-enabled during migration.
Remove Filter Based on Folder Type
Option Command: RemoveFilterBasedOnFolderType=1
Environment(s): All
Migration Type(s): Public Folder migrations
Limitations: This option only works for Public Folder migrations.
Description: Whether to remove the filter based on folder type during import to allow multiple types of items in a folder (e.g. Calendar items in an Email folder).
Maintain Watermark Completion State
Option Command: MaintainWatermarkCompletionState=1
Environment(s): All
Migration Type(s): Public Folder Migrations
Description: This option allows MigrationWiz to maintain the completion state on a watermark folder across migrations so that it won't be re-processed on subsequent migrations.
All Migration Types Support Options
Folder Mapping
Option Command: FolderMapping="^FolderName->FolderName2"
Environment(s): All
Migration Type(s): All
Description: Remap folder paths at the destination. Left part is a regex applied to the folder path.
Collaboration Migration Support Options
User Mapping
Option Command: UserMapping=">
Environment(s): Teams
Migration Type(s): Collaboration migrations
Description: Allows for new or corrected usernames at the destination.
PST Migrations Support Options
PST Custom Endpoint Suffix
Option Command: PSTCustomEndpointSuffix=Azure URI
Environment(s): PST
Migration Type(s): PST
Important: Overrides default MigrationWiz settings.
Description: Allows PST to use non-standard Azure locations (i.e. This will override the MigrationWiz UI setting.