Error Message:
Azure SAS URL Expired: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.: The specified Azure SAS URL may have expired or will expire in the next 24 hours.
The Microsoft-provided storage URL is expired or will expire in the next 24 hours.
Note: If a URL expires before a project is complete, it is usually because the project is large enough that the migration is throttled by Microsoft. This causes the migration to run slowly and the URL expires before the migration is complete. We recommend that Microsoft-provided storage only be used when the total data amount of the project is less than 5 GB.
Option 1: Use Custom Storage (Recommended)
Set up a custom Azure Storage container as instructed in this article: Create a storage account.
Once the storage account is created, edit the endpoint in the MigrationWiz project.
- Open the Migration project that needs the new endpoint.
- Click Edit Project.
- Select Edit Project.
- Click on Destination Settings.
- Click on Edit Endpoint.
- Change the Azure storage option from Microsoft Provided Storage to Use Custom Azure Storage.
- Enter the requested information for the custom storage.
- Click Save.
- Restart the migration.
Option 2: Use Reset Items
Important Note: Do not use Reset Items for Collaboration (Teams) migrations or SharePoint/OneDrive migrations over 5GB. Contact Support for assistance in this situation.
- Select all items in the migration project.
- Click Reset Items button.
- Restart the migration.
Notes:- This process will not clear any already migrated items from the destination. This only clears the migration history in MigrationWiz and resets the Azure storage token.
- This token will expire again in time, per Microsoft policy, and this process will need to be repeated.