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Articles about migration errors when performing a Mailbox migration.
Account Exceeded Bandwidth Limits Error
Duplicate folder exists for two different item types and cannot be mapped
Error - G Suite - Unable to Create Label
Error - Invalid administrative credentials for Google discovery; Cannot connect to Contact API (denied) Failed
Error - System error (Failure)
Error during request execution: Code: 403, Reason: forbidden, Message: Forbidden
Error: Cannot connect to <endpoint> (Access denied)
Error: Cannot connect to Calendar API: Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError The user must be signed up for Google Calendar. [403] Errors.
Error: Cannot connect to Calendar API: Unauthorized Client. Client is unauthorized to retrieve access tokens using this method.
Error: Invalid sequence value
Error: Unable to decode message...encountered exception - Internal Mime error
Error:"invalid_grant", Description:"Invalid email or User ID", Uri:"" Cause: One or more errors occurred
Folders Truncated During Google Migration
G Suite – Error – Invalid recurringEventId value
G Suite/Gmail Files Not Migrating
Gmail Account is Not Enabled for IMAP Use - Error
Invalid administrative credentials for Google discovery. Cannot connect to Admin API - Error
Some messages could not be FETCHed
Storage quota exceeded
Your migration failed checking Source credentials. Cannot retrieve access token.