Error Message
Your migration failed checking destination credentials. Error loading teams: Found multiple teams with mailnickname teamsauto01 at destination tenant.
Microsoft does not allow non-Latin characters in team names. Teams with these characters will be assigned a "teamsauto01" nickname. If there are multiple teams with this nickname, MigrationWiz will mark these as duplicates.
For teams with duplicate mailnicknames:
- Install the Powershell Teams SDK module: Install-Module -Name MicrosoftTeams.
- Connect to the affected teams tenant: Connect-MicrosoftTeams.
- Run the following commands:
Set-Team -GroupId <groupId> -MailNickName <mailNickName>
groupId: Can be obtained from the graph API for the team that has a duplicate mailNickName
mailnickname: This can now be set to a unique mailnickname by the user. - Upon successfully running these above steps, the user should be able to continue with the assessment.